Apparent Expert in an Alternate World

Vol 2 Chapter 202: Reverse god

oracle? Magic? After two consecutive words, Chu Nan felt a little confused in his head.

"It's almost a skill that can only be used by gods." Zhaojun paused and added: "If God agrees and selects several spokespersons, then several spokespersons can also borrow power from God and use oracles in a certain range. The stronger the god, the greater the power of the oracle."

"So..." Chu Nan was really shocked this time, and Harry turned out to be one of the spokespersons of the God of Light!

"If two gods use the oracle at the same time, then the **** with a higher rank will have an effect." Zhaojun continued to explain unhurriedly: "If two spokespersons use the oracle with each other, it depends on the two parties themselves. The strength of the gods, the power of the gods behind them, and how much power they can borrow from the gods."

Chu Nan was a little dizzy when he heard it. The Great Judgment Art didn't sound like it could be used by the Temple of Light, and other temples might have the same existence.

When I thought of the Temple of the Gods of War, and the Temple of the Gods, Chu Nan couldn’t help feeling a cold sweat. This thing was suitable for assassination, but maybe he didn’t see what the opponent looked like. Died confused.

"I said, is there a way to prevent this?" Chu Nan looked at Zhaojun very concerned.

"Many ways." Zhaojun said lightly: "The simplest way, you are also a god."

Chu Nan curled his lips: "Obviously, I am not." "If you absorb enough faith, you can also become a god."

"I'm afraid I haven't absorbed enough faith, and I'll be killed by someone."

"Then be a **** before you die."

"What should I do if I can't become a **** before death?" Chu Nan asked, "Don't you have other ways?"

"I don't like other methods." Zhaojun shook his head irresponsibly: "So, you have only one way. Become a god."

Become a god? Chu Nan sighed, he still understands Zhaojun's temperament, and if he continues to argue about this issue, there will be no progress.

"Then, you should always tell me. How can I become a **** as soon as possible?" Chu Nan slightly complained: "What is the principle of the oracle, should you always know?"

"The oracle doesn't need a principle." Zhaojun said seriously: "In a sense, the gods have absolute power, except for those who rebel against the gods. God can destroy almost everything. So the oracle has no principle."

"God rebellious?" Chu Nan heard a new term from Zhao Jun again: "What is rebellious God?"

Zhaojun replied without thinking, "Li Berius is a godly rebel."

"That's Li Beilius? How did you know?" Chu Nan became more and more suspicious whether Zhaojun had recovered his memory, and she could answer all questions.

"No reason is needed." Zhaojun still had his usual selfish attitude: "The first time I saw him, I knew that he was a **** rebellious and a very strong **** rebellious."

"God rebels are not afraid of oracles, right?" Chu Nan felt that he was about to find a way to resist the great judgment technique.

Jun nodded: "But the appearance of **** rebellious is a special existence. In a sense, they are another form of god. Without that unique blood, they can never become **** rebellious."

Chu Nan's eyes widened. Some unwillingly asked: "You mean, rebellious people are born? If they are not born, then are they?"

"That's it." Zhaojun said, easily destroying the shortcut that Chu Nan had just discovered.

Become a god... Chu Nan was silent again. If you can catch a living god, dissect him, and study and understand the principles of the structure of gods, it will be the worst. You can also use various methods to directly transform your body, completely transforming it into the characteristics of a god, maybe you will directly become a god.

Dissecting the rebellious? Chu Nan curled his lips. If he didn't know Li Beilius, he would dissect it, but if he gets along with him, as long as he is a bit humane. Will not start with his companions.

"Anything else?" Zhaojun asked. Interrupted Chu Nan's thinking.

"Yes!" Chu Nan took out the blue crystal arm from the space bracelet: "There is also this, do you know?"

"God bone?" Zhaojun answered. Once again, Chu Nan was surprised. These days, Chu Nan has been in a situation where others are surprised at him. He didn't expect that Zhaojun's two answers in a short time today surprised him twice.

"Yes." Zhaojun took the blue crystal arm and looked at it left and right: "This is a god's arm. Only the god's arm can become a crystal after losing its vitality. But..."

