
Chapter 618: Xianxu Dynasty (I)


There was a deathly silence in this house.

The huge tree cocoon in the center squirmed silently. Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness enveloped the surroundings, but he still didn't notice anything.

Half an hour passed, and an hour passed. They didn't dare to relax at all. There must be other secrets in this room. Even... there are certain living things that they cannot mess with. Only when the other party takes action first will they know who dragged the person away in the darkness.

"It will really take action? No, is there really something else here?" Angel finally lost her patience and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know..." Xu Yangyi looked around warily: "But if I were a hunter, and no one had come in for thousands of years, and I was chewing dried old bacon, I would definitely want to try some fresh meat. smell."

"Pfft..." Angel couldn't help but laugh. This person looked serious, but sometimes he was actually a little bit humorous.

This bit of humor just makes the current atmosphere less tense. I don't know if it is intentional or not.

"Be serious." She hit the opponent's side with her elbow: "You still call yourself a hottie. Which hottie on TV is not more handsome than you?"

"Haha..." Xu Yangyi laughed noncommittally: "Just those pretty boys?"

An Qier pursed her lips. Although she didn't know what monster was coveting them in the dark now, she hoped that this kind of silent understanding could be more long when Xu Yangyi saw it as boring bickering: "Yo? You still recognize yourself as a little girl?" Meat?"

"Huh?" Without hearing the other person's response, Angel continued to poke the other person with her elbow. With this poke, her scalp exploded!


Xu Yangyi disappeared right behind her!

If Zhao Ziqi's disappearance was just dispensable to her, Cerberus was even more insignificant, but this person's disappearance was no good.

She turned around, and the ground behind her was completely blank, with no sign of anyone at all. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then the white bat wings suddenly spread out, and the blood energy in the seven orifices exploded.

"Are I too polite to you?" She gritted her teeth and flew into the air: "You dare to touch the person I like!!"

A burst of anger burst out from her heart. She put her hands together and pulled, and a blood-red long sword appeared in her hand. With a strong wave, the entire wall rumbled, and endless sand and stones flew. A sword was more than a hundred meters long and several meters deep. The arc suddenly appeared on the wall.

"Calmly flirting with you?!"

"Boom!" Another sword mark appeared.

"If you don't spit the person out, I will destroy this floor today!!"

"Boom, boom, boom!" Sword energy criss-crossed one after another, and in an instant, the wall was covered with sword marks.

Xu Yangyi didn't know all this.

The only thing he knew was that he finally knew what had taken him away.

This is the tower!

The tower itself, or this level, is a living thing!

Just now, a huge hole suddenly appeared in the ground. It was not that kind of hard stone cave, but rather like a huge open mouth. As soon as his feet were empty, he didn't even have time to mobilize his spiritual energy to fly up, and swallowed him in one mouthful.

"Crash!" His body continued to slide down in this soft corridor. The inside was not made of stone, but a strange flesh wall. It was as if he had been swallowed into something.

"Living creature?" His eyes turned cold, and the fish intestines immediately appeared in his hand and stabbed the corridor with force. Suddenly, it slid down toward him, leaving a long bloody trail on the corridor.

"Pfft!" Countless green blood spurted out, and he immediately carefully propped up the aura shield, and the disgusting green body fluid flowed down the shield. At the same time, from the deepest place, a resentful scream came.


The heart-stopping cry echoed in the bottomless tunnel.

He pulled the hilt of the sword, using his spiritual energy to control the wind, and then he looked at it carefully.

"Plop...plop..." The surrounding pink flesh wall rises and falls with the beating of something unknown, and is covered with purple-red meridians. Above his head, there was a ground like a water curtain, and he could even see Angel venting his anger outside.

However, the most eye-catching thing is the shining things along the meridians.

"Rune?" Xu Yangyi gently touched it with his hand, feeling the strong beating under his fingertips. It's certain this is a living thing.

"These words..." He pondered and looked at the palm-sized runes. They spread along every meridian, and there was no end to them. He didn't know how many years had passed, and they were emitting a faint blue light. However, there is a deep and evil flavor that remains enduring.

"This is the aura of the devil...and this aura..." He frowned and carefully identified it for a few seconds, then his eyes flashed: "Jie faction!"

"This is the spiritual energy of the Jie sect!"

Cerberus told a lie.

From the beginning, it hid its true purpose. This is probably where the Jie faction wants it to come!

"The secret is hidden under the throne of Asmodeus, in the typical darkness under the lamp. And no one dares to come here to explore. I'm afraid only its token can be opened. By the way... the devil's eyes saw the Tower of Babel After revealing its true identity, it swallowed the box. Time was so urgent at the time that I almost forgot about it..." A murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the deep corridor with a sneer.

