
Chapter 699: Dan (IV)

The prismatic seed actually emitted branches that followed his meridians and wrapped around the golden elixir.

"No... not wrapped." His eyes were a little red: "This... is tearing the golden elixir apart!"

The golden elixir is the most important thing for a golden elixir master. If the elixir is broken, the person will die. However, now it was actually shattered alive.

However, he did not die!

A very mysterious feeling rose from his heart, as if... another self was slowly merging with him.

That was not the fusion of will. This prismatic seed seemed to have flesh and blood, wrapped with a complete life. At this moment, it was implanted in his body, and his body did not reject it at all, but instead gladly accepted it.

"Boy... what is this?" Yuchang and Mistedin were also stunned. Even though they had lived for who knows how long, they had never seen such a strange situation.

The golden elixir was broken, but the person was still alive, and... the golden elixir was still merging with something else?

What on earth could break the rules of the world?

At the moment of fusion, all the ancient life forms in the world, such as Xiaoqing, Nanhua Butterfly Mother, Cain, and Covenus, all of these old monsters who were awakening, all made a slight sound.

"What is this?" Xiaoqing covered her chest in surprise, where a strange word was looming. Then, with a "whoosh" sound, she flew into the air!

Not only her, but all those ancient beings, either in their chests or between their eyebrows, all had a word appearing, and they all rushed towards Nanzhou.

At the same time, a sound of chain collapse sounded all over their bodies. Xiaoqing was stunned for a moment, and then a touch of ecstasy appeared on her face. With a shriek, the entire lotus sea was like a tsunami without wind, and the next second, her figure rushed into the sky!

The seal was broken.

The seal that sealed all the old monsters collapsed as the seeds and golden elixir in Xu Yangyi's body slowly merged into one!

In the Colosseum, a black tide covering the sky surged out, and an extremely old voice laughed: "How many years... How many years!"

"I... am back again!"

"Oh, the world... tremble under the terror of the Full Moon Wolf!"

Jerusalem, Macbeth, Vatican, at this moment, several eyes swept across the world.

"No way..." Saint Peter of Light was praying, and suddenly rushed to the edge of the Holy Light Dome in an extremely out-of-control manner, holding the railing with trembling hands: "How is it possible... This... So much ancient spiritual energy..."

"God is above..." Jerusalem, Bai Samu of Sand closed his eyes and took a breath: "Is the world going to collapse..."

In the consciousness of all Nascent Soul-level monks, a series of extremely powerful spiritual energy awakened from all corners of the earth, and the number... was no less than a hundred!

Some were in the mountains, some in the deep sea, some in the uninhabited jungle, and some under the ruins. The locations were different, but there was one thing in common.

Powerful, so powerful that it could not be surpassed!

However, the next second, they were all stunned again.

"What...what's going on?!"

At the bottom of Danxia Palace, with Xiaoqing's long laugh, the whole ground collapsed with a "boom"!

"I'm out...I'm finally out!! Hahahaha! Thousands of years of imprisonment...Jiang Shang! You've made me suffer so much!! This...this is!"

Before she finished laughing, her body expanded rapidly, and the thousands-meter-long Kunpeng was about to turn into an underground hole. However, at the same time, she suddenly stopped moving.

Not only her, but all the old monsters who had been freed from the seal could not move.

"Swish!" A circle of invisible white ripples bloomed from the surface of the earth, sweeping across every country, every corner, and every inch of the earth. Wherever it passed, everything stopped.

The wind stopped.

The clouds stopped.

The breathing and heartbeat of all creatures stopped.

Only hundreds of golden lights on the earth at this moment were left, breaking the loneliness of the universe.

Moreover, extremely mysterious talismans emerged from their bodies, forming chains. These chains emitted golden light that shot up into the sky. In a moment, they opened doors in the air that were difficult to describe.

At the same time... boundless Buddhist sounds rang out, and rootless lotus flowers bloomed out of thin air. All the old monsters were wrapped in this golden light and flew towards the clouds.

"Boom..." Hundreds of golden lights shot from the earth into the universe. At the end of the golden light, there were countless human figures floating. Xiaoqing looked at all this in amazement. As he went deeper and higher, he naturally saw the flower of the other shore.

"So that's how it is..." She looked up at the sky leisurely, her hair flying: "Quetzalcoatl... the moment you woke up, did you decide to take us away..."

"Are you telling us... we have been on Earth for too long, Zhenwu Realm, the war on Earth, we can't participate... right?"

"This is a war for this generation of monks, it is their path, without experiencing this battle, they can't grow... right?"

She closed her eyes quietly: "I understand."

Hundreds of long sighs sounded on Earth.

They were all orphans who had experienced the last war between the two worlds. They were sealed by the people at that time and kept until the next war. However, Quetzalcoatl did not allow it, so he left a key to unlock everyone, but because half of Chaos' body was fully awakened, they returned to where they should go.

They were unwilling to not be able to kill Zhenwu Realm.

Why? They didn't know.

There must be some reason that made Quetzalcoatl do this.

"It's so sad..." Xiaoqing's ordinary face showed a trace of emotion. As she slowly rose, she looked at the huge red spider lily next to her and suddenly smiled: "Boy..."

"Sure, sure... we will meet again..."

