"But... can I become more beautiful?

Can I stay young forever?"

Chen Chen's eyes widened when she heard this.

There is no woman who is not interested in these two things.

She is no exception.

When she thought that she could be beautiful forever, her eyes almost popped out.

"Of course, even immortality is fine."


Whatever you do, whatever you do!

Brother~ good brother~ quickly tell me!"

"First, you have to pick some of this fruit."


"Then, boil some hot water, wash the fruit, and wash yourself at the same time."

"Hmm! Then what?"

"Then, you can eat the fruit and have a good sleep!"

"Can you become beautiful just by waking up?!"

"No, just fall asleep, don't wake up!

If you wake up, you won't be beautiful anymore, and you won't be able to stay young forever!"


""Gou Kun! You lied to me!"

Chen Chen was furious, and she grabbed Zhao Lu's arm and bit it.

However, although she bit it, she didn't use much force for unknown reasons.

Although she had two sharp little canine teeth, she didn't hurt Zhao Lu at all.

Moreover, not only did she not hurt Zhao Lu, she even gave Zhao Lu a very strange feeling - there was nothing she could do, there was something soft and wet rubbing on Zhao Lu's arm.

"Are you licking me?"

"I'll bite you!"

Seeing Zhao Lu's half-smiley eyes, Chen Chen immediately became angry.

He bit her hard and then shook Zhao Lu's arm away.


"Well, this is a good thing. It can be made into natural skin care products, so that you can be beautiful even on a desert island.~"


"Of course.

This is a tree grape, also known as Jabuticaba. It contains a large amount of phenolic substances such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, tannins and phenolic acids. It has strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-cancer biological activities. The extract is generally used as a medicine.

Eating it regularly can beautify your skin.

However, I can make it into a skin care product to make you white and acne-free.

If you add some coconut oil sunscreen, it will be perfect.

Moreover, this tree grape can also be used to make red wine and jam, which is very good!"


"Do you want it?"


"It depends on your performance.~"

"Brother~ good brother~ can you make some for me~"

Chen Chen pulled Zhao Lu's arm and started to act like a spoiled child.

Because their cameras were both turned off, it was dark around them, and they had just confirmed their relationship.

So she was no longer so shy. She acted cute, acted like a spoiled child, glared, and hugged. She used all her tricks.

However, Zhao Lu was not moved at all, and even enjoyed the process. Chen Chen was not angry, but kept acting like a spoiled child while helping Zhao Lu pick grapes from the tree. The two of them played around while collecting and feeding the hero honey bear.

"Okay, that's all~

It's too late today, and it's still raining, let's pick them tomorrow when it's sunny."

Zhao Lu looked at Chen Chen's small bamboo basket, which was already filled with a lot of grapes, and directly took Chen Chen's hand and strode towards the shelter.

"Do we have to have sunny weather to pick them?"

"Yes, there are some things to be careful about when picking many fruits.

For example, it is best to pick grapes on cloudy or sunny days. The worst thing to do is to pick them on rainy days because they are easy to spoil.

However, since I picked less, it doesn't matter."

"Is that so~"

Chen Chen nodded,"Do many fruits have such requirements?"

"Basically, it is better not to pick fruits on rainy days.

First, they are easy to spoil, second, they taste bad, and third, picking fruits on rainy days will cause certain damage to the tree trunks.

It is easy to make the fruit trees sick and affect the yield next year.

However, we don’t need to be too particular in the tropical rainforest.

Besides, it doesn’t matter if we pick less."

"Then when the weather clears up tomorrow, we must go pick more fruits!

Anyway, the typhoon is coming, and it will definitely blow away all the fruits.

So we must pick all the fruits.

Even the unripe ones!"

"Of course"


As the two talked, they returned to the shelter.

"I, Hu Hansan, am back again!"

Chen Chen jumped back to the shelter, shouting foolishly.

He scared the little greedy and the honey badger who were resting with their eyes closed.

Then the two Pokémon looked at Chen Chen as if he were an idiot.

It was as if they were questioning why a good person could go crazy.

"Hahahaha ~

The shelter is still comfortable!

It feels like home!"


It should be eleven o'clock now, right?"

Zhao Lu couldn't see the moon and stars, so she could only judge the time by intuition.

"You should take a shower and go to bed. You have to get up early tomorrow."

"Forget it... feeling a bit cold……"

Chen Chen frowned, his face suddenly turned bitter.

"Don't worry, I'll get you some hot water~"

Zhao Lu smiled and came to the fire.

"Do you want to boil some water for me?"

Chen Chen glanced at Zhao Lu who was busy."But how should I use this boiled water?

I don't need you to help me pour water.

Forget it.~"

"There's no need to boil water. I have a better way.

You can wash in a moment.~"


Chen Chen looked at Zhao Lu curiously.

"How to do it?"

"Go pack up all the things you just got, and then you can take a shower."

"That's good~"

Chen Chen nodded, and then went to pack her things.

Not long after, she packed her things and came to Zhao Lu.

"How do you do it?

Is it done?"


Zhao Lu pointed to the stone slab in front of her.

At this moment, there was a pile of small stones on the stone slab.

"Put these stones on the waterway, then the water will be hot and you can take a bath."

""Is that so?


You are so smart!"

Chen Chen sighed, and then took the stone to take a bath.

After taking two steps, Chen Chen suddenly stopped.

"You can't peek!"

"Then I will watch it openly!"

"you dare!"

"Why shouldn't I?

You're my girlfriend anyway.~"


Chen Chen's tone stagnated, and he wanted to say something, but in the end he just said,"Humph!

Anyway, it won't work!"


Zhao Lu smiled evilly and said nothing.


Chen Chen stamped his feet,"Okay! I'll give you a treat after I finish washing!"

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