"Why is it such an ugly thing?……"

Looking at the triangular, red, peach-pit-sized, dirty fruit in Zhao Lu's hand, Xiang Mo suddenly felt a little disappointed.

This was a little different from what she had imagined.

In her opinion, a fruit that could bring people the feeling of first love should be more beautiful, right?

But then she thought of something and a puzzled expression appeared on her face.

"This thing can’t be delicious, right?

Like ugly oranges and ugly pears, the uglier the better?"

""I guessed half of it right.

As for the other half, you'll know after you try it."

Zhao Lu said as she broke the fruit in her hand.

Suddenly, a faint sweet fragrance spread.

The inside of the ugly fruit was snow-white, with two black cores.

Zhao Lu handed the coreless half to Xiang Mo.

"Lick it and feel it, but don't eat it."


Xiang Mo was a little confused, but she still licked the fruit obediently.

As soon as she licked it, her little face wrinkled up. Her big eyes were tightly wrinkled together.

It seemed that she was enduring something.

But not long after, her expression relaxed and revealed a very happy and enjoyable expression.


It's so sweet!

I've never eaten anything so sweet!

It feels sweeter than saccharin!"

"Of course~

The world's best, the sweetest substance is no joke."

After watching Xiang Mo's"performance", Zhao Lu also gently took a bite of the fruit.

Suddenly, an indescribable sweetness filled his taste buds.

"So sweet!"

"This is the sweetest thing in the world!? What is it called?~"

"The sweetness of the saturated aqueous solution of red arrowroot is 3,000 times that of sucrose!

Moreover, after eating it, the water you drink will be sweet for half an hour.

It can be said that it is very much like the feeling of first love~"

In the previous life, this thing was called African arrowroot.

However, there is no Africa in this world, so the name is naturally different from the previous life.

This thing, in this world, is called red arrowroot.

"Moreover, the sweet substance is protein.

So it will not have the side effects of eating ordinary sugar, will not cause tooth decay, and will not increase blood sugar.

In addition, it has a very high sweetness, so if there is a food that uses this thing as a sweetener, it will be 0 calories."

"So good!"

When Xiang Mo heard about the 0-calorie sweetener, his eyes widened.

Girls are more sensitive to the word"calorie".

In order to maintain their figure, most girls like to eat, especially sweets, but they still have to resist eating or eat less.

But if there is such an additive...

Xiang Mo's mind suddenly appeared a picture...

Four women sat around the table, enjoying the good afternoon while chatting about beauty and fashion.

There were four small desserts on the table, one for each girl.

Next to the desserts, there was a glass of water.

However, three of them had plain tea, while she had double sugar milk tea!

Although they were talking and laughing, the three of them always stared at her who was drinking milk tea and eating cake.

They seemed to be wondering why she didn't get fat no matter how much she ate.

Time passed.

In a blink of an eye, she had eaten 10 small cakes.

But she still couldn't restrain herself and continued to eat.

Finally, the three people couldn't stand it anymore.

In their opinion, it must be a problem with the cake, so they also picked up the small fork and started eating.

However, just after they took two bites, the situation suddenly changed.

I saw that their bodies began to gain weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And she, the little fairy Benxian, was still eating small cakes, and her body didn't change at all.

It's just that she showed a little fox-like smile on her face……


Xiang Mo started to giggle again

"Hey! Are you stupid because of the sweet taste of first love?"

Zhao Lu raised her hand and poked Xiang Mo's head, then turned around and continued to look for the red arrowroot.

"No way!"

"If you don't have any, come and help me find arrowroot.~"

"You said, when we go back, we can plant some arrowroots, and then use them to develop new milk tea cakes, won’t we make a fortune! ?"

"Let’s talk about it after we get out.

Some people are already making this kind of thing.

Let’s go out and see if there is any success.

Now, let’s just eat it for fun~"

Zhao Lu waved her hand and said nothing more.

This red arrowroot is difficult to cultivate and has a low yield, which is completely unsuitable for industrial production.

If you want to use it in large-scale industrial production, you need to use genetic means to transfer the arrowroot gene that produces sweet protein to other places, so as to ensure a huge output every year.

Therefore, if you want to mass produce, you need to study genetic technology and find a very good cultivation model.

This requires a lot of time and money to study, which is not suitable for Zhao Lu at all.

"So that's it……"

Xiang Mo nodded helplessly,"Okay, let's keep it for now.……"

The yield of red arrowroot was small, so Zhao Lu and Xiang Mo picked all the arrowroots on the ground in a short time.

Back at the camp, the"PING value girl" had already picked up the firewood and was squatting not far from the tent, chatting with a gray bird. When the bird saw Zhao Lu and Xiang Mo coming back, it immediately looked at them very vigilantly, opened its mouth, and roared loudly.


That sound is exactly like a real tiger.

Zhao Lu:"……"

To Mo:"???"

I'm afraid I saw a fake tiger?!

Seeing the two people in front of it stunned, the bird seemed to realize its mistake - it was a bird, and pretending to be a tiger didn't seem right.

So, it quickly flapped its wings, opened its mouth again, and began to make amends.


It seemed to feel that it was not too fierce, so it flapped its wings twice again, pretending to fly.


Zhao Lu:"……"

To Mo:"……"

"Is it stupid?" Xiang Mo raised his hand and pointed at the bird not far away.

"Well, this is another world record.

It is indeed a magical tropical rainforest."


This is also the best in the world?

This silly bird?"

Xiang Mo looked at the bird opposite him curiously.

Xiang Mo looked at the gray parrot again with some curiosity.

The parrot was gray except for its tail, which was very inconspicuous.

However, its tail was a bright red, which was very beautiful.

But overall, it was still an ordinary bird.

"Could it be the smartest parrot in the world?"

Xiang Mo said, and ran towards the parrot.

He wanted to take a closer look.

"Don't go over there!"


"Don't go near it, it's bad for you~"

"Hey! ?"

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