Apprentices Of Meiman: Venom Draws Twelve Spells At The Beginning

093 Crit Sublimation! Obtain The Four Magic Energy! (Full Order For The Fifth Update In 4K!)

After trying to memorize it, Wolverine got out of the car.

Cyclops looked at Wolverine and said, "It's really impossible to catch up.

At that time, we will go to Li Xiu together and apologize to him.

Li Xiu is so strong, even if Wanda wants to make trouble, it is almost impossible.

So, big deal, we went to the door and apologized in person. "

Wolverine nodded, "I see.


Wolverine directly opened the eight doors.

Red blood spurted out.

A torrential heat wave erupted from him.

Hit Cyclops in the face, making Cyclops feel hot.

Cyclops covered his face: "I'll go, your temperature is too amazing."


Wolverine didn't reply him.

Instead, he rushed out directly.

He jumped up and rushed directly to the tall building.

Like a swift arrow, it sprinted on the tall buildings and quickly disappeared from Cyclops' sight.

The skinny man sighed: "I'm going, it's indeed Wolverine. Jumping up the building, this terrifying jumping ability is simply scary."

Cyclops watched Wolverine's disappearing voice, and remembered the other's gravitational Ability.

Suddenly he sighed slightly.

I thought, if you know that he also has the ability of gravitation.

You probably don't know what real terror is.

HYDRA headquarters.

A group of people sit in front of a large number of display screens and manipulate a large number of devices.

Baron Strucker, one of HYDRA's top executives, stands behind him.

"Baron! We can't get in touch with the Quicksilver brothers and sisters! It seems that the communication function of the mobile phone has been compromised!"

After hearing this, Baron Strucker frowned: "How could that be?" "Five nine three"

"It should be that the brothers and sisters met Cyclops and Storm Girl just now, and were attacked by their Abilities, causing damage to some functions."

Baron Strucker began, "Are they still on the trail?"

A section of monitoring was immediately called out and placed on the big screen in front of him.

It is the scene of Wanda riding in the car.

"Report Baron, Wanda is still tracking Catwoman. As long as Catwoman is caught up, the mission will be completed.

At this moment.

A monitor was called out again.

It was a section of surveillance in the racecourse.

Video of Quicksilver being held by Wolverine and beaten.

Pixels are mediocre though, and there's no sound.

"Baron! Quicksilver appears to have been captured by Wolverine from the X-Men!"

Baron Strucker horrified: "How?! How could Wolverine catch Quicksilver?!

Even though Wolverine's speed is extremely fast after boosting, how can it still be impossible to catch up with Quicksilver's speed?

Replay the video, let me see!"

"Yes! Baron!"

Then the surveillance video began to replay.

Then everyone saw Quicksilver standing there sluggishly, and Wolverine didn't come much.

Even after being beaten up by Wolverine, Quicksilver didn't run away, but stood where he was.

Seeing such a surprising scene.

Everyone was stunned.

Quicksilver stood there being beaten, just didn't move, it looked very outrageous.

"It appears that Baron Quicksilver was captured willingly..."

Baron Strucker's face was ugly: "How is it possible? Even if he was caught voluntarily, after being beaten, he must have related stress reactions.

As a result, you look at your Quicksilver, you were beaten like that, and your whole body didn't move at all.

This is obviously under control! By an invisible force!"

Baron Strucker stares at the video: "Damn! What the hell is going on? Wolverine's new Ability?

Why would Wolverine have a new Ability? What the hell is going on?"

Baron Strucker's eyes were filled with disbelief: "Damn it, is Wolverine really a Mutant?

Why is he so different from the other Mutants?"

Just at this time.

A gasp sounded.


A person suddenly exclaimed: "Baron! Something unexpected happened!"

"What's going on?" Baron Strucker asked.

"Catwoman... entered Li Xiu's apartment!" There was a trace of fear in the man's words.

Hearing this, everyone around took a deep breath.

Immediately, I felt a rush of cold air up my spine.

Li Xiu?

Gotham Li Xiu?

A terrifying figure flashed in the hearts of everyone in an instant.

Hearing this, Baron Strucker hurriedly asked: "You mean Li Xiu who suppressed Zod?!"

The man swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Yes, Baron."

