Youmeng Island is very big.

Half of the island has a tropical rainforest climate, half has a tropical savanna climate, and a small half is mountainous.

For such a large island, it stands to reason that the probability of the contestants meeting each other is not high.

However, this is not the case.

Because the program team put all the contestants at the same landing point and let everyone set off together, the distance between them is not far.

Except for some people who have grabbed tents and tools, or some people who are more confident living on the grassland, or people who are naturally cautious and like to walk farther, everyone is in this rainforest.

In addition, the typhoon is coming soon, and everyone is constantly moving, so the probability of meeting other contestants in the rainforest is still relatively high at this moment.

Not long after Zhao Lu went out, he found a mark carved on the tree.

This means that someone passed by here!

What surprised Zhao Lu even more was that the direction of this person's mark was actually the same as the direction of the breadfruit tree.

This made Zhao Lu have to be careful.

Other fruit trees are fine. If they are discovered by someone, they will be discovered. It's harmless.

But this breadfruit must not be discovered by outsiders. After all, this breadfruit is a good thing that can feed many people! It is more useful than ordinary fruits.

Once discovered, many problems may arise.

Therefore, he temporarily gave up the hunting plan and turned to walk towards the breadfruit tree.

However, he became more and more panicked along the way.

Because along the way, he had found many marks.

These marks all indicate that this person is likely to be heading to the breadfruit tree.

"I hope he doesn't go too far."What

Zhao Lu was most worried about was not the other party picking the fruit.

He was worried that the enemy would be angry with the fruit tree because he couldn't pick the ripe fruit, and cut it down with a knife!

So he moved very fast along the way, and finally arrived at the breadfruit tree in the shortest time.

However, the scene he didn't want to see the most finally appeared.

There was indeed a man wielding a hatchet to chop the tree at the breadfruit tree.

However, because Zhao Lu arrived relatively immediately, this person only damaged the breadfruit tree and did not cause any major problems.

"Damn it, someone is really doing this kind of thing!"

Zhao Lu's brows frowned instantly, but he did not rush to attack, but began to think about how to subdue his opponent.

"How can I stop him and eliminate this person?"

Although he saw the other party chopping trees, he couldn't take the initiative to attack.

After all, once he took the initiative to attack, it would be a foul.

"It seems that we need to find a way to get him to the second breadfruit tree."

Zhao Lu frowned.

Once, a contestant named Meng Wei also found the breadfruit tree. He dug a trap under the breadfruit tree, hoping to eliminate Zhao Lu and monopolize the breadfruit tree.

However, in the end, he was eliminated by Zhao Lu, and the trap he dug was not moved and is still there.

"But how can he be made to step on the trap?

We can't wait for him to finish chopping down the first tree, and then fall into the second tree, right?"

Zhao Lu was a little worried.

It was really a big problem to make the other party step on the trap without exposing himself.

The method he could think of at present was just a bad plan - using stones to knock down the breadfruit on the tree, so that the breadfruit fell to the ground and scared the man.

In this way, the purpose of making the other party dodge and step on the trap was achieved.

However, this strategy was not good enough.

So he is still thinking about it.

"Got it!"

Suddenly Zhao Lu's eyes lit up.

He saw something, and suddenly he had a solution!



The bastard is quite lucky!"

Xu Ke cursed in a low voice while chopping down the breadfruit tree.

"Why don't I have such luck?

Why! ?

The companions I found with great difficulty were also eliminated.

The resources I found with great difficulty were also taken away by others.

Why am I so unlucky! ?

And you, with five breadfruit trees, don't have to work hard at all. You can sit back and relax and watch us compete by collecting breadfruit every day, and then live to the end with a smile?

I don't accept it!

The typhoon is coming soon, and I will definitely not be able to bear it. I will quit soon.


Since I quit, I am destined not to get this breadfruit tree, so I won't let you get it either!

I cut down all your trees, let's see what you can do!


Xu Ke's original strength was okay.

But he had not eaten enough during this period, and his sleep was not good, so his physical strength was not very good.

As a result, his strength was very weak at the moment, and he didn't cut down much wood after chopping for a long time.

However, he believed that if he kept chopping, he would be able to chop down this breadfruit tree that bothered him!

"Almost there!

Almost there!

We can chop down this breadfruit tree soon!


Just when Xu Ke was enjoying chopping the ground, he suddenly heard an animal calling from a tree not far from the breadfruit tree. He immediately stopped what he was doing and looked over there.

It turned out to be a monkey, scratching its head and looking at him.

"" You stinky monkey!

What are you looking at?!"

Xu Ke glared at the monkey and continued chopping trees.

However, just as he lowered his head, a stone suddenly shot out from behind him and hit the monkey fiercely.

Finally, it hit the monkey's head with a"pop".


The monkey was immediately angry after being hit by the stone.

It didn't see clearly who threw the stone, but it knew that the stone came from Xu Ke's side, and Xu Ke was very fierce to it just now.

So, it knew what to do.

It jumped on the branch very flexibly twice, and the next moment it appeared right above Xu Ke's head.

Then its hand loosened, and it fell directly from the air, hitting Xu Ke's head directly.


You bastard monkey!

What are you doing!?"

Xu Ke immediately jumped around in panic, waving his hatchet in his hand and chopping continuously.

With his other hand, he kept grabbing and smashing the monkey.

His steps also became disorderly.

Then he heard a"thump" and stepped on the trap beside him and fell directly down.



Xu Ke's screams, along with the monkey's frightened cries, merged together to form a piece of music that made Zhao Lu very happy.


Zhao Lu smiled and walked out.

Just when he wanted to turn around and leave, he suddenly saw the monkey fell from the tree.

The direction of the fall was not far from Zhao Lu.

Zhao Lu did not hesitate, and directly dodged and caught the monkey.

After all, the monkey had just helped him!

However, at this moment.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed in the sky, and a huge bird of prey rushed down from the sky.

The target was Zhao Lu!

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