Arcane Lord

Chapter 3414 Radiation Characteristics New Breakthrough

This information comes from the last two meetings between Dali and Daphne. Dali observed Daphne as he did in the previous meetings, including some indirect perception.

Dali found that Daphne was stained with some special aura radiation. He thought at the time that Daphne had just been through a battle and the aura radiation was left by the elemental turbulence caused by the battle.

But when Shaduo picked out this perception information again, he immediately distinguished that it was not the aura radiation produced by the elemental turbulence impact, but the radiation with obvious characteristics of the Underdark!

Dali may have heard of the existence of the Underdark, but he has never been to the Underdark in person. Even if he knew that there was radiation there, he would not be able to recognize it when he first saw the Underdark radiation.

This is something completely beyond his cognition, just like a person cannot imagine something beyond cognition. No matter how indescribable the description is, it is all about attaching certain known elements.

As for Shado, he not only personally transformed into a drow in the projection plane and came into contact with the radiation environment of the Underdark, but also saw the radiation traces left by the drow in the main plane, which can be compared with the projection plane.

The characteristics of this environment itself do not change whether it is a projection plane or a real plane.

And now, he saw the familiar radiation characteristics of the Underdark again in Dali's memory, and it appeared on Daphne, the leader of the Illuminati, which immediately made him speculate that -

The core ritual of the Illuminati is in the Underdark, at least the Illuminati hides secrets in the Underdark.

Shado continued to search Dali's memory, checking the scenes of his previous meetings with Daphne, and confirmed that Daphne was not contaminated with Underdark radiation during those meetings.

From this, Shado also thought of himself. When he faced Daphne on Tanzan Peak before, did the other party also have Underdark radiation?

So he immediately traced his own memory and concluded that there was no Underdark radiation, and earlier, when he met the other party in Tevimansa, the other party did not have Underdark radiation.

It seems to have only appeared in the last two meetings with Dali.

Not long ago, the prototype of the Abyss was suddenly discovered in the Underdark. This discovery came abruptly, although in theory it should be considered inevitable, after all, so many demons were left out of the previous Drow War.

But the time node of its appearance is very sensitive, which makes people have to suspect that it is the work of the Illuminati. For this reason, Shaduo also went to the Kingdom of Light to ask the God's Envoy to help deal with it, just because he was worried that the Illuminati would do something else.

If subverting the timeline is just a family affair within the plane, then introducing the Abyss can be considered "eating from the inside out". The Illuminati has already decided to subvert the timeline and certainly doesn't care about these, but Shaduo has to care.

And from the point of view that the God's Envoy can anchor the past, the demons can also anchor the past, that is to say, once the Abyss invades, even if the timeline is changed, it is impossible to let the Abyss that has already come leave.

The Illuminati may not have known this feature at that time, so they created the prototype of the Abyss to contain the power of the Alliance. Of course, it is also possible that the prototype of the Abyss discovered not long ago was not created by the Illuminati on their own initiative, but they discovered it first, but they had been holding back until the decisive battle with the Alliance recently, and then they released this trump card.

But no matter what, it is almost inevitable that Daphne or the Illuminati has a connection with the Underdark, and it is completely reasonable that Daphne is contaminated with the radiation of the Underdark.

However, at present, the Alliance has not been able to find the core ritual site of the Illuminati after digging three feet near Elan, so Xia Duo has to turn his suspicious eyes to the Underdark again.

Finding the core ritual site of the Illuminati in time is one of the few turning points for the Northern Alliance. Not only Xia Duo, but also the Alliance is constantly looking for it.

The only thing that can be confirmed at present is that the core ritual site cannot be too far from Elan, otherwise it is within a certain range centered on Elan.

As for how big this range is, no one can predict it for the time being.

All the Alliance can do is to search continuously with Elan as the center, and search inch by inch, but there has been no progress there so far, and a lot of manpower and material resources have been involved.

The Alliance is big and powerful, but facing an enemy that is used to hiding and seems to be non-existent only on the surface, it feels a bit helpless.

And now, the Underdark radiation that Shado saw on Daphne from Dali's memory barely found a new breakthrough, which is the Underdark under Elan.

Thinking of this, he immediately summoned Tirion and other representatives of the Alliance countries, informing them of the latest clues he found in Belluno, and then made a suggestion to them-

"Immediately transfer the people in the Elan area to other places, and maybe destroy that area directly when necessary."

"I forgot to tell Consultant Shado that the transfer of people in the Elan area had already started at noon, but the transfer of millions of people could not be completed immediately, and we need time."

The person who answered Shado was Osmantus, the representative of Yeerlan, because he was the worst deceived by the Illuminati, and Yeerlan's attitude on how to deal with the Illuminati was also the most radical.

Not to mention the domestic situation, even against the prophet family, they used tougher measures than other countries. And abroad, especially against Elan, the center of the storm of all events, the attitude of Elan is very direct now -

If it can be destroyed directly, try not to consider other methods, and completely cut off all thoughts of the Illuminati.

In fact, if Xia Duo had known that Yeerlan had such an attitude, he would have shared all the information about the Illuminati with the Alliance, especially the special significance of Elan to the Illuminati.

Of course, in the past, he did not have any clear evidence to accuse someone or something. If he rashly synchronized these unconfirmed news, he would most likely be backlashed by the Illuminati, which has already infiltrated deeply in various countries.

He had to wait until he caught Carano of the Moon Shadow Family to get conclusive evidence. He did synchronize the relevant information with the Alliance after catching Carano.

However, he caught Carano recently, which was too late, too late.

As for now, Yeerlan has begun to transfer the people in the Elan area, which is good, but the question is whether they can transfer all or at least most of them before the Illuminati ceremony. This is really hard to say.

But what should be done must be done. Yeerlan has already transferred in advance. Xia Duo can only urge them to speed up the progress, and he himself decided to go to Elan in person for further field exploration.

If there is a passage to the Underdark in Elan, it must not be without traces. If it can be found, it may be the key breakthrough.

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