Arcane Lord

Chapter 3396 Characteristics of Sea Elf Magic

Now that I heard from Meira that the sea elves had abandoned the magic web affinity and turned to Nese magic to actively distort the magic web and release it, this was undoubtedly an improvement in Sha Duo's view.

As for why the sea elves made such a choice, the reason is actually not difficult to guess. It is simply that the traditional elf magic training cycle is too long and cannot adapt to the harsh environment of the seabed.

Speaking of which, this sea elf is somewhat similar to the drow. The only difference is that the drow was exiled to the Underdark as a defeated person, while the sea elf is an initiative made by the ancient elf pioneers to defeat the dragon. .

Therefore, in the early days, the sea elves and the land elves still maintained a fairly close relationship, but after all, they had divided into two races. The difference between them and the land elves was far greater than the difference between the golden elves and the wood elves.

Although it is still called "Aru't'Quither" in the Elvish language, it belongs to the "Tai'Quither" family, similar to the "El'Tai'Quither" of the gold elves in the Elvish language.

But as time goes by, the ancient legends continue to fade away, and it is not an exaggeration to say that today's sea elves and land elves are two completely different races.

In this case, how would the sea elves view the Alliance's investigation?

Do you think that your tribe has provoked land creatures and caused disaster? Or do you think that terrestrial creatures are ambitious and use made-up excuses to invade the ocean realm?

Or maybe the sea elves have long been a hidden base of the Illuminati, and now they have prepared a trap, waiting for the ignorant alliance envoys to come and die?

Thinking of this, Shado took the time to ask Meira for more details about the sea elves' magic and their main fighting methods.

Mera did not hide this from her former allies. After all, Sinaria had already chosen to join the alliance and integrate into the mainland. It was impossible to please both sides and had to choose one side.

"Consultant Xia Duo, regarding the magic of sea elves, it is actually rooted in the traditional magic system of land elves. However, the sea elves have made certain adjustments in the way of casting spells. As for the way of fighting -"

Speaking of this, Meera paused, glanced at the dark exterior projected in the cabin, and then continued: "Sea elves live on the bottom of the sea all year round, with almost no natural enemies, and their fighting methods are closer to primitive.

"Most of their methods of fighting enemies are in the field of water element, which is also the field they are best at. Seawater is to them what air is to land creatures like us.

"Therefore, although underwater combat does not have the disadvantages of the Magic Network environment, the natural environment will still impose restrictions on various spells that would otherwise work well on land."

"That's it!" Xia Duo nodded seriously.

He was prepared for a possible conflict with the sea elves, and indeed anticipated many possibilities, including the impact of the natural environment (undersea) on the battle.

Underwater combat and normal combat on the surface are definitely not the same thing.

But everything remains unchanged. As Meira said, even though there are big differences between the natural environment under the sea and on land, the environment of the magic network has not changed much. Not everywhere is as close to an alien plane as the Underdark. .

The biggest difference between the seabed and the land, Xia Duo also took into consideration, should be the ubiquitous water element, as well as the invisible support for spells related to the water element field, and the invisible suppression of spells related to the non-water element field.

Spells related to the water element field are not just spells that are directly related to the water element, but are more reflected in the level of spell casting elements. Some spells may not have anything to do with the water element on the surface, but because the spell casting elements are involved, they will still be affected.

If you are a spellcaster who does not fully understand the principles of spells and the nature of magic nets, you may use spells that are naturally suppressed by the environment without knowing it when fighting against sea elf mages.

This, of course, may set the stage for failure.

Of course, for sea elf mages, they will naturally choose the spell that best suits the environment, which means they will naturally have a tendency to choose spell casting elements.

It may have taken tens of thousands of years for the sea elves to become sea elves. This is where Shado doubts Sinaliya's belief that sea elves only have one city.

If it could survive for tens of thousands of years, there would be no way it would only be one city.

But Sinaria really has no reason to deceive the alliance. Sha Duo tentatively believes that the sea elves in Belluno are just a branch passed down from ancient times. There may be other sea elves scattered in the Endless Sea or other sea areas.

The sea elves in Belluno can't even provide their own food rations, and need to supplement it from the outside world. You can imagine the magic aspect.

At least in the field of agriculture, sea elves are far inferior to their land relatives.

From this point, Xia Duo can probably guess that the current situation of the sea elves may not be that the sea elves do not want to develop agriculture, but because of the natural limitations of the environment.

Previously, Shado had already negotiated multiple cooperation projects in the agricultural field with Philifa of Yeerlan, and he was no stranger to the application of elf magic in the agricultural field.

Although most of the spells related to agriculture also have spell elements related to the water element, there are also many spell elements in other fields. However, other than the water element, they are naturally suppressed in the underwater world.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally more difficult for sea elves to develop agriculture than for land elves.

This is true for agriculture, a key field related to the survival of the race. So what will happen to the field of combat when there are almost no natural enemies?

It must be like what Shado speculated and Mela mentioned, all spells are developing towards the water element field as much as possible. If the sea elves are given enough population and time, it may be possible to develop into a comprehensive and universal arcane magic system like the blood magic of Southern Calimshan.

But unfortunately——

The existence of Belluno may not be a problem, but the population is a big problem. Maybe they have enough to maintain the magic inheritance, but they want to develop something, or even develop a brand new magic system.

I am afraid that it is not something that the Belluno elves who are struggling on the line of food and clothing and extremely lacking resources can do.

Moreover, the seabed is not suitable for general magic experiments. The special environment makes the sea elf wizards have to pay much more than their land relatives to conduct the same magic research.

This can also be seen from the various details of the sea elf magic provided by Mela. There is indeed a trend of transformation to a universal arcane magic system. Shado has seen the attempts of the sea elf wizards.

But unfortunately, in his opinion, those attempts are still in the primary stage and can still be regarded as spinning in the rules and regulations of traditional elf magic.

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