
Chapter 609: Devil's Eye (I)

He continued to read.

However...the next sentence made his eyes suddenly become eager!

"However, the Nine Holy Swords never get together. Once a thousand years have passed, Jiu Yao Xing Luo is the magical power that is closest to the peak of the 'Four Realms of Questioning' in reasoning. Even the author has never tried it personally. This is a magical power that exists in illusions . However, it is possible to infer based on the Ninety-nine Sword Formation, and copy the meaning of the Nine Holy Sword Formation. The Nine Hundred and Ninety-nine Sword Formation is the Tongda. The Ninety-Nine Sword Formation is a great achievement, and it may be possible to copy the formation of the Nine Holy Swords.”

Xu Yangyi took a breath.

This... is the legacy of which great power?

You can actually deduce the scene where the nine holy swords gather together! This kind of scene... maybe not even a continent can bear it!

No...that's not the most important thing. The thing that alarmed him the most was...why did Yuchang transform into a living imperial weapon and fall into the hands of Mingguang Sect, while Long Yuan was in the Tower of Babel?

"When I left Kaiyun Realm, Wukong's last words reminded me that an immortal body fell from the west and fell in the Ming Tombs... The Tower of Babel is the place where the largest number of immortals and demons have gathered in the history of the earth..." He pondered and looked at it. Facing the endless darkness ahead, in the depth of this darkness, a terrible guess arose in my heart.

If... after this war, a certain ancient monk fought his last breath to return to China... When he was exhausted, across the sky, how could it not be a picture of a "immortal falling" meteor?

However, several problems arise.

"Earth won this battle. Even if this great monk is seriously injured and on the verge of death, he will only go back after he has recovered. How can he escape back to China in a hurry?"

He murmured to himself: "Besides, what Wukong recorded was at the end of the Tang Dynasty, and this battle was at the end of the Han Dynasty. There was a gap of hundreds of years... Why did he still stay in the Tower of Babel? At least in other countries, there will be uneven distribution of accounts after the war, and there will definitely be many conflicts with each other. Are they not afraid that the ancient cultivators in Europe and America will turn against them? "

He thought again of the empty coffin in the room just now. It seemed that more than one person had left.

I pressed my temples with a headache. Something else must have happened in the Tower of Babel... There are threads everywhere now. I can't find the answer if I follow the threads.

"Curiosity will indeed kill the cat." After a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "What does this have to do with me?"

"I came here just to look for opportunities to break through the golden elixir. What are you thinking about?"

"No, no, no." Before he finished speaking, Zhao Ziqi interrupted him: "Brother, these matters are of great importance, not to mention that they are absolute secrets on the earth. Moreover, from these clues, we can reconstruct the events of that year. The thing is, such a large frontline base definitely has a magic weapon room and a treasure room. From these seemingly small things, we can deduce the location of the treasure at that time, and even what they were worried about, so they moved the location of the treasure. etc."

"And...since it is a war, there must be seizures. Where are these seizures? Brother, in the process of treasure hunting, nothing is a trivial matter. If the relationship between people in those days can be reviewed, it will be of great significance to us in finding the most important thing. The treasure is a timely help.”

Seeing his confident look, Xu Yangyi couldn't bear to attack him.

I just wanted to make myself comfortable. I laughed at myself. This kid... is so unlovable.

Well, it's just not cute.

Why doesn't he know that these things are crucial? But can you figure out the thread now?

"What a pity..." He withdrew from his spiritual consciousness regretfully. Xuanyuan could see that he couldn't eat, which made him extremely itchy.

Putting this matter aside, he looked at Cerberus coldly: "I'll ask you again."

"What else do you have to hide?"

Cerberus' eyes flickered: "We are allies and help each other, how can I hide it from you?"

"Do you think I would believe a demon?" Angel looked at it mockingly: "I might as well believe a pig."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy surged all over his body, and An Qi'er and Zhao Ziqi immediately blocked Cerberus' retreat with a tacit understanding.

"You!!" Cerberus was stunned: "You are a despicable villain who doesn't keep your word!"

"I want to say that I need your help right now." The purple light in Xu Yangyi's hand flashed, and he did not hide his murderous intent: "If you follow your original plan, even if you take away Savidian VII, you will definitely fight with him. They separated and searched for the Jie faction's final mission alone. Why did you find it in such a terrible place?"

"Don't say you don't know." Xu Yangyi has already stretched out his hand, and ten purple fire dragons are looming: "I can't find anything, what's the use of keeping you?"

Cerberus regretted it.

He knew that humans are fickle creatures, but he never expected that a person could be so confident when he goes back on his word!

It can guess Xu Yangyi's thoughts, and the other party is also coveting the treasure of a demon king. Since this is a retreat, how could you not leave yourself some magic weapon for self-defense and improvement? What if you are surrounded by enemies as soon as you wake up? The current situation is that we don’t know where we will go next, so it is better to go directly to a place where we are mentally prepared.

