[When you took the initiative, the spirit of the secret realm was seriously injured, but at the moment of death, it exploded all the formations in the secret realm. ]

[With your superb strength and attainments in formations, you finally saved more than 8,000 soul crystals, but all other treasures were destroyed or scattered in the turbulent flow of the void. ]

[You returned to the Xianyang Palace of the Great Qin Imperial City and began to refine these more than 8,000 soul crystals. ]

[At the age of 24, you successfully refined these more than 8,000 soul crystals and opened up 20,000 divine orifices again. Your strength increased by more than two times again, and you felt that your strength was no weaker than that of the God of the Divine Court. ]

[At this time, the "Immortality of Humanity Sutra" you practiced also broke through the state of perfection, giving your soul a trace of immortality. ]

[Half a year later, you sacrificed and refined the imperial seal, and then came to the ruins of the Little Leiyin Temple, using the Great Light Fist Seal of the same origin to break the seal of the Demon Buddha. ]

[You searched the soul of the Demon Buddha to find out his origins, but found that he, like Xu Fu, had no soul. ]

[The Demon Buddha advised you not to waste your energy. He is just a projection of consciousness. His main body is in a higher level world. As long as his main body is not dead, this projection of consciousness will never be destroyed. Even the golden body of Sakyamuni can only suppress him, but not kill him. ]

A higher level world?

Lu Changsheng was shocked.

He had only heard of the rumors of ascension in Tianyuan Continent, and did not know about the higher level world.

Unexpectedly, the original body of this Demon Buddha came from a higher level world.

[You asked the Demon Buddha where he came from. The Demon Buddha told you that the world you are in is called Xiaoyuanjie, which is one of the countless middle thousand worlds, and he came from the Great Thousand Worlds with only three thousand numbers - Xuanhuang Great World. Because the rules of each great world are different, they form their own Dao domain, so it can also be called Xuanhuang Dao Domain! ]

[You bring the Demon Buddha back to Xianyang Palace, point at Xu Fu who is refining the elixir and tell him that this person is also unkillable. Could he also be the projection of the consciousness of a certain Dao domain master? ]

[The Demon Buddha disdainfully says that this person is just a flesh and blood puppet formed by supernatural powers, and the person behind him is a million miles away from his original body. ]

[You ask what supernatural powers are, the Demon Buddha says that doing the impossible is called supernatural powers! The next realm after the Soul Tribulation Realm is the Supernatural Power Realm! ]

[The Demon Buddha tempts and says that as long as you give him 1 billion human blood food, he will tell you how to break through to the Supernatural Power Realm. ]

[You ponder for a moment and ask if the monster race’s blood food is okay. The Demon Buddha dislikes that there are too few creatures in the monster race that have opened their spiritual wisdom, and he doesn’t like to eat stupid people. ]

[So, you seal the Demon Buddha again, and come to the toilet, threatening him that if he doesn’t agree, he will soak him in the toilet day and night. The Demon Buddha is furious and has to agree. ]

[Then you bring the Demon Buddha to the Western Wasteland and let him devour 1 billion monsters. The Demon Buddha tells you that if you want to break through the realm of supernatural powers, you only need to open any one of the three major treasures: the Yuanqi God Treasure, the Flesh God Treasure, and the Soul God Treasure. As long as you let him devour 1 billion more blood food, he will tell you how to open the three major treasures. ]

[Anyway, the demon race is just a foreign race in your eyes, so you don't feel bad and agree to it readily. ]

[After the Demon Buddha devours another 1 billion monsters, he tells you that when your magic power is as vast as the sea and endless, you can open the Yuanqi God Treasure; when your flesh is immortal and indestructible, comparable to the best Taoist soldiers, you can open the flesh God Treasure; when your soul opens up 129,600 divine orifices and condenses a perfect divine fetus, you can open the Soul God Treasure. ]

[Next, the Demon Buddha said that as long as he lets him devour 1 billion more blood food, he will tell you how to use the three major treasures to cultivate supernatural powers and let you enter the realm of supernatural powers. 】

"Good fellow, you're going to fight with Pin Xixi with one sword, right?"

Lu Changsheng couldn't help but complain when he saw this familiar routine.

This demon Buddha had to split the process of breaking through the supernatural realm into several links, and asked for a benefit at each link.