Immediately the video was placed on the big screen.

I saw Catwoman walking into the apartment where Li Xiu was.

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Baron Strucker's forehead: "You hack into the apartment's surveillance system to see if Catwoman went to Li Xiu's floor.

Li Xiu's high level apartment belongs to the large flat floor.

Each resident is directly on one floor.

"Yes! Baron!"

Immediately there was a sound of keyboard tapping.

Then the surveillance in the elevator appeared.

They also saw the floor that Catwoman was pressed on.

39 floors.

"Is this Li Xiu's floor?" Baron Strucker's voice trembled slightly.

"Yes." Beads of sweat the size of soybeans appeared on the man's forehead.

Baron Strucker raised his voice immediately: "Stop Wanda's behavior immediately! Make her give up the mission!"

"But, Baron...the communication system has been damaged, we can't contact Wanda at all..."

Hearing this, the baron's face turned pale.

Obviously caused by extreme fear.

There's no way, that's Li Xiu after all.

Directly let their high-level meeting be completely silent, and dare not mention the name again.

They didn't intend to provoke Li Xiu in the first place.

Unexpectedly, this Catwoman has something to do with Li Xiu.

This moment made the baron panic.

If Wanda went to Li Xiu to make trouble, or really shot Catwoman.

Then Li Xiu knew that HYDRA was behind them.


Thinking of this, the baron suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

The baron raised his voice: "Damn it! Immediately use all your power to find Wanda for me! You must not let her enter Jixiu's house!

She must not be allowed to continue this mission!"

"Yes!" A voice echoed throughout the room.

The whole HYDRA moves.

The members in Gotham quickly rushed towards Li Xiu's apartment, trying to stop Wanda.

Prevents Wanda from continuing to complete the quest.

A group of people are rushing to Li Xiu's apartment from all directions, and Wanda is also rushing to Li Xiu's apartment.

HYDRA is racing against time and everyone is extremely nervous.

After all, it involved a man with godlike powers.

On Wanda's side, she has no idea what's going on on HYDRA's side.

She was sitting in the car, looking outside, looking at this unique city.

Wanda from At the moment is still very young, her face is full of collagen, she is very cute and beautiful.

"The houses in this city all look very old, and they all look like century-old buildings."

The driver laughed and said, "That's natural, our Gotham city can be considered an old city. Some of these buildings in the main city are even more than two hundred years old.

It has been engraved with historical stories. Our sense of history in Gotham is very rich. "

After hearing what the driver said, Wanda smiled sweetly.

However, the driver didn't know that once this beautiful and harmless girl got out of control, she would be a terrifying killer.

He also doesn't know that the purpose of the other party's trip is Catwoman.

What's more, they didn't know that the other party was going to Li Xiu's house.

If you know these.

I'm afraid the driver won't be able to laugh, he will only feel the speed of the road.

Time pulled back to Li Xiu's side.

He thought that the people who came were some fanatics, and he was going to open the door to teach him a lesson.

After opening the door.

Immediately, a sexy figure walked in.

Seeing the visitor, the corner of Li Xiu's mouth twitched: "You're here."

The person who came was none other than Catwoman.

Catwoman took off her shoes and came in barefoot.

Her little white and powdery feet stepped on the stone bricks.

The slender and graceful figure exudes beauty and allure.

It can be said that Catwoman is the most attractive woman Li Xiu has ever seen.

Catwoman's plump red lips parted slightly: "The one-month duel time was agreed upon, so I'm here.

Are you ready? Get me breakfast for a month. "

Li Xiu listened to what the other party said, with a smile on his mouth: "It seems that you are already mentally prepared to be my nanny for a month.

Catwoman twitched her lips: "You're still dead. If you lose in a while, you will know what real fighting skills are."

From Catwoman's point of view, Li Xiu was a fighting rookie a month ago, even if he worked hard this month.

It was still a slightly mature fighting chicken.

She didn't think Li Xiu could do anything out of the ordinary.

Catwoman said: "By the way, you can't use your Ability.

Otherwise, I can't be your opponent at all. After all, your strength is so perverted now. "

Li Xiu shrugged his shoulders: "Don't worry, you are so good, you can suppress you with just fighting skills."

