Are All Online Articles Rubbish? Take Stock Of Golden Sayings To Teach You How To Be A Good Person

Chapter 57 Don’T Return, This Is Not Home! ! (Please Order In Full!)

"The second past event is Yang Dong's worries.

"Yang Dong, the physicist who committed suicide, had such an experience before his death."

"She learned the truth about human physics being locked by Sophon from her mother's hard drive, and also learned the true identity of her mother Ye Wenjie."

"Yang Dong, who had lost her faith in survival, came to the laboratory where she used to work. Under the guidance of a man with glasses, she saw a computer model that simulated the earth's ecological environment.

"She was surprised to find that when the initial setting of the earth model was without life, the earth without animals, plants and bacteria would not have the atmospheric environment it has today."

"So there are no oceans or rivers on Earth!"

"It's going to be a dry, yellow world."

"Through this model, Yang Dong felt the impact of life on the world."

"She then thought about how much impact the thousands of civilizations in the crowded universe have on the universe?"

"With this question, the character behind the Three-Body Problem appears!"

"The first one is Yun Tianming!"

When Song Ruoling mentioned this name, the corners of her mouth couldn't stop rising.

Deng Ziqi also looked excited.

Song Qiguo looked at the expressions of the two women and then took a look at the enthusiastic barrage in the live broadcast room, and he knew that another important person was on the stage!

The characters written by Qi Bai are all flesh and blood and full of charm.

Song Qiguo couldn't help but sit up straight and concentrate.

"Yun Tianming is a lonely man with terminal cancer. He just learned the news of the passage of the euthanasia bill in the hospital."

"At this time, a fellow entrepreneur who was inspired by him to create a beverage brand came to visit him."

"And gave him 3 million yuan in return."

"But in Yun Tianming's eyes at this moment, fame and money are no longer important.

"The only thing in his heart is the goddess he has been secretly in love with for many years..."

Song Ruoling mustered up the courage to say that name:

"Cheng Xin."

This was obviously another important role, but Song Qiguo didn't see the excitement on the faces of Song Ruoling and Deng Ziqi.

On the contrary, there was a hint of despair and helplessness in their eyes.

Song Qiguo was confused.

The same is naturally true for netizens who have never watched Three-Body Problem in the live broadcast room.

[The goddess character appeared, but the three-body fans didn’t jump for joy? How strange. 】

[The contrast between Sister Ling and Zi Qi is a bit big. When I mention Yun Tianming, I can’t help but raise the corner of my mouth. When I mention the goddess Cheng Xin, why does it become gloomy? 】

[Three-body fans were silent collectively, it seems that this female character is very powerful!]

[The Holy Mother has arrived, and then you will understand what the God of Death and Eternal Life II

[Three-Body fans have very complicated feelings towards the character Cheng Xin, please continue listening...]


"This girl who is like sunshine and makes the boys around her sleepless and sleepy is the true love in Yun Tianming's heart."

"He decided to do something for Cheng Xin before he died..."

"Like giving her a star."

Song Qiguo was a little surprised.

Can stars still be given?

He subconsciously thought it was just a joke.

For example, "She wants the stars in the sky, why don't you pick them out for her too..."

These are just words to describe being too nice to the other person.

However, Song Ruoling explained:

"In order to deal with the Tribody crisis, in addition to the wall-facing plan that year, there are many other plans that are being carried out simultaneously."

"Including the Star Project!"

"For the purpose of expanding and distributing resources, the United Nations has put all exoplanets up for sale."

“Any guest can contribute money to purchase their own star.

"This absurd plan quickly faded from the stage of history, but it helped Yun Tianming realize his wish."

"After some procedures, Yun Tianming anonymously purchased EX3906, a star visible to the naked eye."

"And solemnly filled in two words in the recipient column, Cheng Xin."

Song Qiguo was slightly shocked:

"You can really buy stars, Ying!"

"Yun Tianming looks very affectionate. This is so romantic."

[Awesome, this is the romance of science fiction novels, send it directly to the stars!]

【Oh, buy it! We are just teasing, are you serious?】

[It's a pity that Yun Tianming is planning to commit euthanasia by himself. He can't chase the goddess anymore. 】

[If anyone can give me a star, I will give it to him on the spot!]

【Romance till death do us part!】


"Yun Tianming, who had fulfilled his last wish, chose to accept euthanasia...~"."

"But the moment he pressed the final confirmation button, someone broke in and stopped the injection process."

"This person is none other than Cheng Xin!"

"Facing the confused Yun Tianming, Cheng Xin revealed the purpose of her trip."

"A few years ago, Cheng Xin, who graduated with an aerospace major, was not optimistic about the development prospects of chemically powered rockets."

"After the Three-Body Crisis, Cheng Xin chose to join the Strategic Intelligence Agency (PIA) under the Planetary Defense Council."

