"The word pond is not very accurate.

Zhao Lu smiled and waved her hand,"It should be called a swimming pool!""


Chen Chen was stunned when she heard this.

Obviously, she didn't associate such a high-end word as"swimming pool" with"deserted island".

"Building a swimming pool in this place!?

Too extravagant!?"

"Once it is built, you will understand how comfortable it is to have a swimming pool!"

"But I can't swim~"

"I can teach you~"

Zhao Lu smiled and waved her hand,"It's no big deal~ It

's almost time, we should eat.

Tonight is still pork!"


Chen Chen obviously became more energetic when he mentioned eating.

Although it was still the same monotonous pork, it was very tempting under Zhao Lu's extraordinary cooking skills.

The two took a shower respectively, then sat at the dining table and started to eat.

Because the ingredients were not rich, there was no stir-fry today, but the same as at noon - barbecue!

The barbecue made by Zhao Lu was not charcoal barbecue, but stone barbecue.

Stone barbecue and charcoal barbecue are both barbecues, but the taste is slightly different.

Charcoal barbecue will have a slightly more special flavor depending on the type of charcoal and firewood used.

And stone barbecue, it is purely original.

"I didn’t expect that the slate grilled meat with pepper was quite delicious!

Chen Chen’s mouth was full of oil and his face was flushed.


I feel like I have never eaten meat like this in my life!

It’s so delicious!"

"Don’t you usually eat meat at home?"


My family was poor, so how could we afford to eat meat often?

Usually, we only had one dish with meat a week.

I had a younger sister and a younger brother. My father was an ordinary worker, and my mother had a small business, but she didn't make much money.

So we were really poor!"

"Are you participating in this competition just for money?"

"If it wasn't for the money, who would come to suffer this?"

Chen Chen's face suddenly turned bitter when he heard this.

"My father suddenly fell ill, and the family was in a state of financial difficulty.

I had no choice but to drop out of school to earn money.

I happened to see this program, so I came here."

"Take a leave of absence?"


Chen Chen nodded crisply,"I'm 20 years old and just a sophomore.

Didn't expect that, did you?"

"I really didn't expect that. I thought you were only 18 years old this year.~"


Chen Chen laughed immediately after hearing this, and the annoyance he had just felt because of thinking about things at home was swept away.

"No way!

She is already 20 years old!"

"Then wouldn’t a 23-year-old uncle like me be an old man?"

"Hahahaha ~ Are you also participating in this show because your family is poor?"

"Not all of them~"

Zhao Lu shook his head.

He came from another time and was"forced" to participate.

But it was true that his family was poor.

"My family is poor, and we are indeed poor, but not extremely poor.

We have enough food and clothing, and can eat meat occasionally, but we can forget about buying a house or a car."

"Alas, it's so miserable.

Fortunately, there is this program!"

Chen Chen said, his eyes suddenly lit up,"I feel that you can definitely win the championship!"

"That's a must!"

Zhao Lu smiled and didn't deny it.

With such a system, winning the championship is just the beginning.

The two chatted and laughed while finishing dinner.

Chen Chen went to clean up the dishes while Zhao Lu continued to cut wood.


The continuous rain is very bad news for those contestants who can't find food.

Because of the rain, their chances of finding food are lower.

Coupled with the leeches that are very active on rainy days, many contestants have suffered both mental and physical torture.

As a result, the number of people who withdrew from the competition on this day reached the highest level in the past 7 days-20 people withdrew at once!

As of today, there are only 428 contestants left.

And the show has just started for seven days.

This is when the program team has invested a lot of resources in the early stage.

If the program team had not invested resources in the early stage, I am afraid that at least more than one hundred people would have to be eliminated now.

Time flies, and the seventh day has passed.

It's the eighth day of the show.

Yesterday's heavy rain also stopped in the early morning.

Zhao Lu stretched and slowly walked out of the shelter.

Looking at the sunny day outside and listening to the crisp birdsong, Zhao Lu's mood became very good.

"Today is a good day!

It's suitable for work!"

Zhao Lu stretched her body slightly and went to wash up.

After a busy time, she returned to the shelter and looked at the things on the table. Zhao Lu was a little worried.

"The place is too small!

There is no room for many things.……"

Now, his desk is full of things, all of which are useful.

And under the desk and on the floor of the room are also full of various things.

"It seems that my big house needs to be built soon."

After sighing silently, Zhao Lu began to cook.

Breakfast was still roast pork, because the mushrooms and fungus had been eaten up not long ago and there was no restock recently, so there was nothing to eat.

But with some breadfruit, it didn't seem monotonous.

"Suddenly I realized that we seem to have to eat pork for a long time.……"

Chen Chen's eyes lit up,"This is really a good thing!"


I thought you'd get tired of it.……"

"How is it possible!

Meat is so delicious, how could I possibly get tired of it! ?

I want to eat all the meat I haven’t had in the past 20 years!"


Eat with big mouthfuls!"

"But... it always feels a bit monotonous.

After dinner, shall I go find some ingredients?"


Go find some mushrooms or wild vegetables. Pick whatever you think is edible.���Come, let me finally distinguish~"



After the two had their meal, they started to act separately.

Chen Chen went to the forest to look for food, while Zhao Lu came to the bamboo forest and cut bamboo.

Before building the"palace", he needed to build the"waterway" first!

At that time, when he built the pool with bricks, he deliberately made a few pillars that could be inserted with wooden sticks, just for today's convenience!

There are two ways to make bamboo waterways.

One is to split it directly and use half a bamboo as a water pipe.

The other is to make a hole in the joint of the bamboo and open the joint of the bamboo from this hole.

Both methods have their own advantages.

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