"Fortunately, this small rice field is less than one acre. There are not too many fish."

Zhao Lu sighed and began to modify his bamboo basket.

He first covered the bamboo basket with mud with hay, and then spread a layer of leaves on the mud to plug all the small holes in the bamboo basket.

After modifying the bamboo basket, he did not rush to use it, but put it aside to dry.

"I can use this bamboo basket to take all my game away in a while."

Zhao Lu picked up the hatchet and started to process the"game". He cut open the stomach, cut off the head and removed the internal organs, and then stabbed the other"game".

By the time Zhao Lu had processed all the"game" exposed to the air, the bamboo basket had dried.

After collecting all the processed"game", he filled a barrel with live"game" and strode towards the shelter.

"The rice fields over there have been exposed to the sun for half a day, so the ground should be dry.

It's just right, I'll have lunch here and take a break."

After returning to the shelter, Zhao Lu immediately put down the bamboo basket, and then took the pot full of fish, eels and loaches, and the mushrooms and wild vegetables he picked yesterday, and went to the river.

After washing the"game" and"side dishes", he returned to the shelter with a full pot of dishes.

"To be honest, I don't really like crucian carp because it has a lot of bones and is troublesome.

But there is nothing I can do about it, because there are so many fish."

Zhao Lu shrugged and pouted with an expression that would make other contestants go crazy.

"I am worried~

But I can't be too picky on a deserted island, so I'll just make do with it~" He put some of the salt he purified yesterday into the pot, and then he continued to make wooden barrels.

When the game stew was ready, he had made two wooden barrels.

"It smells pretty good~"

Zhao Lu lifted the lid of the pot and took a deep breath.

Then she picked up the chopsticks and bamboo tube and started eating.

【Ding! You have mastered the skill of eating fish! 】

Zhao Lu was slightly delighted when she heard the voice from the system.

"This is also possible! ?"

Without hesitation, he maxed out his skills and started eating the fish.

At this moment, Zhao Lu felt that the fish on his chopsticks seemed a little different from before.

In the past, when he ate crucian carp, he would eat it carefully, fearing that he would accidentally swallow the fish bones.

But now, he took out all the fish bones in the fish meat with a light bite of his teeth.

It felt as easy as eating watermelon and spitting out the seeds.

"Please note that you must eat fish slowly.

Don't follow my example, because I am a professional."

Seeing Zhao Lu eating fish like a melon, the barrage of comments exploded immediately.

"I need professionals to teach me how to eat fish!"

"Damn! Is this really the same speed as eating crucian carp?

Why do I feel like eating sea bass is just this fast?"

"WTF! So many fish! ?

Is this really a desert island survival, not a wilderness eating show! ?

I just came back from another live broadcast room, but I didn’t see anyone dare to eat like this! ?

This is a desert island!

Eating a whole pot of fish at once...

Isn’t the master afraid that he will have nothing to eat in the future! ?"

"Basic operation~Don't worry!"

"Basic operation~Don't worry!"

"Basic operation~Don't worry!"


After finishing his meal happily, Zhao Lu wiped his mouth and started to work.

He cleaned all the dead fish first.

As for the eels and loaches... because there were not many of these things, he had eaten all the dead ones.

After dealing with the dead fish, he made 8 wooden sticks of the same length with sharp ends. He tied the non-sharp ends of the sticks with vines, and then spread out the sticks and stuck them into the ground in a cone shape. Then use some thin wooden sticks to reinforce the surrounding area and tie them with vines.

Finally, apply yellow mud with fine grass, and stick layers of broad leaves on it, and a"really simple" shelter is made. It only took an hour and a half in total, which surprised countless viewers who saw this scene.

"So fast!?"

"Oh my god! This makes me feel like I'm watching a TV show at 4x speed!"

"It would take other people 4 hours to build such a shelter!"


"Basic operation! Don't be surprised!"

"Basic operation! Don't be surprised!"

"Basic operation! Don't be surprised!"


Amidst the barrage of comments, Zhao Lu began to speak

"I didn't expect that such a simple thing would take so long~

But forget it, it's only 3 o'clock now, everything is in time."

As he said, he took a few branches with branches, bent down and walked into the new shelter.

Dig a pit, make a fire, then set up branches next to the fire, and finally put the branches with crucian carp on top.

A shelter specially used for smoking meat was built!

"If it wasn't for the rain and I didn't want my room to smell too bad, I wouldn't have built such a shed~"

Shaking his head, Zhao Lu picked up the hatchet and carried the bamboo basket and walked out quickly.

"Let’s go harvest rice~"

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