"This is a legendary organization because they have a legendary bureau chief..."

"Thomas Wade."

When Song Ruoling mentioned this name, Deng Ziqi once again said excitedly:

"One of my favorite male heroes!"

"Vade, the eternal god!"

Song Ruoling obviously liked this character very much like her, and continued to introduce excitedly:

"He is a man with deep sense and a warrior with a firm will to win."

"His greatest pleasure is to appreciate the despair of the weak."

"It was he who proposed an impossible mission to send a human probe to the Trisolaran world!"

"Theoretically, the plan calls for the detector to reach at least one percent of the speed of light."

"And this is 100 times the limit of human spaceflight speed at that time!"

【Vade is a real man! There are too many to mention!】

[I even want to spoil the story in advance, please hold back! 】

[Those two sentences still echo in my mind, deafening!]

[Weide and Zhang Beihai, recommended for life!]

[Let me tell you, is Vader that powerful? With Zhang Beihai in the platoon?!]


With the previous experience, Song Qiguo and the netizens in the live broadcast room no longer dare to underestimate any character in The Three-Body Problem!

Because the impact Zhang Beihai and Luo Ji had on them was too great!

These two characters accomplished a feat that no one in human history has accomplished.


"No matter how much Vader roars, he even makes extreme remarks like using resources to change the principles and bypass them."

"Experts from various countries still firmly believe that it is impossible."

"This made the mission awkward for a time..."

"Until Cheng Xin came up with her idea, the ladder plan!"

"Cheng Xin told the story of the ladder plan amidst sarcastic laughter.

"Send a detector pulled by only a radiation sail into space, and then use nuclear explosion radiation at a certain distance as energy to promote its continuous acceleration.

"It's like going up a flight of stairs, eventually reaching one percent of the speed of light!"

"After many difficult mediations and compromises, the ladder plan was finally passed."

"But due to quality limitations, the detector can only use a hibernating human brain."

“So having an aerospace background and being terminally ill have become two indicators of a target candidate.

"This is a mission scarier than going to hell!"

"Because this brain will fly into the boundless dark universe..."

"We will fly towards the invading Trisolaran civilization..."

"What awaits it may be various extreme human sensory experiments, but this brain can only withstand it."

"This is the purpose of Cheng Xin's trip."

Song Ruoling smiled bitterly and said:

“When she learned that one of her classmates majoring in aerospace was terminally ill, she rushed back to China without much thought and asked that person to donate her brain.

"This person is Yun Tianming."

"Cheng Xin doesn't know at this moment that it is the man in front of her who anonymously gave her a star..."

"She was ecstatic to be the only woman in the world to own a star."

"And now she is begging this man to die in the name of charity for all mankind...

Speaking of which.

In the live broadcast room, men were silent and women were crying.

Song Qiguo was slightly stunned. He understood why the three-body fans didn't like the character Cheng Xin very much.

This is really ironic.

A man who gave her a star was forced to die by her.

"Facing Cheng Xin's earnest eyes, Yun Tianming laughed wildly at his own pretentiousness."

"Then he was heartbroken and said to Cheng Xin with a sad smile, OK, I accept it."

"Yun Tianming started the ladder plan test as the fifth candidate."

"During this period, an accident made Cheng Xin feel guilty."

"That was Wazim's death."

"In order to force Wazim, a mid-level cadre of PIA, to serve as a candidate, the brutal Veed carefully framed him and made him suffer from leukemia.

“This man, who had a wife and daughter, became blind due to an illness while driving, causing the car to crash into the river on the roadside, killing him.

"It was the loss of this life that made Cheng Xin feel pity for Yun Tianming..."

"She went to Director Wade and hoped to withdraw her recommendation to Yun Tianming."

"Yun Tianming, who can be lonely by nature, ranked among the best in the test. Vader, who would do whatever it takes to win, would not easily let go of this coveted qualified candidate.

"Soon, the swearing-in meeting for candidates of the Ladder Plan will be held in the United Nations General Assembly Hall!"

"While all the other candidates firmly swore allegiance to humanity, Yun Tianming did not say the oath as he sincerely hoped."

"Instead he said calmly...I don't swear an oath."

"Because I don't feel love in this world."

"As for whether it is loyal to human beings, it depends on the Trisolaran civilization I have seen.

"These words made Cheng Xin feel like she was falling into an ice cave, and also made Yun Tianming pass the final test.

"Vide turned around proudly again, admiring Cheng Xin's despair and pain."

"And he said to her, if we believe him, then the Trisolarans will believe it too!"

"In this way, after another qualified candidate who refused to take the oath died suddenly due to illness, Yun Tianming became the only qualified candidate."

"What awaits him is a living brain removal surgery."

"In the hospital on the day of the operation, Wade gave Cheng Xin the final blow with a victory gesture."

