Arcane Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 2834: The environmental characteristics of "between existence and non-existence&

Xia Duo initially thought that Savile asked him to look at the detection data of "Between There and Nothing" because he had discovered something abnormal. However, when he went over and took a look, it was different from the detection data of "Between There and Nothing" that he had seen before. Not much difference.

One of the most striking features of "Between Existence and Nothingness" is that there is no elemental energy, and the magic network is more in a shrinking state.

The shrinkage mentioned here is judged by the number of magic network strings in a unit space. If the density of magic network strings on the surface of the main plane is 1, then there is not even one ten thousandth of the "between existence and non-existence". (This level has little impact on individual spellcasting at the micro level, but it will affect the formation of myths at the macro level)

It is even worse in the etheric layer. The density of the strings of the magic network is almost zero, or it can also be understood that there is no magic network in the etheric layer.

Other parameters such as gravity, temperature, free matter, etc. are also greatly different from the main plane.

Take gravity as an example. The main plane ranges from the surface to extremely high altitudes, and is mainly not in some special areas. The gravity remains roughly unchanged, and the same applies to the underground.

You will not lose weight just because you are in the Underdark or at extremely high altitudes, unless the gravity is changed due to the influence of magic.

But in the "between existence and non-existence", that is, within the scope of the plane barrier, the closer to the plane itself, the more obvious the gravity becomes, and it will disappear after reaching a certain distance.

In other words, there is no gravity in the ethereal layer that is further away from the plane itself, and there is almost zero free matter, not to mention elements, and there is no such thing in the plane barrier.

From this perspective, the plane is really a miraculous existence born out of thin air in "nothingness". It has been fighting against "nothingness" since its birth, and the magic network is also in the plane.

If you master the secret of the plane, you may also master the biggest secret of the world.

Shado briefly introduced to Niya the meaning of various parameters in the "Between There and Not" environment, especially when it was mentioned that the mystery lock might fail due to the density of the magic network's strings in "Between There and Not", Niya Feeling very surprised, she suddenly thought of something and asked quickly:

"If you say that the traditional Elf Mystery Lock is like this, I can understand it. After all, before building the traditional Mystery Lock, you need to measure the environmental parameters. Once the environment changes after the Mystery Lock is built, the Mystery Lock will be destroyed.

"But will the adaptive mystery lock you created also become ineffective due to the decrease in the density of the magic network strings?"

Regarding this question, Xia Duo was also a little hesitant. He considered it carefully before answering Niya: "Adaptive Mystery Locks can currently perfectly adapt to different planes where Mystery Locks exist, but the density of the magic network strings "between existence and non-existence" is too high. I haven’t tried living in a sparse environment, and I’m not sure whether I can adapt to it, but I hope I can adapt. "

In fact, Xia Duo thinks that the adaptive myth lock should be able to adapt to the "between-and-without" environment. After all, the adaptive myth lock is inspired by arcane fire, and arcane fire is an individual spell at the micro level, as long as the density of the magic network strings is not low. It can exist to the point of being outrageous.

He felt that the adaptive myth lock should be able to exist in an environment with extremely low density of magic network strings, but if nothing unexpected happened, the functions of the mystery lock would be limited.

However, it is actually meaningless to talk about whether the Mystery Lock can exist "between existence and non-existence", because you cannot build the Mystery Lock there alone, and even if it is built, it will be disintegrated by "nothingness".

And if there are protective measures similar to plane barriers, the actual environment in which the Mystery Lock exists will not have an extremely low density of magic network strings.

Everyone only had a moment to check the detection data of "Between You and Wu", and more time was actually spent on Sha Duo explaining the practical significance of those detection data to Niya.

Soon Savile directed the next projection. After this time, everyone checked the detection data as usual, but no one said anything and just watched silently.

After that, the sensing fields were projected one after another, constantly approaching the predetermined area. In the process, even Aiboike, who knew the least about plane exploration, discovered the changing patterns of the detection data.

Combined with Xia Duo's interpretation after the second detection, he found that no matter what angle you look at, as long as you are farther away from the main plane, the attribute of "nothingness" will gradually gain the upper hand, and even completely become "nothingness"

This is a gradual process.

But after many detections, everyone has a question in their minds: If it is so close to nothingness, what form will the moon take?

"Attention, the next projection will be in the predetermined area!"

Hearing this reminder, Xia Duo couldn't help but feel a little excited, but his reason told him that judging from the various data detected before when he entered the "between existence and non-existence", he might not be able to touch the slightest shadow of the moon next time.

The most obvious point is that there is no change in the parameters related to elemental energy. In other words, the most important indicator of this lunar exploration operation was not found in the "with and without" part of the entire detection process -


Obviously, when we were at the edge of the inner plane, that is, when we first detected it, we could still detect the presence of moonlight, but after entering the "between existence and non-existence", the moonlight disappeared inexplicably.

So can it be understood that the moon is just a "map" or projection on the edge of the plane? If so, the entire lunar exploration project needs to be redesigned.

Thinking of this, Sha Duo couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He subconsciously asked Savile: "How far is the predetermined area from the real target?"

"Theoretically, there are about 40,000 new miles, but considering that the closer the "between existence and non-being" is to nothingness, the state of space and time will change, this distance is only a theoretical calculation, and the actual difference may be further. "

"Calculations based on ancient astrological records?"

"Yes, those ancient elven astrologers are really amazing, but they also lack the involvement of magic. This calculation does not take into account the influence of "presence and non-existence", but is based on the existence of the moon in the main plane. on top of the naive model. "

"That is to say, even if you were asked to let go and directly peek at the target, you wouldn't be able to do it?"

After saying this, Xia Duo felt inexplicably calm. He didn't know whether it was because there was still room for progress in the lunar exploration project, or because he no longer needed to face the moon **** for the time being.

But Saville couldn't guess what Sha Duo was thinking at this moment, and still answered Sha Duo's inquiry as usual: "Yes, even if you ask me to spy on the target using the methods currently used in the lunar exploration project, I can't do it."

"Then do you dare to make it bigger this time?"

"Why make it bigger?" Savile didn't react at first, but then his eyes widened and he said in surprise, "You mean to directly project the perception field to the target this time? Location?"


The reason why I mention this is because this lunar exploration project is missing the most critical step, which is the measurement of the "between existence and non-existence" and the space-time state of the ether layer, as well as the relationship between the space-time state and the spatial distance.

To put it simply, there is no way to truly locate the moon. We can only look for the virtual image of the moon according to the records of ancient astrologers. This is somewhat like fishing for the moon from the bottom of a well.

So this time, even if the perception field is directly projected to the moon position recorded by ancient astrologers, there is a high probability that nothing will be found. In this case, it is better to take a little risk and eliminate a wrong answer in advance.

So as not to hesitate again after today.

(End of chapter)

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