Arcane Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 2771: The Elemental Tower conspiracy is about to begin

Erlan intends to introduce the Elemental Tower from Calimshan?

When he first heard the news, Shado thought Tarafu was joking. There was no forced geographical barrier between the North and the South. If Erlan wanted to introduce the Elemental Tower, would he still have to wait until today?

But Tarafu didn't look like he was joking, and the introduction of the elemental tower could be concealed in the early stage. Once the elemental tower was established, or even as soon as construction started, it would be difficult to conceal the news.

But why is this?

Xia Duo was puzzled. Looking at the history of the elves in the North, it seemed that there had never been any period or country that had a particularly high demand for gems.

Gemstones are indeed rare and precious, but the Northland is not without production, especially Danzo, which is an important gem exporter in the Northland.

The Underdark is rich in minerals, and dwarves are good at prospecting and mining. It can be said that there is never a shortage of gems. If they are really scarce, they are large quantities of high-quality gems that can be used to make energy cores.

With normal use and consumption, not only is there no scarcity in Northland, but there is a tendency for surplus.

During the previous water vapor migration in Netheril, Shado had talked to Talaf about Calimshan's elemental towers. Only a small number of high-standard elemental towers could produce high-quality materials for making energy cores. gem.

Ordinary elemental towers produce a variety of common elemental gems, and occasionally can produce individual high-quality products, but it is still a bit meaningless to say that they can be used to make energy gems.

In Calimshan, the biggest use of elemental gems is to raise elemental creatures. Is it possible that Erlan introduced the elemental tower just to raise elemental creatures?

It's not impossible!

The elemental essence produced by elemental creatures is related to the automated development of the magic industry. It is impossible for Sha Duo to say that he is not worried at all, but he cannot show too much importance, otherwise Kalishan will inevitably Another price increase.

Thinking of this, Xia Duo naturally skipped this topic and did not go into details. After all, Tarafu telling him this was somewhat suspected of leaking secrets. He quickly changed the topic and asked Tarafu:

"I wonder what the Mairead family thinks of the cooperation plan I proposed last time?"

At the end of the last water vapor migration, which was actually at the beginning of this month, when he was bidding farewell to Tarafu, he proposed a plan to introduce elemental pasture, which was—

The Mairead family taught him how to breed wind elements, and then he would sell cheap elemental essences to the Mairead family. If there are breeding techniques for other elemental creatures, he can also refer to the wind element cooperation plan.

The premise that Shado can propose this plan is that he owns Mythra, the cost of elemental breeding is lower than Calimshan's elemental tower, and his family's output is not enough to shake Calimshan's elemental breeding industry.

In short, it is profitable for both parties without harming Calimshan's interests.

If there was no Mythra, then his plan would have become a unilateral introduction of technology, and he was destined to be attacked.

From this point of view, when Ye Erlan introduces the Elemental Tower, there must be some win-win opportunities, otherwise there is really no need to take the initiative to take the knife.

Although Tarafu revealed Ye Erlan's intentions to him, he did not mention the key details. Maybe the foundation for his previous contacts would be taken advantage of by Ye Erlan!

Thinking of this, Sha Duo became even more curious about Ye Erlan's purpose of seeking to introduce the Elemental Tower. Unfortunately, neither Ye Erlan nor Kalishan would disclose anything except the existence of the matter before the matter was completely settled. what.

For a time, Xia Duo's mood became a little complicated. Even listening to the "Paradise Suite" that sounded like celestial music could not completely calm down his mood.

At this time, the content of Tarafu's summons strengthened this point -

"In addition to attending the Yeerlan Banquet as an envoy to the North this time, my other mission is to discuss the details of cooperation with you, Lord Shado. The family has agreed to this cooperation in principle, but the details still need to be negotiated."

I agree in principle, but do I just disagree or say that the knife will be a little heavier? No matter what, this is not an easy answer.

After all, it is at a banquet, so it is okay to chat a few words, but if it is used to talk about formal matters that have nothing to do with the banquet, it will be disrespectful to all three parties, including Ye Erlan.

While Shado was chatting with Talaf, Feimae and others, guests at various seats in the Temple of Stars began to arrive, including the spouse and children of King Helion.

As the guests arrived, the music in the temple also changed. It was still "Paradise Suite". If it was just the prelude to the warm-up before the banquet, now it is the theme song at the beginning of the banquet.

From the ethereal and distant feeling at the beginning, it suddenly draws closer to you. It actually feels more like ascending to heaven little by little, and you can more clearly hear the details of the sounds of heaven that cannot be heard in the mortal world.

At this moment, the palace chief of ceremonies sang in a long tone -

"Have a banquet—"

Upon hearing this announcement, all the guests stopped their private conversations and all looked at King Helion on the main seat. UU Reading

“Good evening to all elders, envoys from all countries, and meritorious people who have made outstanding contributions in the Metril incident.

"Good evening to the noble, outstanding and loyal people of Yeerlan!"

After the two greetings, before there was any reaction in the Starry Temple, a flood of responses came to mind in the square outside the temple. Among them, the clearest name was the name of King Helion, followed by the elders of the Gaoshu Council of Elders. their names.

When Xia Duo witnessed this scene, he couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed. At this moment, the elf waiter behind him asked him with gestures whether he wanted to pour wine.

Xia Duo did not refuse, and at this moment, King Helion Mian said again: "Today, the longest night of the year, let us enjoy food, wine, and joy. Raise your glasses!"

This is considered a banquet. Of course, this is not actually the first glass of wine that guests attending the banquet can drink. When they first arrived, the wine was already placed on the table. At this time, it is entirely possible to have a glass or even a bottle first.

Although Xia Duo himself did not start drinking in advance, there were many people at the elders' table who drank happily in advance. Although the banquet was held in the name of the Crown Prince, the elders were also the rulers of this country.

As a ruler, there is nothing to blame for being casual.

Except for the elders, Xia Duo didn't see any other elves starting to drink in advance.

After drinking the banquet, the rest is really casual. At least when it comes to eating and drinking, there are no other procedures, just enjoy it.

But if the banquet was so simple, it wouldn’t be called a banquet anymore. Wouldn’t it be good to have it at home? Not to mention the powerful people of Yelan, even for a foreigner like Xia Duo, it is not too difficult to get a set of recipes for a banquet.

The key is something other than eating and drinking.

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