"He told Cheng Xin that her star was given by Yun Tianming..."

[Vader is so evil? He looks like a big villain, haha, this is a last-ditch attack...]

[Well done! Let Cheng Xin regret it!]

[I feel so sorry for Yun Tianming, I only give you my brain!]

[Come, fall in love, give her a star, and leave. 】

[Later, Yun Tianming will be a super god, except for the fact that he likes Cheng Xin...]


"Cheng Xin, who was frozen in place, seemed to have come from a dream.

Waking up with a start, she ran towards the operating room, only to see a frozen brain in a container.

"The painful Cheng Xin allowed the torrent of sorrow to burst out."

"Until the doctor who performed the surgery told her that Trisolarans may have the ability to clone a complete Yun Tianming based on the genetic information in the brain, thereby resurrecting him."

"." Cheng Xin, with renewed hope, rushed out of the hospital frantically.

"In order to prevent Yun Tianming from starving to death in the future, he will bring some important things to the aircraft... seeds!"

“The probe finally took off, but it deviated from its course, and humans will no longer be able to observe Yun Tianming’s brain.

"As the liaison officer sent to the future by the Ladder Plan, Cheng Xin will also enter hibernation."

"With deep guilt, she will sail with human civilization to the era of deterrence two centuries later!"

Hearing the Deterrence Era, Song Qiguo cheered up.

The netizens in the live broadcast room also became attentive and finally got to the point!

He wanted to see how the plot would develop after Luo Ji's intimidation.

"Deterrence Era Year One or Two."

"Humans are an arrogant race."

"Half a century of peaceful coexistence with the Trisolarans has made them return to comfort, and even become stupid!"

"This stupidity was first reflected in a despicable return scam."

Song Ruoling looked a little angry and said in a low tone:

"In the Doomsday War, the surviving Bronze Age ships received the order to return with infinite longing for Blue Star Mother."

"Every crew member was informed that they would be reunited with their families as heroes."

"However, as soon as the airship landed, all the crew members were stripped of their military ranks and charged with crimes against humanity and were taken to court!"

"That call to return home is just a scam conspired by the Trisolarans of Blue Star International to lure them back!"

"In court, the main accusation compared to their escape behavior during the battle was the dark campaign they launched against their compatriots on board the ship in order to plunder resources!"

"Here, the testimonies of the crew are a true portrait of a cruel universe.

"The attack was the result of a collective vote of the entire crew."

Song Ruoling said in a faint tone:

"When humans truly live in space, totalitarianism only takes five minutes!"

"We store the intact bodies of those who died from the secondary wave for consumption.

"These shocking testimonies culminated in a warning from the captain..."

〖The emergence of life from the ocean to land is a milestone in the evolution of life on earth. 〗

〖But those fish that came ashore were no longer fish. 〗

〖Similarly, people who really go into space are no longer human beings. 〗

〖So humans, when you plan to fly to outer space, you will never look back. 〗

〖Please be careful!〗

〖The price you need to pay is much greater than you think!〗


Unparalleled shock!

The development of the plot far exceeded the imagination of Song Qiguo and the netizens in the live broadcast room.

Especially this warning made their hair stand on end!

The words in the Three-Body novel always give them a strong sense of reality.

[I’m on my knees, First Teacher Bai, you are a professor of cosmology, right? Otherwise, how could you write so many truths that are consistent with Luo Ji’s! 】

[While I was watching the live broadcast in class, I almost stood up several times and shouted, "How awesome!"

[Eating corpses, my God! But this is all for survival, and there seems to be no better way...

[This is the Bronze Age ship, not the Blue Space ship. The Blue Space ship has enough resources and does not eat people. They put all the corpses in the space cemetery. 】


"The human world at this moment doesn't care about this warning.

"Ultimately, nearly the entire crew was found guilty."

"They will be taken to a space prison."

"Before departure, some crew members boarded the Bronze Age again to complete the handover of the spacecraft."

"During this final handover..."

"Sneider, the former screening officer of the Bronze Age, suddenly forcibly opened the communication system. He wanted to contact the other surviving ship, the Blue Space!"

"Amidst the blood stained by being shot through the chest by the gendarme, he issued a final warning!"

〖The Bronze Age number calls the Blue Space number!〗

〖Don’t return!〗

【This is not home!〗

"The precious life warning arrived at the Blue Space, causing it to immediately accelerate and escape from the solar system..."

After Song Ruoling finished speaking, she collapsed on the seat as if she had collapsed.

Even after reading The Three-Body Problem many times.

Every time I still find these deeply rooted sentences that shock my soul.

What surprised her most about this passage was that there was nothing wrong with the human trial itself, nor was there anything wrong with Starship Earth.

But they shouldn't come back!

Because they fly into space, they are no longer considered human beings...

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