The program crew was very nervous.

Using traps to catch bison was normal.

Fighting with bison... that was really dangerous!

Even professional bullfighters were killed by bulls, not to mention Zhao Lu, a non-professional?

If something went wrong, the program would definitely be in a storm.

So, the program crew had already landed, and then, armed with guns and riding modified motorcycles, they began to move towards Zhao Lu's position.


The audience in the live broadcast room was even more excited.

This was a rare battle!

Compared to the members of the program team, they had more confidence in Zhao Lu and were more looking forward to seeing this battle.

As everyone was watching, the wild bull rushed over.

""Come on!"

Zhao Lu threw away the Victoria regia leaf, dodged the charge of the bison, and then thrust the spear into the bison's neck. It was a perfect hit!

Instantly, blood began to spurt from the bison's neck.

It was an artery!

But Zhao Lu was not surprised.

With the full-level"Butchering the Buffalo""、"If she still can't pierce the opponent's artery with her"Hunting" and"Spear" skills... then Zhao Lu will really be too ashamed to face anyone.

""Cough, cough!"

The buffalo cried out in pain, but because the blood flowed back into the trachea, it began to cough.

The buffalo shook its head, trying to get rid of the spear on its neck.

But it failed, and instead made its bleeding worse.

"cough cough……"

The bison coughed a few more times.

It turned to look at Zhao Lu, its eyes full of madness.

It seemed to know that it was dying, so it wanted to take revenge crazily.

However, Zhao Lu did not give it this opportunity, and directly kicked the bison to the ground.

Then he pulled out the stone spear and stabbed the bison's neck again!

After the blow, the bison's body instantly stopped moving.

However, its head was still shaking wildly, as if it wanted to make some reaction.

However, its body did not react at all, as if the commands issued by its brain could not reach its organs at all.

"cough cough……"

The bison's eyes were suddenly filled with despair.

After struggling a few more times, he was completely dead.


Zhao Lu nodded, then pulled out the stone spear and walked quickly towards the river.

He first picked up his hatchet.

After applying anthelmintic on the bison, he began to gut the bull.

"It's getting late now.

It's probably about 1pm, right?

Anyway, I'm really hungry.

So, I plan to eat first."

After spending the whole morning doing strenuous exercise, Zhao Lu felt very hungry.

"Eat the internal organs first, otherwise they will go bad."

Zhao Lu moved quickly, and soon he took out all the internal organs of the cow. He began to process them.

There were a lot of internal organs of the cow, but Zhao Lu only kept the heart, liver and tripe.

He threw away some of the others and kept a small part as bait to catch fish.

Then he took out everything in the bamboo basket and put the bait in.

Then he put the bamboo basket in the river, and a simple fishing trap was ready.



The devil Zhao Lu is really strong!

He actually killed a cow in two moves!"

"Holy shit!

This method is so neat and tidy, it really makes me enjoy watching it!"

"One spear hit the artery, and another spear broke the cervical vertebra.

This is definitely not luck, it's strength!

Too strong!"

"I just came from other players.

They are still eating mice, birds and fish~

Here you can actually hunt bison! ?"

"Oh my god! Is there anything the master can't do?

This is the master I'm looking for!"

"But there is one thing I don’t understand…

How can he make a fire and grill meat in such heavy rain?"


The live broadcast room was bustling again. The staff of the program group was also notified and quickly turned around on their modified motorcycles to rescue other contestants.

At this moment, Zhao Lu discovered something magical.

"I actually encountered a killifish~"

Zhao Lu said as she was dealing with the internal organs while looking at the large footprint on the ground.

"Look, this beautiful little fish is the most amazing little fish in the world!"

As he said this, he adjusted the camera and pointed it at the little fish on the ground.

At this moment, among the forest elephant footprints on the ground, there were several particularly beautiful little fish swimming.

"In the footprints of forest elephants, there will be a small fish called killifish.

I didn't expect to see one today.

What luck~

This small fish is very magical, and their lifespan is very short.

It's only a few months.

Of course, their short lifespan is not their magical part.

The magical part is that after the old fish eat the shit of the small fish, their lifespan will be extended~

In other words, eating shit prolongs life!

Isn't it magical?

Moreover, their eggs can be kept in a dry and waterless place for several months without any problems. Once it rains, small fish can be directly hatched.

It's also quite amazing~"

Zhao Lu said, and stopped what he was doing, took out a bamboo cup, and caught the small fish in the footprints.

"What's even more peculiar is that some species of killifish can live on land and hunt on shore.

Some can even climb trees and live in waterless places for more than two months!

I have to say, this is a very magical little fish.

And I plan to catch some and raise them as ornamental fish~

Life should be romantic~"

As she spoke, Zhao Lu caught all the little fish.

Then she continued to deal with the internal organs.

"In the tropical rainforest, the difficulty of survival is at the same level as that of the polar regions and deserts.

They are combined into the three most desperate places. It is extremely difficult to survive.

There are many reasons for this.

And too much rain is one of the reasons!

If there is heavy rain, there will be three serious problems.

First, the rain will fall on the body, causing the body temperature to drop. If you do not take corresponding measures to avoid the rain and replenish heat, there will be problems.

Second, humidity means that it is easier to breed bacteria.

Third, dry firewood is hard to find, and it is extremely difficult to make a fire!

Without fire, it is really a fool's dream to want to survive in such a place!

And I am facing a problem now, that is, there is no dry firewood for me to make a fire.

This is very embarrassing!"

Although Zhao Lu said embarrassedly, his face was still full of smiles.

Obviously, he was prepared.

"So the question is, how would I start a fire in such a place?" Have fun reading books on May Day! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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