"It seems that you also know that you have no use value. It was smart for me to send you back to hell with my own hands."

"But... you dare to deceive me before leaving. This time, I'm afraid your way back will not be so pleasant..."

"Swish!" His figure turned into a green light, and he rushed straight into the tunnel. About twenty minutes later, he finally saw a little light in front of him.

When his figure rushed out, he was slightly distracted.

This is a huge flesh wall cave. About a hundred meters in size.

It is not entirely a flesh wall. There is a place in the center, revealing a stone pond. It is in the shape of Tai Chi. There is no flesh within ten meters around. The pond is not small, about five or six meters, typical of the ancient Chinese style, but with a strong exotic style. The style is very strange.

Just beside the pond, a man in ancient Chinese clothes fell on the stone platform. His face was full of disbelief, and a Western long sword was stuck in his vest.

He obviously died very suddenly, and there were claw marks on the stone platform.

All the flesh walls were emitting a hazy red light from the inside, making this place look like a blood chamber. In the midst of these enchanting blood lights, a swaying lotus bud was reflected in the center of the pond.

There was no spiritual energy, just like an ordinary lotus.

However, its appearance here was the most unusual!

Planting lotus in the flesh!

There was no figure of Cerberus, nor was there a figure of Zhao Ziqi.

"Is this the last hidden thing of the Jie faction?" He walked to the side of the pond with a thoughtful look, and kicked the Western sword casually. The Western sword flew into the air and was held in his hand. He looked carefully and couldn't help but sighed that it was a good sword.

I don't know how many thousands of years have passed, but there is no sign of corrosion at all. I can still feel the powerful spiritual power carried by the sword thousands of years ago. This was obviously an extremely powerful magic weapon in the past.

Putting down the sword, he looked carefully at the man who fell to the ground. He had a long beard over his chest, and his beard was black. He looked as if he was only forty or fifty years old. I don't know which dynasty his clothes belonged to, and they were extremely luxurious. But if you look closely, every thread is woven in a strange way. Under the overlapping layers, you can vaguely see the overflowing treasure light.

"Magic weapon?" Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows. Even in the current world of cultivation, there are very few such body-protecting magic weapons that wrap the whole body. This not only requires the long-extinct "spiritual pattern master and spiritual embroidery master" to weave, but also requires "spiritual pattern cloth", a kind of cloth that only exists in records. It can be said that this set of clothes alone is worth a lot of money.

However, it was pierced by a sword, and the circulation of the talisman that penetrated the whole body was interrupted, so it can no longer be used.

His eyes shifted to the man's whole body. After looking at it for ten minutes, he took a breath.

Crown, belt, jade pendant, shoes... All of them are magic weapons! And any of them are definitely impossible to make now.

He took a deep breath, simply turned the body over, closed the other party's eyes that were not closed, pulled open his clothes, and searched all over his body.

Just as his hand reached into the other party's lapel, he frowned and took out something.

"This is..." He looked at the thing in his hand in astonishment: "Imperial edict?"

The thing in his hand did not look like cloth, let alone silk. It was exactly the same as the ancient imperial edict. The golden color of the noble family, the only difference is that it is not embroidered with a dragon, but a creature he has never seen. Just the appearance makes him feel majestic and majestic.

He tried to use his spiritual energy, and found that this one-foot-long, half-meter-long imperial edict could not be torn at all.

"Magic weapon?" He looked at the man's body with some disbelief.

Who is this?

All the clothes on his body are magic weapons, and the imperial edicts he brought are also magic weapons?

The spiritual power continued to increase, and soon it increased to the spiritual power of the foundation-building period. At this moment, the imperial edict suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light, and a surging majesty came out of the imperial edict, rushing back like a tidal wave!

Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy circulated throughout his body in an instant, and with a loud "bang", the next second, he was rushed a hundred meters away and hit the flesh wall.

"Automatic defense magic weapon." He gritted his teeth and stood up, blood oozing from his teeth. He didn't know how long it had been since the simple attack just now, hundreds of years or thousands of years, but he couldn't resist it at all, and was instantly hit a hundred meters away. He couldn't imagine how high the realm of the person who wrote the imperial edict was!

He took out the pill and swallowed it. After more than ten minutes, his pale face turned red again. He walked over carefully and opened the imperial edict without using any spiritual power.

"Now, Yin Yang Dojo will place Taichu in the 'Tower of Gods'."

There was only this sentence on it.

The signature was: Xiahou.

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