Arcane Lord

Chapter 3366 Field Shaping

In the blink of an eye, all the visions disappeared, and only Candela, who looked serious but a little immature, stood in front of Daphne.

"It's a pity, you had a bright future!"

Just as Daphne was about to say a few more words, her peripheral vision happened to see the traces of the magic circle destroyed by the light of annihilation behind Candela, and suddenly there were many visions again, but compared with the ever-changing future, the visions of the past were relatively unified.

It was an extreme light, as if she saw the sun. Seeing this scene, Daphne felt a slight sting in her eyes, but the pain was not the only gain. The extreme light even blocked the timeline, making it impossible for her to continue to peek into the past.

Looking around again, similar lights were almost everywhere, and Daphne's heart immediately sounded the alarm--

This is a trap!

Afterwards, she attacked Candela without hesitation, and there was no elemental movement or magic network vibration. There was only a starlight shot out from her eyes, spreading and covering Candela.

Seeing this scene, Candela's first reaction was to retreat. After all, the position of this sudden enemy was very clever, just blocking them from the remaining members of the Moon Shadow Family.

But because of this, if he handed over the captives he had controlled without even a trace of resistance, he would probably be blamed when he returned.

"So what if he is a high-level mage? I have seen him before!"

Although Candela rationally recognized that the other party was powerful and even invincible, emotionally, he had an impulse to not accept it and wanted to fight with the other party.

"Calm down, retreat first!"

Xia Duo issued an order in the mental link. Candela, who received the order, looked at the misty starlight that quickly covered him, and knew that it was the best choice to follow the order and retreat at this moment, but he was unwilling to do so!

At this time, his companions had already begun to retreat in the direction they came from under Xia Duo's command. Seeing this, Candela gritted his teeth and could only choose to retreat.

But while retreating, he applied to Shado for an annihilation light strike through the mental link, and the range was limited to the channel where he retreated, existing in the form of a surface.

Once he chose to retreat, his rationality also took over again. The opponent's starlight spell was obviously something he had never encountered before, and even the magic net had no reaction.

In this case, the only means of blocking he could think of was the annihilation light.

Before he won the bet, the annihilation light behind him was like a mirror of destruction. The misty starlight shot from Daphne's eyes began to dissipate little by little before it had any substantial contact with it.

But Candela did not discover this scene. The annihilation light disintegrated matter and annihilated energy, not only for the enemy, but also for the caster's own spells.

Only Shado discovered this situation from the [Wide Area Detection] with no blind spots.

Although he didn't know what kind of existence the scattered starlight in Daphne's eyes was, it was enough as long as it could be restrained by the light of annihilation. When he was in Tevimansa before, he couldn't summon the light of annihilation because it was in Yeerlan's territory.

But Tanzan Peak is not the territory of any country. Even if he completely wiped it out, at most he would be accused of starting a war and destroying the environment. In fact, he didn't even need to pay compensation.

After all, it was a no-man's land, and no entity was qualified to accept his compensation.

Compared with the benefits of completely eliminating the leader of the Illuminati, it was just a little loss of reputation. It was a good deal for Shado, but--

Kandela was still there, so this account couldn't be calculated like this.

If the youngest son of the Supreme Elder of Everiska and the other ten or so elite mages were added, it might not be a good deal.

It is true that there are sacrifices in war, but those are more voluntary sacrifices, just like the previous Tear Lake Operation, those elf mages chose to stay when they knew they would die.

Instead of being "sacrificed" without knowing it, if he tells the truth to Candela now, it's not that he looks down on him, but Candela's identity is different after all, and his purpose of joining the alliance is different from others.

Nine out of ten will not be willing to sacrifice voluntarily.

As for other mages, if there is enough time to reason and appeal to their emotions, Xia Duo is still sure to convince those mages, only Candela can't.

At least in the short term, he has no confidence to convince the other party to sacrifice voluntarily.

Fortunately, "map cannon" is not the only option. Xia Duo's incarnation is already on the way to Tanzan Peak. As long as Candela can delay a little time, it will be enough for him to play.


Tanzan Peak, in the mountain passage.

After confirming that the light of annihilation is effective against the enemy, Candela suddenly doesn't want to retreat, and Xia Duo's order is also to let him delay as much as possible. In this case, he has a new idea.

This time, he set his sights on the members of the Moon Shadow family who were still in a state of confinement. Since the other party appeared when he was about to direct the teleportation, the purpose was most likely to save those members of the Moon Shadow family.

In this case, the only possibility to delay the other party was to use those underage elves.

With the support of the computing power pool, Candela quickly calculated a field coverage range that could block the newly appeared enemies from contacting those underage elves of the Moon Shadow family.

Soon, Xia Duo's main body in Yongle City received such an annihilation light coverage range, not a simple ray or plane, but a hemispherical surface.

In order to achieve such a blanket strike, the interference of the field stimulated by the annihilation light must be very precise, similar to the phased array radar on Earth, which reshapes new wave crests with specific directivity through the interference of multiple wave sources, so as to achieve accurate scanning and even tracking of specific areas without rotating the radar body.

Generally speaking, the more wave sources there are and the slightly larger the power of a single wave source, the larger the range that can be accurately scanned and tracked.

The annihilation light of Yongle City is more complicated. Although there are only two "wave sources" or more accurately "field sources", the shaping target of the annihilation light is very strict.

The most precise phased array radar on Earth cannot shape the electromagnetic wave shape at will, such as shaping it into a Mickey Mouse shape. It is more about concentrating the wave crest and performing beam scanning.

The annihilation light can of course do this, and it is even simpler to do so, but if you want to achieve a truly precise strike, such as annihilating only a line, a plane, or a space area, it requires extremely complex calculations.

If the war artifact of the Light of Annihilation was upgraded to multi-field interference, it might be easier, but Yongle City currently only has dual-field interference.

A complex surface is enough to give Xia Duo a headache.

Even with the assistance of the computing power pool and the intelligent brain, he was unable to launch an attack in the first place.

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