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Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Two

What if these butchers who kill without blinking have a fever in their heads and suddenly attack the compassionate great sage? In case of injury to the Great Sage of the Compassionate Sage, even if they were cut into 10 million pieces, the injury or even death of the Great Sage would not be restored. [Muyu brother-the fastest update, the first full text]

Many people are worried about the great sage, and at the same time, more people admire the great sage. In order to persuade Shengyuan* all people to be good, they are willing to put themselves in an extremely dangerous situation!

Although, there are quite a few people who secretly think that the great sage is very stupid, and even bringing such a dangerous murderer by his side is definitely a broken brain.

There are also some people who think that great sages are basically doing political shows, accumulating reputation for themselves, or simply political gambling! It has ulterior motives at all, and is not a true compassionate saint.

But people who suspect that his brain is broken, or those who think he has ulterior motives, dare not jump out publicly to express their opinions.

In the great sage, the reputation of the son of light is as high as the sun, and he is called the saint of mercy. In a short period of time, the reputation of the Pope Zhang Guangming of the Temple of Light and the limelight of the Emperor of the Aegis is completely overshadowed, becoming the Dumex country, and even Sheng Yuan * The most popular celebrity.

In this case, he publicly accuses him of broken brain, or that he has ulterior motives. It does not require the great sage to speak. Those who make negative guesses about the great sage will immediately be brought to life by the people's saliva. Of drowning.

Listening to the comments and discussions of people on the street, Chu Nan was somewhat relieved. The hype this time seems to be very successful. The popularity can no longer increase in a short time. You must wait for everyone to digest part of it before continuing. Do the next round of hype.

Hype, this thing will always be endless. In a society where Earth Communications is so developed, even the big-name celebrities still have to show up some lace news from time to time. If there is no such thing, just create some scandals on their own, let the paparazzi “unintentionally” catch them, and then jump out deny.

Maintaining exposure is the primary criterion for being a star! The Son of Light, the Great Sage can also be regarded as a star-like existence to some extent. The hype about lace news can only arouse people's disgust, so from time to time, we can only hype up the saint's style news.

Afron watched for just three days, Chu Nan's prestige and reputation among the people, secretly wiped his sweat in his heart. Fortunately, he sent someone back to inform, otherwise this time it would be really troublesome. The speed of the great sage's rise That is beyond imagination!

What made Avren even more puzzled was Chu Nan's understanding of the inheritance of combat skills. That is called a profound! That's called a profound!

The barbarian's combat skills, he can talk, and the druid's combat skills, he can give pointers. The dignified light paladin Yashili also went to ask for advice in a low voice. Afron said casually about the inheritance of the family's combat skills. The next day the great sage could say more incisive remarks about his family's combat skills, and even said things that Afron had never heard.

However, according to Chu Nandi's explanation, the inheritance of these combat skills that he had never heard of was indeed their Afron family! And even if it is the inheritance of combat skills already known. In terms of explanation, the great sage is also eloquent, and can always explain a lot of explanations that are surprising.

After a few days, Avron had gradually turned into a fanatical worship from the initial suspicion of Chu Nan! Although there are still some infinite doubts, I don't know why Chu Nan knows so much, but at this time he can no longer take care of this. Chu Nan even opened his mouth to say something yesterday. It has long been classified as the inheritance of lost combat skills by their family!

The inheritance of lost combat skills! The family has been struggling to find the inheritance of combat skills that made their family one of the rises for many years. People who thought they had been desperate for several generations were discovered by him!

Avren is almost crazy! He is not the only young generation in the family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is just one of the cultivators of the next generation. Being able to win over the Great Sage has already greatly improved his status. If he can find the inheritance of combat skills lost in the family, it will truly be a great feat!

For the family. Also for myself. Afron had already planned to put all his wealth on Chu Nandi. success. It's a big success! failure! That fortune-telling is not good enough to rely on anyone!

"Master Viscount, the town of Dibit is in front of you." A scout who went to explore the road returned to report, interrupting Afron's non-stop thinking: "After investigation, it was found that all personnel except the Temple of Light were missing. The noble lord here Also missing."


Chu Nan walked out of the carriage, Shenglonglong's fighting spirit kept strengthening his body. Now his hearing is getting more and more exaggerated. Yesterday he even heard Lucy, and Nancy's sisters quietly discussed their arrival. For this reason, a carriage was specially equipped for the two of them.

Looking up at the sky, the sun is clearly hanging there, and it is only about two o'clock at noon. The sun is very warm. How can people get chills?

I looked around and found that everything was normal around me, but there was always a feeling of gloomy atmosphere because it was too quiet.

Chu Nan frowned. This gave him a very uncomfortable feeling. The missing word made his scalp feel numb.

"Yes." The scout replied seriously: "The people in the town don't know when they disappeared."

"Oh!" Chu Nan nodded, and said simply: "That's good! Now immediately turn around and we will head towards the Temple of Light."

"Go back?" The scout was stunned, why did he leave as soon as he came? Just go back, how can I explain to the Pope Bright?

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