As Zhao Lu spoke, she walked towards the center of the bamboo forest.

After arriving at the center, she cleared some weeds on the ground, found a big stone and placed it there, and finally put the bait on the stone.

Zhao Lu hid aside, holding the stone tightly while paying attention to the stone where the bait was.

In this way, a mouse-catching plan similar to the rabbit-catching plan appeared!

"It appeared! Bamboo rat beast!"

Not long after, Zhao Lu's face suddenly lit up, and then he threw the stone in his hand.

Suddenly, a bamboo rat fainted and fell to the ground!


"It appeared! The bamboo rat beast!"

"Appeared! The hunter master!"

"It appears! Pikachu! Go! Poké Ball!"


Amid the bustle of the live broadcast room, the number of bamboo rats in the bamboo forest was also decreasing rapidly.

Zhao Lu kept moving in the bamboo forest.

He seemed to have eyes behind him. He never let a bamboo rat appear from behind him. He could always turn around and find the bamboo rat at the first time.

Originally, there were still countless netizens questioning that it was a stupid decision for him to put the bait in the center.

But after seeing the scene in front of them, no one spoke anymore.

In just one hour, Zhao Lu cleared the bamboo forest.

"The resource point has been cleared!"

Zhao Lu patted the full bamboo basket behind her and walked back happily.

Back at the shelter, Zhao Lu put all the bamboo rats she caught into the bamboo cages.

But she found that she had made too few bamboo cages to hold so many bamboo rats.

She had no choice but to make some more.

However, when Zhao Lu was making bamboo cages, the live broadcast room was filled with comments.

"I take back what I said before. Daze is obviously a truant person. He actually used a bamboo cage to confine bamboo rats...

I bet that all the bamboo rats will run away in one night!"

"Maybe the master has other ideas?"

"Don't be ridiculous, using bamboo cages to keep bamboo rats?

That's really ridiculous!

Dazed Brother is stunned again!"


Just when the screen was full of comments and countless people were surprised,

Zhao Lu suddenly started to speak.

"There must be many people wondering why I use bamboo cages to hold bamboo rats.

Many people even laugh at me~"

Zhao Lu smiled as she made the cages and put all the bamboo rats in them.

The way to hold bamboo rats is different from that of rabbits.

Each bamboo rat is put in a cage, while rabbits are put in a cage with two each.

"Some people have probably already started betting, saying that my bamboo rats will run away overnight.

But I don’t care~ because these bamboo rats won’t run away!

You guys can bet, and remember to give me some gifts if you lose~"

Zhao Lu's words immediately caused countless comments again.

However, he didn't reveal a word, keeping everyone's curiosity hanging.

Afterwards, Zhao Lu cut a lot of hardwood sticks and coated them with the bait that had just been used to lure bamboo rats.

Then he inserted one stick into each cage where bamboo rats were placed.

After doing all this, he continued to cut bamboo to make cages.

"Bamboo rats are really hard to raise on a deserted island.

Of course, the main reason is that I don’t have enough time to take care of them.

It would be great if someone could lend a hand!"

Zhao Lu sighed, looking helpless.

He really felt that he needed a helper now!


""Huh~ I'm so full~"

Chen Chen threw the stick in her hand, washed her hands with the water from the river, and sat down on the ground very comfortably.

She had just roasted the bamboo rat she caught and ate it.

Although she didn't have a pot, she had the flint in her pocket all the time, so she didn't have to worry about not having fire to eat.

However, without a pot, there was a problem that made her very sad.

"What should I do without water...

I'm so thirsty...

That's right!"

Suddenly Chen Chen's eyes lit up, and she thought of how to boil water to drink!

"I still have bamboo!"

Chen Chen ran all the way to the bamboo forest, cut down a thicker bamboo, filled a bamboo cup with water, and started to boil.


I will never let you go!"

Chen Chen looked at the bamboo cup in the flames, his teeth itching with anger.

"Don't let me find you!"

The water boiled quickly, and after it cooled down a little, Chen Chen couldn't wait to drink it.


It's so sweet!

And there's the fragrance of bamboo!

I didn't expect that bamboo boiled water would taste so good!"

After happily drinking the water, Chen Chen took the hatchet and headed for the banana forest.

She was eager for revenge now!

She wanted to wait for Qian Lin to show up!

"Humph! I don't believe you won't come out!"


While Chen Chen was waiting, Zhao Lu had already made a bunch of bamboo cages.


Clapping his hands, Zhao Lu went out with a hatchet, and soon came back after cutting a few pieces of wood.

Then, he began to build a new small shelter next to his own shelter.

However, this shelter was obviously very simple.

One wall was shared with the old shelter, and the rest was a few pieces of wood as a support, then covered with yellow mud with fine grass, and finally covered with a layer of large broad leaves.

However, his house specially reserved a pair of gates, one facing south and the other facing north, facing each other.

It was truly open from north to south!

After doing this, he began to move the wooden frames and bamboo cages in his house to the new shelter.


Temporary breeding base No. 2 has been basically completed!

Now we are still missing one most critical thing!"

As he said this, he walked out of the door with a hatchet in his hand.

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