But if you really compare, this demon Buddha is still much more conscientious than Pin Xixi.

At least if you fight with one sword, he really gives you what you want.

Unlike Pin Xixi, who fought with tens of thousands of swords, but was always a little short.

But Lu Changsheng felt that this demon Buddha was a little too obedient, which was very different from him in the previous simulation of the chaotic world.

[You agreed to the demon Buddha's request, but after swallowing it this time, the demon Buddha did not immediately fulfill what you wanted, but attacked you directly, as if after its strength increased greatly, it wanted to swallow you together. ]

[You took a lot of effort to defeat the demon Buddha, but it was difficult to seal him after his strength increased greatly. After his defeat, he was seriously injured and fled, and his whereabouts are unknown. 】

【Soon after, the Demon Buddha appeared in Beiyuan again and devoured most of the barbarians. Then a god from the Nine Heavens descended and defeated him. The Demon Buddha fled again and disappeared. 】

【After the Demon Buddha disappeared, a god from the Nine Heavens cameXianyang Palace, saying that everything was caused by you, and if you hadn't released the Demon Buddha, the barbarians wouldn't have suffered such a catastrophe. After saying that, he killed you! ]

[However, your strength far exceeded the imagination of the Nine Heavens Gods. With just one move of "Heavenly Buddha Asking the Way", you beat him so badly that he fled. ]

[Afterwards, in order to prevent being surrounded and beaten, you hid in the Bodhi Cave Heaven. The red-haired monster was awakened by your powerful breath and attacked you. You hit it and it was annihilated into ashes with a casual blow, and it didn't even have time to curse. ]

[But not long after, five gods came down to the world and broke into the Bodhi Cave Heaven under the guidance of the God Emperor. They said you were an anomaly in the world and surrounded you. ]

[In the end, you used the fifth move of the Great Light Fist Seal - Ten Thousand Buddhas Paying Homage to the Emperor, killing two of the five gods and injuring three, and you yourself suffered the backlash of the Great Light Fist Seal and died! ]

"Finally, I can defeat the God of the Divine Court head-on!"

There was a hint of excitement on Lu Changsheng's face.

In the previous simulations, he had died at the hands of a God Lord. Now he can finally crush a single God Lord.

However, most of this was due to the Great Light Fist Seal. Without the Great Light Fist Seal, it would still be very difficult for him to defeat a God Lord with his current strength.

"But this Demon Buddha is a treasure. This simulation got a lot of secret information from him, which made me clear about the future path."

Lu Changsheng sighed.

This Demon Buddha is the consciousness projection of a big man in Xuanhuang Daoyu. The information leaked is definitely just the tip of the iceberg.

Moreover, this guy is insidious and cunning, not easy to get along with. If you are not careful, you will be killed by him. For the time being, I will not let him out. You can just contact him in the simulator.

[After the simulation, you can keep one of the items. ]

[One, the cultivation realm at the age of 24. ]

[Two, the cultivation experience at the age of 24. 】

"Choose one!"

As Lu Changsheng made his choice, the divine fetus in his sea of ​​consciousness suddenly had more than 15,000 light spots, which added up to the previous light spots, exactly 20,800.

In each light spot, it seemed as if something was gestating.

At this time, there was no sign of abnormality, and only Lu Changsheng himself had a vague sense of it.

He felt that after the gestation matured, there would be earth-shattering changes.

"Soul Mind Divine Treasure?"

Lu Changsheng had a vague guess.

In addition to the change in the number of divine orifices, the divine fetus itself also underwent a significant change.

Originally purple, now there is a touch of gold, turning into purple-gold, more luxurious than before, with a kind of immortal breath flowing.

This is the change brought about by the perfection of the Immortal Sutra of Human Dao, which has greatly improved the essence of Lu Changsheng's soul.

The nine-foot-nine-inch divine fetus is already the limit of the soul power that the Soul Tribulation Realm can accommodate, and it will be difficult for the soul power to grow after that.

But the essence of the soul can be continuously improved with the opening of the divine orifices. When the number of divine orifices reaches 129,600, the essence of the soul will also undergo some transformation.

The sages of the small universe called it the perfect divine fetus. I wonder if it is the soul and mind divine treasure mentioned by the demon Buddha.

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