This room is very big.

It is the largest house in the whole"palace".

He specially reserved it and planned to use it as a"factory".

This room is quite special. Not only is the ground slightly higher than other rooms, but the total height is also relatively high, with a height of nearly five meters.

At the same time, there is a ditch underground.

This is specially reserved by him, and it has some special functions. He plans to use this room as a foundry.

It is specially used to build various blast furnaces to burn things like glass, and to make metals such as iron or copper.

Although these things are not necessities for survival on a deserted island.

But with these things, their quality of life will rise to a higher level.

Moreover, with these things, some of Zhao Lu's arrangements can also come in handy.

"It's time to bake something.

However, there are still some materials and ores missing.

Where can I find them?"

Zhao Lu fell into deep thought.

Generally speaking, there are some traces of natural mineral veins.

For example, there will be some special plants growing on the mineral veins. For example, the geology around the mineral veins is a bit special.

For example, there are many stones containing certain elements next to the mineral veins.

And so on.

But Zhao Lu has not yet found any minerals there.

"It seems that I need to wait a while before exploring again...

By the way, the mountains on the island are worth a look.……"

Zhao Lu suddenly thought of what the unlucky guy who was drilled by the vampire fish said two days ago.

"Is there someone shouting for help on the mountain?

If we go to explore, we can go and see if there is anyone living there."

Zhao Lu always felt that this matter was a little weird.

How could someone be so bored that he would shout for help in the mountains?

"Forget it, let's build the blast furnace first."

Zhao Lu shook his head, cleared his messy thoughts, and started to build the blast furnace.

Because of the material, the blast furnace he built was relatively simple.

However, building a blast furnace starts with firing refractory bricks.


Just as Zhao Lu started to make refractory bricks, a new episode of"Desert Island Survival" also began.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the Desert Island Survival Program!

I am the host Cao Bin.

Cao Bin smiled and repeated the old opening remarks again, and then began to introduce the guests who were familiar to all the audience.

After the introduction, the program officially began.

"Today is August 25th!

Our program started on August 1st, and 24 days have passed to today~

In these 24 days, many contestants have experienced many hardships, and there are no longer as many as at the beginning.

At present, there are still 218 contestants on Youmeng Island.

These are the remaining strong ones after being selected by nature.

They each have their own characteristics and abilities.

I really don’t know who can hold on to the end.

The team with the greatest advantage at present is Zhao Lu’s team.

As we all know, on Youmeng Island, the program team prepared three treasures for the contestants.

In the last episode, we also focused on introducing the specific situation of these three treasures to everyone.

It can be said that whoever gets one of these three treasures can immediately become the most advantageous team.

And Zhao Lu’s team is the first team to find the treasure.

They have therefore become the most advantageous team at present, let us congratulate them.

Teacher Xiao Lin, what do you think of the two contestants, Zhao Lu and Mo Xi, in the treasure hunt this time?"

"Very good, I am not as good as him."

Since Xiao Lin was slapped in the face at the beginning, he has learned to be smart.

Now whenever the topic is about Zhao Lu, he will never be impulsive. He will not waver in his principle of praising when he can.

"I think it's not just me who is inferior to him, I'm afraid many real experts are not as good as him~

This kind of physical fitness, this kind of archery skill that never misses, this ability to fight in the wild is really strong.

Teacher Liu Deli, what do you think?"

Xiao Lin turned his head and looked at Liu Deli.

His eyes were full of smiles.

Because at this time, the audience had long forgotten that he had been slapped in the face.

On the Internet, the discussion about the guests is no longer the most talked about.

At present, the most talked about is Professor Liu Deli, who has the same name as"Liu Laoshi"!

"Zhao Lu is indeed very strong!

If he is willing to enter the military academy, I will definitely introduce him to a very good teacher!"

After Liu Deli said this, he turned his head and glanced at Xiao Lin.

"However, speaking of Zhao Lu, one of his abilities is well-known, and that is the ability to find food.

Let's not talk about anything else, just talk about his meat.

Nowadays, in order to avoid waste and spoiled meat, crocodiles have begun to be raised.

I wonder if you had so much meat to eat when you were in the wilderness, Mr. Xiao Lin?"

"Haha~ I believe Teacher Xiao Lin must have meat that is not inferior to Zhao Lu's, right?"

When Cao Bin saw Xiao Lin and Liu Deli confronting each other, he couldn't help but quickly open his mouth to divert the topic.

"When surviving on a desert island, food is indeed the most critical factor.

However, food is something that can be said to be 70% determined by fate and 30% by hard work.

If you want to get more food, strength alone is not enough. In many cases, more luck is needed.

For example, if you are unlucky, you can't come across suitable prey at all. For example, you have finally made a trap, but in the end you didn't catch any small animals.

Not only did you waste time in vain, but you also put yourself in a vicious circle.

In the end, it became increasingly difficult to find food.

Therefore, luck is really the key.

I have to say that Zhao Lu's luck is really good.

However, some people's luck is really unlucky!

Next, let's take a look at���The contestant with the least food on the island~

He is Qian Duoduo!

It must be said that his situation is completely different from his name."

After Cao Bin finished speaking, the picture on the big screen suddenly changed to a man in his thirties.

It was Qian Duoduo himself.

Qian Duoduo was standing in a banana forest at the moment, looking at a man in his twenties in front of him.

"My friend, why are you here?"

"Of course, it's for food."

"But I was the first to discover this banana forest."

"So what?

We share together."


Qian Duoduo was silent after hearing this.

He was very hungry and had no energy to compete.

As for how to eliminate this person, he couldn't think of any way to do it when he was hungry.

"What should I do?

He wants to steal my resources!

But I don't have a good way to deal with him.……"

After hesitating for a moment, Qian Duoduo finally made a decision.


How about we cooperate?

How about helping each other in the future?"

"That's fine."

The man in his twenties nodded.

"It’s settled then!

Let’s look for food together from now on!"

"No problem, my name is Qian Duoduo, hello friend"


"My name is Mei Jinxin, hello Qian Duoduo"


The two looked at each other, speechless.

This name, isn't it too contradictory?!

"Fate, it's really amazing.……"

Mei Jinxin sighed softly, then took out a piece of dried meat from his pocket.

"Brother, this is my meat, I can't eat your banana for free"


Why does it feel a bit ambiguous?

Qian Duoduo scratched his head, but then he stopped thinking about the ambiguity.

He hadn't eaten meat for a long time and really wanted to eat it, but he couldn't. It's not that he can't collect it, but that he can't eat it!


"Brother, I can't have this meat."

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