"Eh? What's the big deal?"

"No way?!

We don’t even have internet here, how can we know what’s going on?"

"Could it be that something happened here?"

"Brother, don't keep us in suspense~"

When everyone heard that something big was going to happen, they all became anxious.

"Didn't you guys notice it?"

Zhao Lu raised her hand and pointed at the bracelet on her wrist.

"It shows the current time and the current number of participants.

We need to keep an eye on this bracelet and pay attention to the things on it.

Just like the number of participants.

The night before yesterday, there were 210 people.

However, today, there are still 210 people, which means that no one was eliminated all day yesterday!

It also means that this game has entered a new stage.

The elimination stage!

The remaining people all have a skill and can survive in the wilderness for a long time.

In other words, from now on, there are no weak people on the island!

If left alone, they can survive forever.

Even some of them will come to us and find ways to create chaos for us and eliminate us!

Therefore, we need to start the exploration stage quickly and speed up our growth!"


Xiang Mo hesitated and finally asked,"But, I don't understand why this is so important...

There are no weaklings now, but what can we do?

Let's continue to develop our own, and then we can just eliminate them~

Even if we discover some metal mines, we can't use them to eliminate people, right?"

"Of course not~"

Zhao Lu didn't pay attention to Xiang Mo's question.

Because in most people's opinion, to survive on a deserted island, all you need is enough food, and nothing else is important.

But the fact is not so.

"The show has a rule that people cannot be eliminated by force, so if they want to eliminate us, they need to use some special means.

For example, they can find a way to attract a group of wild animals to attack us and force us to surrender.

For example, they can tame some wild animals and use them to attack us, or use them to steal our food.

For example, they can bring a fire to burn our shelter.

And so on...

There are many other ways to eliminate people. If you encounter such an experience, how should you deal with it?"

"Wait a minute!"

Xiang Mo showed an expression of sudden enlightenment when he heard the words,"You raise so many animals just for these things! ?"

"Why do you think I raise these animals?"

Zhao Lu looked at Xiang Mo with a half-smile,"Just to consume the food we can't finish?"

""Wow! You are so awesome!"

Xiang Mo looked at Zhao Lu with some admiration.

At the same time, a picture suddenly appeared in her mind...

In the night, two very ugly men suddenly walked out of the forest, and came to the outside of the"palace" with two very ugly hyenas.

They looked at the very luxurious"palace" in front of them and sneered, then raised their hands and waved, and saw the two disgusting hyenas rushing over.

The night was very charming, but everyone in the"palace" was sleeping.

There was no abnormality at all.

The two hyenas ran around in the"palace" very proudly, relying on their sensitive noses to find traces of food.

Finally, they came to a pool and drooled at the fish in the pool.

However, just as they were about to attack and catch a few fish to satisfy their cravings... suddenly four terrible crocodiles appeared!

They launched a fierce attack on the two hyenas and instantly solved the two uninvited guests.

Then, the four crocodiles shook their tails and happily came to the shadows.

It turned out that there was a girl there.

And the girl had a cat on her left shoulder and a cat on her right shoulder, and she was pregnant. There was a honey badger in her arms.

It was none other than Fairy Xiang Mo!

Xiang Mo squatted down, gently touched the heads of the four crocodiles, and then walked outside with two cats and a honey badger.

Before they reached the door, she gently waved her hand, and then saw the two cats and the honey badger rushing out. The three little animals were very fast, and soon they arrived at the door of the"palace".

Then, their speed suddenly slowed down, and they quietly went around the two people at the door from both sides.

After they approached the two people, their speed suddenly increased, and they rushed towards the two The two leopard cats scratched their faces, and a honey badger bit the two people's vital parts.

In just a moment, the two ugly guys were killed!

The next moment, the fairy Xiang Mo appeared.

She looked at the two idiots with a smile.

The two idiots were instantly conquered by the fairy's temperament, and they knelt down and begged for mercy, and were finally taken away by the staff.

This movement also woke up everyone in the"palace".

Everyone came out, and after seeing the scene in front of them, they also understood what happened.

So they came forward and thanked the fairy loudly.


The scene continued, but Xiang Mo in reality began to smile foolishly."……"

However, Xiang Mo didn't notice it at all, and was still grinning, even drooling.

"Slurp~ hehehehe……"


"Okay, the specific situation is roughly like this."

Zhao Lu directly ignored Xiang Mo and continued,"We go out to explore in order to make ourselves stronger.

Only by becoming stronger can we deal with all possible dangers.

At the same time, only by becoming stronger can we successfully eliminate the enemy!

Let's talk about a few of our exploration targets. First, metal ores!

Metal ores have some special characteristics that can be identified.

The first is color. Metal ores are brightly colored. We are mainly looking for copper ores and quartz.

So, look for red stones, remember it is bright red.

As for quartz, that goes without saying, right?

After all, quartz is relatively easy to distinguish.

Second, it is the eternal magnet.

That is, magnetite.

Look for this slowly.

The method is also very simple. Our hatchet is made of No. 65 manganese steel, which can be attracted by magnets.

Next, let's talk about how we should act in this exploration mission."


Zhao Lu was just saying this when Xiang Mo made a new move.

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