Arcane Lord

Chapter 3324 The final test

After some sorting, Xia Duo had a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the situation of the Moon Shadow Family, but he always felt that something was missing.

So he sorted out the relevant information about the Silver Moon Family where Osmantus was and the Moon Horn Family where Hildaran was. After comparing them, he immediately found the problem.

In the Star Library, the information about the Moon Shadow Family was indeed comprehensive and in-depth enough for Xia Duo, an outsider, but compared with the information of other upper families, it was indeed much less.

Among them, the most missing is the origin of the Moon Shadow Family, or the epic of revival. From what Xia Duo has learned so far, almost every upper family has at least one epic of origin or revival.

Even the upper family wrote and spread it themselves, the purpose is undoubtedly to show the family heritage and glory, similar to showing off wealth on Earth.

The most flaunted thing in the elf world is the family history. After the rise of some upper families and the Crown War, in order to avoid being regarded as nouveau riche by outsiders, they still need to link themselves with a certain ancient upper family.

Such a connection is not difficult. After all, for families that have survived from ancient times to the present, which of their ancestors is not a hero? It is nothing more than choosing one that does not collide with other families.

Some prominent upper families have even more family epics than cattle hair. There are not only epics of origin and revival, but also a lot of heroic epics that praise the heroic ancestors in history.

The Yueying family is at least ranked above the middle among the upper families in Yeerlan. It is reasonable to say that there should be many family epics, but Xia Duo only found a few.

When Xia Duo was in the library just now, he thought that these upper family epics would be placed in the public area of ​​the library, but in fact, it is not the case at all. The public area is mostly some miscellaneous books and reference books.

For example, travel notes, geographical atlases, technician manuals (which can be regarded as magic books), recipes, historical documents, family origins, etc.

It does not contain the history of a specific family, but more of the inheritance genealogy of the upper family group as a whole, for example, a family is a branch of a family, and how many branches are divided down.

There are also the origins and connotations of family names or surnames, such as the Silver Moon Family, whose name comes from a special plant that can be used to make spices. Its leaves are smooth and can reflect moonlight at night. From a distance, it looks like it is covered with silver moons.

Another example is the Moon Horn of the Hilda Lana Family. Generally speaking, the horn is the crown, and the Moon Horn is the Crown of the Moon, but there is also a Moon Crown Family in Comanso, and they are relatives of the Hilda Lana Family, so the two families made a slight distinction in the family name.

If translated separately, both can be translated into the Crown of the Moon, but if both exist at the same time, the Hilda Lana Family will generally be called the Moon Horn.

These are the contents directly related to the public area and the upper family. They basically do not involve the specific matters or history within these families. Perhaps these upper families think that the lower-level people do not need to know too much.

After all, there are dirty things within the upper families. Even if their own epics do not record them, other families may not help to hide them.

And these have indeed been spread out, existing in the form of unofficial history and rumors in some notes, but whether they are true or false, no one can guarantee.

Therefore, although Xia Duo could not find many historical records about the Moon Shadow Family, there were many rumors or unofficial histories, but like the official epics, there were fewer than those of other families.

Xia Duo suspected that the wise man might be able to erase the secrets of the Moon Shadow Family, resulting in the loss of relevant records.

Of course, comparing only a few families might be enough to prove this guess, so he continued to sort out more information about other upper-level families.

"Sure enough!"

On the way to the Linnaneus city, Xia Duo couldn't help but sigh. Compared with the information of more upper-level families, the uniqueness of the Moon Shadow Family became more obvious.

Therefore, compared with the family epic written by the Moon Shadow Family itself, he was more interested in the unofficial histories and rumors about the Moon Shadow Family recorded by other non-Moon Shadow families and stored in the collection room.

After all, being able to be stored in the collection room at least shows that the managers behind the collection room have a considerable degree of affirmation of such unofficial histories and rumors.

As for why this part of the content was not cleared by the wise man, perhaps this is the so-called "a wise man will make a mistake even if he makes a thousand considerations"!

The more realistic reason may be that since the Moon Shadow Family was investigated, the Wise Man no longer cares about the Moon Shadow Family's secrets in the Star Library.

Shado himself is more inclined to believe that the existence of the Illuminati itself is under high pressure, and the Wise Man may not be able to deal with all the hidden dangers comprehensively. The more actions he takes, the more likely he will be exposed.

Not to mention, there is also the urging of the last window of the time-related ritual. He estimated that the Wise Man should not have much time to take care of these things.


Soon, Shado walked to the only three suspended walkways in Tevimansa leading to the Linnaeneus city area, and based on the unofficial history and rumors about the Moon Shadow Family collected in the collection room, he had a relatively reasonable guess about the early history of this family.

According to unofficial history, the revival patriarch of the Moon Shadow Family, that is, the prophet, did not die because of excessive predictions. There are rumors that he deliberately faked his death because his family was too weak compared to the normal upper family at that time.

The prophet must be in a high-ranking family. It is not that only high-ranking families can inherit the prophet, but only high-ranking families can retain the prophet.

A weak upper-class family may be no different from common people in the eyes of a real powerful person. But if a prophet suddenly appears in a common people's family, what will the real powerful person do?

Of course, he would send a woman from the branch lineage, and then tie the prophet to his family! After two generations, it will be digested naturally. Talents and inheritance are all needed!

In this case, the weak prophet has no qualifications to be independent at all. He either chooses this powerful person or that powerful person. He must choose one, otherwise he will go to other countries.

In other countries, the same situation will almost inevitably happen.

Therefore, the lofty status of prophets is not just because they can make predictions and guide the future. A large part of the reason is that they come from powerful upper-class families.

This is also the fundamental reason why the prophet cannot be doubted.

Correspondingly, if such a prophet has secretly joined the Illuminati, what trouble it will be for the North!

In the Northland, Xia Duo can openly attack the Illuminati, and no one cares about this, because everyone does it, but if he says that a certain prophet may be a member of the Illuminati, then it will be a big problem.

Unless there is conclusive evidence to directly crucify him, he may face backlash from the entire elf world.

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