Arcane Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 2939: New currency guarantee and anti-counterfeiting measures

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Normally, once a spell—even a spell that has been stabilized—disintegrates, it is impossible to restore it to its original state.

Even if the spell is broken down and restored again, it basically just looks like this, and there must be support from other spell effects behind it.

But now, what Jenna saw was that a mark that was completely unsupported by other spell effects could still appear out of thin air after being erased. This was completely beyond her cognition.

For a moment, Jenna somewhat forgot about the serious matter of the conversation between the two, and turned to get to the bottom of this strange phenomenon of spell effects reappearing without any reason:

"Lord Xia Duo, what on earth is going on?"

"It's very simple. This is a spell effect from another system. Although it is based on the magic network, you can dispel it through arcane magic. But because you can't touch its root, even if it is dispelled, it can still be destroyed. Recover.”

This is actually the interference effect of arcane magic on the power of order spells. Sha Duo and Eberk have done countless related experiments. If you want to completely eliminate the power of order spells, you can only do it from the level of the power of order. Otherwise, you can only It is pure consumption, consuming the power of order until the spell structure collapses.

But the logo used by Xia Duo on the blue gold coin is a similar imprint of constant power of order. Unless the power of order changes, it will not disappear.

Of course, there is a certain difference between the power of order and the magic network. The rules of the magic network are stable, and so are the elemental energies. However, the power of order exists in many states, originating from the order in reality, and the rules based on it are Various.

The overall trend shows a certain trend, but there are also many ambiguities in the details, and the order master can make certain adjustments.

To put it simply, the Power of Order logo on the blue gold coin cannot achieve the effect of constant magic, but Shado can consciously extend its existence time.

The specific length of time it can be extended is unknown to Xia Duo because the relevant experiments are still in progress, but if nothing unexpected happens, it should be very long, and it will not have to be taken back and re-added every few years.

After listening to Xia Duo's explanation, Jenna seemed to have opened the door to a new world. She stared at Xia Duo in great surprise, and her voice trembled involuntarily:

"You, you actually discovered a brand new magic system?"

In a broad sense, magic refers to a proven knowledge system. From this perspective, the power of order spell is certainly a brand new magic system.

Sha Duo nodded, agreeing with Jenna's judgment, and further introduced: "The magic system I discovered is quite special, and it is based on the power of order."

"The power of order? Is there really such a primitive power?" Jenna was shocked again, and also had deep doubts.

Primitive power refers to a naturally existing, nearly infinite force in this world, such as elements and energy. Basically, all magic systems discovered so far are based on elemental energy.

But what about the power of order?

If the power of order exists naturally, why has no intelligent life taken advantage of it before? Jenna Logo was very puzzled.

In response, Xia Duo asked in return: "You are preparing to ascend to the divine order, don't you still believe in the existence of the power of order?"

"I don't deny the existence of the power of order, but is it really a primitive force?"

"Why not? It was born in the order of intelligent life and even the self-organization of all things. This is an abstract concept. But can the inner plane, the source of elemental energy, really be reached?"

As an arcanist, of course, you already understand the difference between the inner plane and the elemental plane. The latter is essentially the material plane where the elements are absolutely dominant.

There are a large number of traveling elements in the elemental plane, but their roots are still conceptual and cannot be truly reached in the inner plane. Without the elemental plane, the inner plane still exists, and the magic network is still full of energy.

But if the inner plane disappears, the elemental plane will no longer exist, and the magic network will dry up.

In fact, there is another saying about the inner plane, which is that the inner plane does not exist in a specific location, but lies inside all matter. It is the foundation of all material existence, that is, the element itself.

This statement is closer to the existence of the power of order. The power of order also exists in the self-organized order of all things. It is the concrete manifestation of the concept of order in reality, or more directly -

It is order itself!

After a difficult cognitive change, Jenna temporarily agreed with Sha Duo's explanation. After all, it was Sha Duo who understood the power of order best now, but at the same time she also remained silent.

She didn't think that Xia Duo would share the secret of the Power of Order with her, especially now that the Power of Order has been used as an anti-counterfeiting mark on Daxia's new coins.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the reception room became a little strange. Sha Duo saw Jenna's concerns, so he took the initiative to speak:

"I intend to establish a special power of order research center in the Tower of Time. If President Jenna is interested in this, she may wish to come here as a consultant. She does not need to stay in the research center all the time. She only needs to come here occasionally to cooperate with experiments. Now, UU reading, what do you think?"


Jenna was a little hesitant. She understood that once she agreed to the other party's request, the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce and the Tower of Time would be completely tied together. This kind of thing does not depend on what she thinks, but on what others think. This is obviously against Mingshui. The principle of neutrality of the Chamber of Commerce.

After thinking carefully, Jenna still refused, "I can't spare the energy to study those things for the time being. If the Tower of Time makes public the research results on the power of order in the future, I would be happy to experience it."

"In this case, let's have the opportunity to cooperate in this area in the future! As for now, what does President Jenna think of the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce guaranteeing blue gold coins?"

"Personally, I agree, but I am not the only one who has the final say on the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce. We also need to consider the opinions of the elders and directors within the chamber of commerce, but if nothing else, I think they should also agree. of."

The reason why she didn't agree on the spot before was more because she was worried about problems with the blue gold coins. Now that Jenna has seen the anti-counterfeiting measures of the blue gold coins, the risk has been reduced to a minimum. In this case, this is a normal transaction. What reason is there for not agreeing?

At the same time, she also believes that as long as the elders and directors of the chamber of commerce are not stupid, they will not push the opportunities to make money away.

The two of them continued to discuss the insurance provisions and the blue gold coin guarantee for a while, and then they went next door together to meet with representatives of the Vidas Workshop and the Mina family.

"Sorry for keeping you two waiting."

Apart from this sentence, Xia Duo did not explain anything more. Everriska is not the only one engaged in mining and the production of corresponding magic weapons. If they are not willing, there are alternatives.

In fact, from the fact that Xia Duolai could still see the other party in this reception room, he could know the other party's thoughts, everything was unspoken. (End of chapter)

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