Are All Online Articles Rubbish? Take Stock Of Golden Sayings To Teach You How To Be A Good Person

Chapter 11 Preaching Is Useless, Broken Bones Are Better Textbooks!

The next second.

Yanque's firm voice rang out, and a picture of her stepping on the rocks appeared on the screen.

〖Destiny is like a thread, it should be a rock! 〗

Song Qiguo was surprised and said:

"Eight short words? It's a bit profound. Let me think about it carefully..."

He thought deeply and expressed his opinion:

"Our destiny is like weaving those pieces of cloth... This weaving is good."

"The first point is complexity. Our fate and fate are very complicated, just like the threads of fabric."

"The second point is correlation. In our lifetime, we will inevitably be intertwined with the fate of other people, just like fabrics are interconnected and influence each other."

"The third point is delicacy. The threads of the fabric are intricate but orderly. Everyone has a unique fate of the fabric. Overall, it is quite delicate."

"The fourth point is certainty. Everyone's destiny has actually been arranged."

Song Qiguo concluded:

"My destiny is wonderful and complicated, and I have become who I am today. My inner goals are clear, and my will is as tenacious as a rock. Even if it is difficult, I must keep moving forward."

Song Ruoling nodded slowly, thoughtfully:

"That is to say, misfortune is as rough as the threads woven, and the only way to break it is to be as solid as a rock."

Song Qiguo echoed:

"No problem. Everyone may have their own unique opinion about the sentences in this game. This happens to be its subtlety!"

"It's hard to imagine how much deliberation the author spent writing this sentence."

Song Ruoling had a rather proud look on her face and said with a smile:

"How would you rate this sentence?"

Song Qiguo muttered:

"9.7 points."

【Life is like a mess, we should be as tough as a rock! 】

[As if you have been dealing with me for a long time, you would rather be me! 】

【The world is my machine, and the rocks are my thread! 】

[Chinese writing is so extensive and profound, it was perfected by Qi Bai! 】

[No, the netizens are so knowledgeable. After reading it, I can only say that I am so stupid! 】


As the count continued, the numbers continued to climb.

Many viewers of the father-son dialogue live broadcast went to Song Ruoling's live broadcast room and immersed themselves in enjoying the alliance's lines.

There are many people who have never been exposed to league games, and there are even many parents who have the ability to taste.

After Song Qiguo's detailed explanation and understanding, they all undoubtedly felt the charm of the game.

Even some parents with stubborn ideas are loosening up a little bit at this moment.

Could it be that they were really wrong? !

Everyone admired the author who wrote lines for Alliance game characters.

Song Ruoling became happier and happier with a proud smile on her face, as if she had written these lines.

"Keep going, the charm of the Alliance is more than this!"

Ike's words sounded again:

〖Time is not about how much you have, but how you use it. 〗

Song Qiguo sighed repeatedly:

"How do these sentences become so accurate, incisive and beautiful? It's amazing!"

Song Ruoling introduced with a smile:

"This is the character who once said he would rather make a mistake than do nothing, Ike."

"His full name in the game is Time Assassin, and his ultimate ability allows him to rewind time and return to the state he was in a few seconds ago."

Song Qiguo nodded clearly.

"I see, Time Assassin is interesting."

"This sentence is the purest truth. The amount of time is not important. What is important is how each of us uses it."

"Some people have a lot of time, but they keep wasting it, which is meaningless."

"And some people don't have a lot of time and don't live long, but they live out the meaning of life. As the saying goes, it's enough to die in the morning and die in the evening."

Song Qiguo sighed, "This seems to be a simple truth, but it is the most difficult to do. I have wasted a lot of time in my life."

Song Ruoling smiled and said:

"We have heard countless truths, but we still can't live this life well, right?"

[I also want to be a time assassin, go back to the past, and use time correctly again! 】

[The today you waste is the tomorrow that those who died yesterday are hoping for, the present you waste is the past that you can never get back in the future. 】

[Who is the master of time management? 】

[Flowers will bloom again, no one will be young anymore, every inch of time is worth every inch of gold, this simple and unpretentious truth! 】

[It’s over, I find that I am out of tune with the comment area. Could it be that all the brothers are academic masters and I am the only one who is a real scumbag? ! 】


at this time.

In the video, Illaoi's burly figure emerged, and her domineering words sounded:

〖Preaching is useless, broken bones are better textbooks. 〗

Song Qiguo laughed, "The words he wrote are thought-provoking. The lessons are meaningless if they are not accompanied by pain. Only suffering and pain are the best teachers!"

"Of course, this does not mean advocating stick education. It is just the truth of life. It is true that only broken bones will remain fresh in people's memories."

"Practice is the only criterion for testing truth."

"Like it, like it, I learned a lot from this game."

Song Ruoling praised his explanation, "Professor of Literature has done his best again. He said it well!"

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