Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 50: Reasons for attracting monsters


The security door was opened from the inside. The black blood stains on the ground outside the door could not be seen from the peephole inside. Zhang Xiaowen originally planned to tell the people inside to open the door later and wait for her to deal with it briefly. Unfortunately, the door opened, and a zombie's terrifying head was lying on the security door. After smearing a black and red mark on the security door, he fell straight in front of the two girls, looking up at the two girls.

"It's worse..." Zhang Xiaowen covered her ears with two fingers.


The Rubik's Cube's sound detection equipment instantly exploded and turned red, and screams echoed in the corridor for a long time...


Fifteen minutes later.

The Rubik's Cube, which was already considered a large toy racing car, stopped next to Zhang Xiaowen. Zhang Xiaowen was sitting on the sofa in the living room and watching the two girls in front of her perform the fastest food eating technique. The two of them had been living a miserable life these past few days. There was no electricity or gas. Fortunately, there is still some water in the water tank on the roof. There is no gas and we have to use fire to cook. But as a city dweller, who knows what heat and how to use fire to cook. The kitchen is dark with smoke and the floor is full of books. The paper was ashes, and the pitiful rice in the horse spoon was probably still raw. I coughed and ate the cream sandwich biscuits presented by Zhang Xiaowen regardless of the image.


"Eat slowly, don't choke, drink some water and rest for a while." Zhang Xiaowen handed over the kettle. The water in the kettle was from the mountain spring in Longshan Scenic Area. It was safe and delicious.

"Gudu~Gudu~Thank you, cough cough..."

Rubik's Cube was not interested in observing how these two girls gobbled. Instead, he searched for nearby radio broadcasts. Since the last time the country sent out a broadcast, it fell into silence. This is very unusual. You must know that once it starts broadcasting to the outside world, it will not stop. There are two possibilities for not receiving a signal so far. One, the radio station was captured by zombies, and two, there was something wrong with the person who sent the broadcast. Rubik's Cube is more inclined to the latter possibility.

Since you can't receive national broadcasts, just search for nearby wireless communications. The military's emergency response capabilities must have retained a lot of combat effectiveness, and there are also air force airports near Jiangcheng. These places may be using communication systems to contact higher-level headquarters. .

"Ziz... Hu... Hu... Ziz... Ziz..."

The eyes of Zhang Xiaowen and the other three people who were talking all fell on the Rubik's Cube. The two girls stared curiously at the large blue toy racing car in front of them. There was a noise similar to a radio coming from the car. Only Zhang Xiaowen's eyes lit up. This was The Rubik's Cube searches for the performance of broadcast signals. Where and what country is the broadcast signal coming from?

"This is...Jiangcheng...rescue center...water, food, residents please be careful not to...located in Xin'an Town...will definitely rebuild their homes, the mayor wishes to the general public..."

These words followed all the time. Rubik's Cube searched the nearby map and found that Xin'an Town is located behind two mountains on the west side of Jiangcheng City. It can be heard that there is a camp there, and the mayor is still alive. This is really incredible. Rubik's Cube then shared the camp location map with Zhang Xiaowen.

The two girls were disappointed after learning that Zhang Xiaowen was also a survivor. After much deliberation, they still felt that they should go to the Longshan Scenic Area Camp with Zhang Xiaowen. Now after listening to the broadcast, they immediately became more interested in the survivor camp established by the municipal government. This is also everyone's normal thinking. Besides, Xin'an Town is not very far from here, but if you want to get there, you must get Zhang Xiaowen's help. What the two of them can do when they go downstairs is to deliver food to the zombies.

"Cube, what do you think of that camp?"

"The city government camp is too dangerous. First of all, you have to cross the city to get to Xin'an Town. Needless to say, it is difficult. In addition, the place is too close to the city and there is no barrier. If the wind direction changes in a month or two, the location will be Turn to the upwind direction, and when the strong smell of human flesh and blood blows into the city along with the strong wind, the countdown to the destruction of the camp will begin. "The smell is not very strong when one or ten people are there, but when there are one hundred or eight hundred. The strong smell will definitely attract the attention of zombies. Just thinking about being surrounded by zombies that keep coming makes you feel a toothache.

To increase persuasion, the Rubik's Cube lights project a topographic map on the wall and demonstrate natural factors such as wind direction.

The two girls looked at the Rubik's Cube in surprise...

"Haha, my toy car is relatively high-tech. I made it myself, haha..." Zhang Xiaowen shrugged and said indifferently. Occasionally verbally occupying alien technology is still very fulfilling.

"By the way, are there any other survivors upstairs? Since we are rescuing, it would be better to save a few more. For example, are there any sounds or lights at night?"

"I remember...someone was lying on the balcony singing last night, and what they sang seemed to be..." The older girl was recalling.

"It's an elementary school nursery rhyme, with a male voice," the younger girl added, and the older girl nodded in agreement.

The corners of Zhang Xiaowen's mouth twitched. There really was someone standing in a high-rise building singing at night. How generous he was. He probably wanted to release the pressure of the apocalypse because he saw that the zombies couldn't bite him. I hope he didn't cause trouble to himself because of his singing. After all, to zombies, no matter what the lyrics are, they are the same as having dinner.

"I'll go upstairs to check first. You two stay here quietly and don't yell anymore."

The two girls nodded fiercely. Seeing that the two girls were more obedient, Zhang Xiaowen took out a bag of sandwich biscuits from her bag.

"How did you two attract zombies just now?" Zhang Xiaowen has always been confused about how to attract zombies in the bedroom. Zombies don't have clairvoyance eyes, right?

The two girls shook their heads continuously to express that they did not know. When Zhang Xiaowen was wondering, the sound of the Rubik's Cube sounded in the headphones.

"I think I know why there are zombie attacks." After speaking, the Rubik's Cube stopped at the door stretched out a mechanical arm and took out a red sanitary napkin from the unpacked garbage bag at the door... This The things are placed next to the door. If the zombies outside can't smell the smell of blood, the Rubik's Cube will walk backwards.

The younger girl immediately lowered her head to look at her toes when she saw the movement of the Rubik's Cube. She rubbed her clothes hard with her little hands and her face turned red.


Zhang Xiaowen's eyelids twitched and she rolled her eyes at the Rubik's Cube.

"From now on... it's better to put this thing in the bathroom and wait for effective treatment. Remember not to open the door randomly unless I come to find you." After saying that, he quickly opened the security door and walked out with the Rubik's Cube. The smaller girl behind him quickly closed the security door. The door, the former neighbors outside the door are still lying on the ground.

After driving to the stair passage, the Rubik's Cube clicked a few times and turned into a robot again. It struggled to climb up one step at a time, but it was still much faster than before.

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