"But what?" Chu Nan was nervous and excited. He always wanted to study the gods. He never had a chance. He didn't expect that he actually got a pick of the gods' arms! Then use the soul fire of the alchemy king to analyze, perhaps, there will be unexpected gains!

"This is a very bad god." Zhaojun said lightly: "Only a **** with very bad strength, when his body loses vitality, will it become this blue crystal."

"What will that great change?" Chu Nan subconsciously asked casually.

Zhaojun said eloquently: "Red, green, and even golden yellow. Maybe... there is also purple."

Listening to Zhaojun's final tone, Chu Nan didn't care too much. Such information was beyond his imagination.

"Even if it is the worst god, at least it is still a god?" Chu Nan smiled happily, "A good harvest!"

"He can't even stop Li Beilius with a single shot." Zhaojun's words poured on Chu Nan's head like a basin of cold water. You must know that even Chu Nan's practice these days can barely block Li Beilius's few shots. attack.

"It's not Liberius in this state." Zhaojun added: "I mean, when Liberius was very strong."

"..." Chu Nan was silent for a while and still asked, "What kind of level is this god, placed in the hands of a heavenly master?"

"Heaven-level master?" Zhaojun smiled: "Except for the existence of special individuals like Li Beilius who leapfrogged and murdered, any heaven-level master, even the worst god, has no power to counterattack when facing gods. The gap between the two is like a direct gap between a heaven-level master and an earth-level master. This is the strength of a god-level master."

"God-level..." Chu Nan swallowed his saliva. After coming to the Saint Yuan Continent for so long, he always thought that the Heaven-level masters were top-level existences, and Zhao Jun unexpectedly jumped out of his mouth. God level!

Zhaojun looked at Chu Nan casually and asked, "A heavenly master, can you destroy a city while raising your hand?"

"..." Chu Nan shook his head.

"Can a heavenly master easily destroy a mountain to smash it?" Zhaojun asked again.

"..." Chu Nan shook his head again.

"A Heavenly Master..."

Chu Nan shook his head again and again, his head shook like a wave, anything Zhaojun asked. It is impossible for a heavenly master to do it.

"All of these can be done by a god-level master." Zhaojun seemed to be talking about something that was not worth mentioning.

"Why haven't I met a god-level master?" Chu Nan asked again, "Why are there only rumors in the Saint Yuan Continent that a heaven-level master is the most apex existence?"

Zhaojun smiled: "Ordinary people in Helen City, can you know what the food on the table of the Emperor Dumex looked like?"

Chu Nan shook his head...

"The beggar on the street, can you guess how rich you are?" Zhaojun asked again.

Chu Nan shook his head again.

Zhaojun smiled brilliantly: "How can I know the affairs of the upper echelons without standing at that height? Not to mention..."

"What's more?" Chu Nan asked closely: "I am also a heaven-level master, so why don't I know the existence of a god-level master."

"Not to mention..." Zhaojun sighed. Supporting the velvet carpet on the ground with both hands, as if recalling a heavy past, with a bit of emotion in his tone: "What's more, there are no god-level masters in Saint Yuan Continent."

"No? What does this mean?" Chu Nan was a little confused by Zhaojun.

"I don't know what it means." Zhaojun stood up: "I only remember these. Okay! That's it for today. I'll leave Facing people with amnesia, Chu Nan also knows to take laissez-faire. Free-flowing attitude.

There is a lot of information obtained today, and he needs to digest it quietly.

"Oh! That's right!" Zhaojun walked out the door and said back: "The borrowed oracle, if the borrowed land is too small. At best, it is just a spiritual magic. Spiritual magic? Chu Nan was stunned, a spiritual shock? Can cause the body to be unable to move?

Chu Nan wanted to ask more, but found that Zhaojun had already disappeared at the door of the room.

Gently stroking the bones of the gods, Chu Nan quietly felt the power in the bones. Perhaps he could find some information about the gods through the bones, and then follow the vines to find a way to unlock the magic?

Chu Nan kept encouraging herself. The fire of the soul of the alchemy king was called out from his body again.

"Last time. It was the soul. This time it was the bones of the gods!" Chu Nan muttered to himself and threw the bones of the gods into the fire of the alchemy king's soul: "Manzhou really has a relationship with me, or I can unlock a lot of me here. I don’t know the secret. Here in Manzhou. I really might have come right!"

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