Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 147: Life is better than death

"You still have the face to say that I, when I mentioned Bai Youwei, who said that his own is his stubborn fan? And who said that you must find Bai Youwei, even if you can't sleep with her once, you are willing to kiss her to death? "

"You're talking nonsense, I killed you!"

The madman furiously rushed forward and fought with Cheng Zeyu.

Fight in the den and watch them bite the dog.

If it is an ordinary person, he may still be a little interested, but Wei Xiao, his face at this moment can no longer be described in words.

Bai Youwei is very beautiful, everyone knows that.

Wei Xiao also knew that many people in the base regarded his women as their dream lovers, but those were all imaginary. In front of him, people who have such thoughts don't even show it, they don't even dare to think about it.

But now, these two guys not only had this kind of thought, but they also said it in front of him. This was no longer something Wei Xiao could bear.

"Boom boom..."

Suddenly there was a gun in his hand, and Wei Xiao aimed several shots at their limbs.


The two scuffled together suddenly screamed apart.



Wei Xiao coldly looked at the two people who screamed on the ground: "Cut them off with sticks for me, then tie up their remaining bodies with wooden sticks and nail them on the billboard outside the city wall. Remember to let Yuyao deal with their wounds. Don’t die too early, I want them to die."

When Jiang Xue heard the words, her heart trembled.

"My lord, leave this to your subordinates, who promise you that they will take care of it." During Jiang Xue's hesitation for a moment, Jin Miaofeng volunteered.

"I let Xiaoxue go, didn't you understand?" Wei Xiao's voice was extremely cold.

Not to mention the two people screaming on the ground, but when they heard Lan Qiang, they all felt shuddering.

The Lord is really angry this time.

Facing Wei Xiao at this moment, Lan Qiang believed that anyone who dared to touch Wei Xiao's brows would not end well.

Jin Miaofeng was so scared that he backed away, lowered his head, not daring to breathe.

Jiang Xue knew that it was not the time to hesitate, her eyes were cold, and she greeted the four female beloved to drag the two screaming on the ground down.

"Lord, I will complete the task you gave me."

After speaking, Jiang Xue then left.

Not long after, a more miserable cry came from outside the fence, and at the same time, a car drove out from inside the base.

The people above don't need to guess that they are Li Yuyao and Shen Xiaocai.

The others who were still waiting for Wei Xiao's final decision were already terrified at this moment.

They dare not imagine what their next end will be.

"Master, how do you deal with the rest?" Ming Yulan asked.

According to everyone's idea, that is to let them get free.

Compared with the long-haired man, madman, and Cheng Zeyu's experience, letting them leave without any torture is already regarded as the kindness of Ming Yulan and the others.

Wei Xiao's face was still as cold as frost.

"Didn't the people in the engineering team also sacrifice a lot? Take them down and tell Old Tang that these people will be permanent slaves to the base from now on. Create a few shackles for them and let them all build the base for me. Let them do the heavy and tiring work. Don’t kill me until the wall is built."

"Understand." Ming Yulan glanced at these people sympathetically, and then instructed Jin Miaofeng to bring them to the construction site outside the base.

After dealing with these, Wei Xiao turned around.

"Yu Wei!"


"The security of the base is entrusted to your women's team. Don't have similar situations again."

"Guaranteed to complete the task."

"Everyone else goes back to rest."

Wei Xiao, who was not in a good mood, confessed a few words and walked towards the location of Villa One.

Villa One.

As soon as Wei Xiao entered the door, there was a gust of incense blowing towards him.

With a soft body into his arms, holding the little wife who threw into his arms, Wei Xiao rubbed her little head fondly.

"what happened?"

Bai Youwei raised her head, watching Wei Xiao with watery eyes.

"Husband, I was scared to death today. You don't know that after you left, a group of thugs wanted to occupy our base. If it weren't for Xiaoying and Instructor Ming, we almost fell into the hands of those thugs. I heard that for Several female soldiers died against them."

It's all things that Wei Xiao already knew.

However, since Xiaojiao's wife likes to act like a baby in front of her, Wei Xiao doesn't point her to her.

A kiss on her tender little cheek.

"Go in! It's all right now."

"Hmm! Husband hug me."

Wei Xiao smiled helplessly, and took Bai Youwei's body of eight or ninety kilograms by hand.

"Husband, are you back?"

"Master (Brother Xiao)!"

Wei Xiao nodded to everyone.

Holding Bai Youwei came to the lobby sofa and sat down.

Around, Shu Wang and the others sat down one after another.

"Are you scared today?"

Shu Wang shook his head: "There must be shocks, but I believe in the power of the base. Even without a husband, we are confident to guard our home."

"Yeah! Defend our home and don't let anyone occupy her." Yan Yi replied firmly.

Wei Xiao smiled.

Look at the phantom.

"Are there any injuries?"

The Phantom shook his head: "The enemy's strength is not strong, and the only person who is OK can't hold on to the three moves in front of me."

"Sister Xiaoying is amazing. If I have the same strength as Sister Xiaoying, I can also kill the Quartet."

The Phantom looked at Bai Youwei with cold eyes. Although she didn't say anything, those eyes that seemed to talk were undoubtedly telling her: Just you? The training is three days of fishing, two days of drying the net, but also want to kill the Quartet, dream! There is everything in the dream.

Feeling that her words were being questioned, Bai Youwei struggled to sit up from Wei Xiao's arms.

"Sister Xiaoying, what are your eyes? I'm serious. Huh! You wait, starting from today, I must train well, and when I become a master, I must beat all the enemies to the ground and leave no armor. "

"You insist on it for three days, and then if you can still complete the training in accordance with Xiaoying's rules after three days, let's talk about the rest."

"Sister, you bullied me again."

Shu Wang smiled, and then asked Wei Xiao seriously: "Husband, although today's incident did not cause much loss, this incident also reminds us. In the last days, the enemy we face is not only zombies. , There are other survivor teams. Do you have any plans for the security forces of the base in the future?"

When it comes to business matters, Wei Xiao's face becomes serious.

"It was Shu's negligence before and almost caused a big mistake. From now on, I will have two female soldiers by your side to protect you. In addition, once the base is expanded, the patrol range will be wider. No matter what I do in the future, I will stay. The next two or three combat teams are responsible for the security of the base. What happened today will not happen again."

"But will we not have enough manpower in this way?" Shu Wang asked.

"My husband and them need to go to the industrial zone to carry materials, and the base city wall construction and housing construction also need people. In addition to the farms and farms, although there are five or six hundred people in the base, there is not much to share." Jiang Xi Yu said.

Wei Xiao thought for a while and said, "There can be a reduction in the number of people in the industrial zone. In addition, because of Haixin Island's broadcast, there are gradually many survivor teams passing by in the Haitian District. We can try to take in a group of people. Obey the command, and the manpower issues of the base will be resolved soon."

"Master, did you say that the people who attacked our base this time were the survivors who went to Haixin Island?" Yan Chuan Huizi said suddenly.

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