"Maybe, in other planes. Maybe... in a corner of the main plane... But I have a feeling that I will... meet you again..."

She smiled and looked at the red spider lily that was infused with spiritual energy. Just as she was about to turn her head back resolutely, she was stunned and looked over in surprise.

It didn't stop!

The spiritual energy of the red spider lily didn't stop!

How could this be possible! The whole world lost these few seconds, why didn't the red spider lily stop!

She didn't know the origin of Chaos and the founding spirit, and of course she didn't know that it was because the seed in Xu Yangyi's chest and the golden elixir merged that the key was completely opened.

"You...what did Lord Quetzalcoatl say to you?" She looked at Xu Yangyi in astonishment: "Lightkeeper?"

She pursed her lips, her brows suddenly lit up, and a green light shot towards Xu Yangyi's brows. Unexpectedly, a red mark appeared on both of their brows.

"What a loss." She sneered: "The Heart Seal, only men and women can feel each other. It is a seal for men and women to practice together, recording a memory of this palace. As long as you think of another woman, it will be unlocked by itself... It was actually used on this kid... It's really..."

"I'm so disappointed!"

"However, as long as you and I are in the same world in the future, you, don't think about running away."

Xu Yangyi didn't know this.

He could feel that countless powerful spiritual energy on Earth was slowly leaving the Earth. Entering another unspeakable place. However, now he had no time to look at these, but just focused on watching the seeds and the golden elixir being swallowed.

Both...were slowly pulled over by the vines of the seeds, and the golden elixir seemed to be completely unable to resist. And the contact became liquid. The golden elixir and the green seed actually merged into a golden green color.

But at the same time, as the two merged, a sense of perfection actually arose in his body!

"Is this... the first cause and effect?" Yu Chang and Mistedin looked at the fusion of the two in disbelief: "For a elixir cultivator to advance, besides spiritual energy, cause and effect are the most important. If you can't trace the source, your mind is not perfect, and you can never pursue a higher realm. It's not surprising that the first cause and effect has been searched for decades. You..."

"What is cause and effect?" Xu Yangyi couldn't help asking.

The two paused in unison, and then shook their heads together: "Now is not the time to talk about this. When you have nurtured the elixir, we will slowly tell you. In short, the elixir realm is completely different from the foundation of Qi refining."

"You have now reached the last step of the elixir, and the karma has been completely overcome by the perfection of the first cause and effect. You... will condense the elixir immediately! Don't be distracted!"

In the sky, hundreds of figures sank into the clouds, and all the golden light disappeared. At the same time, the world turned again.

The wind moved, the clouds moved, and everything returned to its original state. In Nanzhou, at the same time, between heaven and earth, a blue haze filled the air!

Due to the blue haze, everything was dyed blue. All the cultivators at the scene were stunned, and then they desperately screamed in the air: "Welcome to the ancestor!!" "Congratulations to the ancestor for advancing to the golden elixir!" "The world's supreme! The golden elixir realm! Please accept our Cao family's worship!!" "It is a great honor for the younger generation to be able to admire the ancestor's advancement ceremony!!"

"Boom!!!!" On everyone's light screen, a dazzling glow was seen, and the lotus leaves were infinitely green. In the brilliant blue light, the huge flower of the other shore slowly bloomed!

The flower of the other shore bloomed! Shocking the world!

Layer after layer, layer upon layer, magnificent, each layer turned into countless spiritual lights in the sky, flying around. All the foundation-building cultivators looked extremely respectful, but in fact they were desperately trying to snatch these spiritual lights. His face was filled with burning, worshipful, red eyes. Within a thousand miles, thousands of foundation builders bowed their heads and welcomed the Immortal to the throne.

"Huahuahua..." The red spider lily turned into a torrent of spiritual energy, sweeping across tens of thousands of miles of Nanzhou. When the spiritual light dissipated, a tall figure, who was reserved but not revealed, and powerful but not released, stood in the blue sky and the sea of ​​spiritual light, and smiled at everyone.

His figure was no different from that of an ordinary person, but as high as a mountain.

His aura was completely unfeeling, but it made people silent.

His every move was enough to make all the cultivators on the scene tremble with fear and dare not sweat.

This was the power of the golden elixir that he had not had before.

Invisible, without substance, but omnipresent and majestic.

A breath that made all the cultivators crazy lingered around the man. All I heard was the man smiling and saying, "This is the real person, Langdu."

"Welcome to the real person Langdu!!" "Long live the real person Langdu! His Dharma is invincible!!" "Congratulations to the real person for reaching the top!!" "Congratulations to my great China, now we have another ancestor!!" "The Song family in Guizhou is willing to serve the real person!" "The Chen family in Wuhan is willing to go through fire and water for the real person!" "The Wan family in Chongqing, if the real person has any orders, I will do it!"

Cheers came one after another, and tens of thousands of people formed a boiling ocean. Watching a Jindan ancestor successfully advance in person, this excitement and stimulation made all the cultivators - no matter how long they have practiced, crazy!

"Ding!" At the same time, in the room in Zhongnanhai, the voice of Tiandao sounded for the last time.

"Spiritual energy is stable."

"Total value... 537,800 spirits. Actual realm: middle stage of Jindan."

“Evaluation: The best person below Yuanying!”

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