Hearing this, Catwoman almost wanted to laugh out loud: "Although you tortured a group of Superman today, strength and pure fighting are two different things."

Catwoman thought that she could suppress Li Xiu through melee and bully him a bit.

Thinking that this is one of the few areas where he can bully Li Xiu.

Catwoman's mood lifted immediately, she was very happy.

She walked towards it with a smile on her face: "Don't worry, I will be gentle and not hurt you. After all, you still have to cook for me.

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to step forward and pat Li Xiu on the shoulder as a token of condolence.

As a result, Li Xiu's shoulder has not been patted yet.

Both cheeks were pinched by Li Xiu.

Soft, very comfortable to hold.

Li Xiu said with a smile: "Some are too complacent, and they will cry after a while."

With that, he let go of Catwoman's face.

Then walked to the center of the living room.

The living room is very large, completely enough for two people to engage in close combat.

After all, dozens of people can usually be accommodated.

Catwoman's face was pinched by Li Xiu again, and she bared her teeth in an instant, like a kitten with fried fur.

She glared at Li Xiu's back, and thought to teach you how to be a man!

Catwoman walked across from Li Xiu, feeling excited.

Thinking that she can also bully and bully Li Xiu, she is in a good mood.

As a person who has been bullied and suppressed all the time, I am naturally happy when I think of being able to stand up and become the master.

Catwoman declares again: "You must not cheat with your Abilities!"

Nodding: "Don't worry, I still have this credit."

Catwoman was excited, and gave a shallow drink: "Then I'm coming!"

Catwoman cuts directly to Li Xiu's side, punching Li Xiu with her fist.

Li Xiu blocked it easily.

Catwoman threw out several punches at high speed, each punch was neat and straight to the point.

Absolutely no bells and whistles.

This is the strength Catwoman honed through combat and study for more than ten years.

Strong Melee Ability.

This is one of the reasons why she was able to survive in Gotham and eventually became a general in the hands of the fish mother.

bang bang bang!

However, these fierce and complicated offensives

They were all resolved one by one by Li Xiu leisurely.

After a few tricks, I got down.

There was a storm in Catwoman's heart.

The so-called master's tricks, see the real chapter for details.

After a short fight, Catwoman discovered that Li Xiu's melee ability has changed drastically compared to a month ago.

The change is so great, as if the other party has changed a different person.

With constantly grips.

She found that Li Xiu's melee ability had risen to a terrifying level.

She couldn't even do anything to him.

How can this be?

One person trained fighting skills to this level in a month?

Even the most talented person can't do it! After all, it takes time and sweat to achieve the top 4.1 level.

Which fighters have not gone through more than ten years of hard training.

In a month's time, it is very good to be able to fully understand fighting and get started.

How could it be possible to rush from beginner to peak in one go.

But she found that Li Xiu did it.

Catwoman gritted her teeth, she didn't believe that she would lose to someone who was still a rookie in fighting for a month.

The movements of her hands and feet were a little more violent.


The wind is fierce in the fist, and the whip leg is like iron.

But Li Xiu seemed to be an outsider, taking all the attacks with a light smile, everything was very orderly and orderly.

In stark contrast to Catwoman's all-out effort.

In the end Li Xiu turned from defense to offense.

bang bang bang.

Just a few tricks.

Still haven't waited for Catwoman to respond.

She immediately lay on the ground.

She opened her eyes wide, and quickly got up: "You...know how to fight before?"

Just when Li Xiu wanted to speak.

The sound of the system sounded in his ears.

"Ding! Wolverine uses the drawing opportunity! The corrected version [Moon's Devil Qi] is drawn!"

"Ding! Crit sublimation! The host gets four modified versions of magic energy!

Ding! Get [Moon Demon Qi]!

Ding! Get [Mountain Magical Qi]!

Ding! Get [Magic Energy of Wind]!

Ding! Get [Thunder and Lightning Magic Energy]!"

(Thank you for the reminder ticket with the number starting with [18827]! Thank you [Say it and leave it] brother for 100 points reward! Continue to ask for flowers and tickets! Please book all! Every day 1.7,

For the 20,000 update, the author tried his best to code, please support me with full order. Also, this chapter has pictures. ).

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