
Mo Xi slowly stirred the soup in the pot with a wooden stick, his face still expressionless.


Xiang Mo has become accustomed to Mo Xi's"indifference".

She is just like that. Even if she meets a tiger, she will have an icy face.

If one day Mo Xi really has an expression, she will be surprised.

"Why on earth is this happening?

Why can’t we find any food at all?

I’m dying from drinking mushroom soup all day long!"

Xiang Mo glanced at Mo Xi, who was stirring the soup expressionlessly, and suddenly felt desperate.

"Xiao Xixi, you really don't care about anything at all!"

Xiang Mo pouted and lay softly on the big tree stump in front of him.

"I'm so hungry...

I don't want to drink mushroom soup……"

Plop, plop...

Just as Xiang Mo was complaining, he suddenly heard a few sounds of"objects falling into the water". He looked up and saw Mo Xi throwing wild vegetables into the mushroom soup expressionlessly.

Seeing Xiang Mo looking over, he nodded slightly and said expressionlessly,"Okay."


Xiang Mo suddenly felt dizzy.



It’s fine if I can’t eat good food, but why do my companions torture me like this!" He roared silently in his heart, and then Xiang Mo cheered up again.

"No, I need to find a way to get something to eat!"

Xiang Mo said and stood up.

"Xixi, I'll go ahead and explore the road. I'll be back soon."



Xiang Mo walked alone in the rain forest, looking at the various birds around him, and felt even hungrier.

"I always feel a little strange.

Why can't we find any food at all?

Yesterday, we could still find some food!

Is our luck so bad?"

Xiang Mo couldn't figure it out, so she gave up thinking.

She took out her bow and arrow and began to aim at a bird not far away that she couldn't name.


Little bird, I will eat you today!"



I missed again.……"


"Look, what's ahead!"

Liu Deli touched his almost bald head and pointed forward with a smile.

Not far away, there was a dark ditch.

Around the ditch, there was a piece of ground that looked like ordinary ground.

"This is the legendary swamp!

Although it seems peaceful here, if someone falls into it, it will be very miserable."

Liu Deli said, and then he came to the big tree next to him, cut off the branches of the tree with a hatchet, and walked towards the ditch not far away.

"However, this swamp is a treasure to me.

Because your gentle and lovely Liu Laoshi is really hungry.

Even if you give me a piranha, I can eat it with relish!

I just don't know if there are piranhas in this place.……"

Liu Deli used the branch in his hand to hit the water surface twice, but found that nothing happened.

"Tsk~ Even if there are, they are a group of very cunning piranhas!

The gentle and lovely Liu Laoshi is going to let you go!

Look, there is a dead tree over there!

That's a good thing!"

Liu Deli said and began to look for a longer branch, as if he was going to use the branch to hook the dead tree over.

"Don't worry, Mr. Liu is not being sarcastic. That is not a crocodile.

It is a real dead tree.

There are many delicious things in that dead tree!


Found it!"

Liu Deli took a longer branch and came to the ditch, and hooked the dead tree over with great effort.

"Everyone remember, in the wild, you must not go into the water casually.

Especially near this kind of swamp.

Of course, you can't go into the water casually in an ordinary stream!

Otherwise, it is easy to have an accident.

Well, let's see what's inside this dead tree!"

Liu Deli said, and split the dead tree with a hatchet.

Then he broke the dead tree apart with force, and suddenly, the scene inside the dead tree appeared in front of all the audience.

I saw that there were many small holes in the dead tree, and in those small holes, there were countless white long worms wriggling at this moment.

That feeling was as if countless"xx ramen" were wriggling!


Sure enough!"

Liu Deli said, and then he grabbed a long worm and pulled it out from the dead tree.

"This is a rare delicacy, priced at 170 yuan per pound!

The scientific name is shipworm clam, but everyone likes to call it shipworm~

Don't look at its name, but it tastes very good.

I won't say much, your gentle and lovely Liu Laoshi is really hungry, I'm going to eat it!


It's delicious~

I'm going to try the taste of roasted shipworms later!"



I'm eating ramen, why did I click on this thing!


I'm going to spit it out and never watch your videos again!"

"Mr. Liu!

You have the same name as Professor Liu, but why don’t you have his abilities?"

"Oh my god! This thing can be eaten! ?"

"I...I'd better go to Lao Wang's place next door and watch him eat grilled spider...

It's horrible, this show is horrible!"

"I'd better go watch it over at Master's place~ that's a real food show!"


Just as Liu Deli's live broadcast room was filled with vomiting, Zhao Lu had already finished her lunch.


I’m so full~"

Chen Chen patted his belly,"I feel like I’m getting further and further away from having a six-pack~

I never thought that I could eat so well on a deserted island!"

"Go peel some sesame seeds in a moment, and I'll teach you how to grind them into sesame paste. We'll have hot pot tonight.~"

"Fire...hot pot!"

Chen Chen sat up straight with his eyes widened,"Great!"

"Go ahead~ wash the pots and dishes, I'm going to make a stone mill"

"Is it the kind of stone mill used in ancient times?"


Zhao Lu nodded,"It's the mill that the old donkey uses to grind.

I'll let you grind it when the time comes.~"



Why do I feel like there's something else behind your words, as if you're scolding me?"

"You think too much ~ hahaha~"

"Oh, right!

I remember there seemed to be a round hole on the top of the millstone. How did you drill the hole in the stone?"

"The mountain man has his own clever plan~"


While Zhao Lu was selecting stones and Chen Chen was washing the pots and bowls,

Xiang Mo also returned to the shelter.


Let me tell you, I found something big!"

Xiang Mo looked at Mo Xi solemnly.

Mo Xi, who was stirring the soup, slowly raised his head and looked at Xiang Mo expressionlessly.

His eyes were extremely calm, but a"question mark" seemed to appear out of thin air above his head.

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