"According to the way of walking in the first room, it is impossible for you to go to the mission location of Jie Pai. Because entering the next space is completely random." Angel pursed her lips and smiled: "I don't believe that your master didn't tell you anything. "

There was silence. After a few minutes, Cerberus sneered: "Okay... Fufufu, since you are seeking death on your own, there is nothing wrong with me giving it to you."

"Originally, I planned to spare your lives." It suppressed the anger in its heart and looked at Xu Yangyi: "Do you really think that I, who have served so many ancient gods, don't know the secrets of some gods? Is it so easy to be subdued by you? ?”

"Listen, I don't want to fall out with you. You are a cultivator that gives me a headache. But now, you have no way out, Fufufu..."

It smiled sinisterly for a long time: "Give me the box."

Xu Yangyi threw the box to it without hesitation.

"Aren't you afraid of it running away?" Zhao Ziqi whispered.

Xu Yangyi sneered: "I'm sure it won't escape."

After taking the box, Cerberus breathed a long sigh of relief and his eyes turned red.

"This called Pandora."

"The full name is Pandora'sbox, the source of disaster. I once saw this box in Lord Hades's palace. One hundred and eight demons ran out of the box, and then it was divided into one hundred and eight Block, this is one of them... Among them, there are seven demons who bear the brunt. You must have heard their names."

“Pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, lust, gluttony.”

"Yes, these are the famous seven deadly sins. Because of their appearance, heaven has been corrupted, angels, and corresponding demons also appeared one by one. The arrogant Lucifer, the greedy Mammon, and the lustful Asmodeus. , the furious Samael, the gluttonous Beelzebub, the jealous Leviathan, and the lazy Belial.”

On its palm, a mouth suddenly opened, and black aura spread from the mouth. This was the purest demonic aura in hell, but it did not belong to it.

This piece of black aura is purer and more terrifying, like the most evil creature in the deepest hell. Just the feeling makes the three people's skin feel like needles.

"What an evil aura..." Angel took a deep breath: "Even if I have seen demons, I have never seen such an evil aura... It is simply an unknown aggregation."

Xu Yangyi said nothing. Even he felt that the essence of these spiritual energy was unprecedented in his life.

"Fufufu... Of course, this is the natal aura of Jie, the demon king of lust, who is a subordinate of Asmodeus, the demon of lust. Any demon is born from an evil thought in chaos and nothingness. The natal aura of any demon is Only this one. How can it be compared with the outermost demons and familiars in the cracks of hell sealed in the Vatican?" Cerberus sneered: "Don't you want to know why I dare to come here? I’ll tell you now.”

"Your Excellency Jie Sect left me this natal spiritual energy. As long as I follow it, I can find the location of the 'Between Demons and Gods'!"

Xu Yangyi looked at the box calmly. In other words...did even the seven demon gods participate in that battle?

How powerful is the real martial arts world? Can even god-level monsters put aside their hatred of humans to join the war?

"No, this is normal. One of Jiang Taigong and Zhang Daoling is strong enough to become a god, and the other is a Taoist ancestor. His strength should not be lower than those of the seven demon gods. They have all participated in the war, and just like this, Qingcheng Mountain has Being besieged for decades, one can imagine..."

He felt a slight chill in his heart. An extremely powerful enemy was likely to come back in a few hundred years. At that time, the earth... what else could it resist?

Just by being sealed around the world, monsters like Xiao Qing?

How many are there? Facing the wave of hundreds of millions, billions of monks, can we really resist the past?

Putting aside this thought, the box in front of him had begun to open strangely.

Rendered by the Jie faction's natal aura, countless complicated glyphs appeared on it, and then they were opened layer by layer "kakaka" and built at a speed that humans could not understand. Three minutes later, what appeared in front of them It’s no longer a box, the entire box unfolds into an eye over one meter high!

"It's called the Eye of the Devil. It can only be opened with pure devil's blood." Cerberus bit his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of flaming blood onto the eye made of unknown material.

In the central eyeball, a black aura loomed like a dancing flame. Immediately afterwards...a soaring red light shot straight into the sky!

"Boom boom boom!!!" As it shined, all the haze in the dark space disappeared in an instant, and everyone realized how big this darkness was.


A vast expanse as far as the eye can see.

The top of the head is as high as the sky, and the red light that tears apart all the darkness is out of reach, with no sign of reaching the top, and where the red light dissipates, there is no boundary.

It's like this is another world.

Angel suddenly spoke with lingering fear: "Father showed me the surveillance of the Tower of Babel... The Tower of Babel is attached to Quetzalcoatl, and we are... not in its belly now, are we?"

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, thinking carefully about this horrifying speculation, and then sighed: "It's not impossible."

"A mirage is a creature in Chinese legends. It forms a kingdom of its own in its belly." He looked at the darkness around him complicatedly and murmured: "At the level of Quetzalcoatl, it is not an exaggeration to form a world of its own."

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