Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1662: Depth 402

Professor Harry's heart is full of hatred, and he wants to eat aliens in one bite - he hated aliens before, but it was only from a human point of view, and today is a real hatred, he never hated aliens. Know that a person's hatred can be so strong that if his hatred can be turned into flames, it will surely boil the entire Pacific Ocean.

The angered Professor Harry's head was hot, and he wanted to fight the insect man, but the prisoners around him had already noticed that Professor Harry was in a wrong situation and pulled him back.

One of them leaned into the professor's ear: "Professor, don't be impulsive!" While speaking, he quietly took the watch left by John from Professor Harry's pocket and quickly passed it on to the others.

Professor Harry tried to break free, but the man's arm was like cast iron, and he couldn't break free.

The surging blood gradually subsided, and Professor Harry returned to his senses and closed his eyes in pain.

The man winked at his companion, and a strong captive nodded slightly and stayed by the professor's side, watching the professor prevent him from rushing out.

The man left quietly and joined the others.

Watches, rings, pendants, temples... all kinds of small parts are put together, put on the watch in order, and finally put into the pocket.

All the captives involved in the process acted as if nothing had happened, as if nothing had happened.

deep sea.

A submarine was quietly snorkeling in the dark waters, looking up at a dark blue and looking down at the bottom.

On the submarine command station, everyone was engrossed, and could not hear anything other than breathing.

In the corner of the podium, a flickering light spot suddenly appeared on the screen in front of the communication soldier. He suddenly widened his eyes and said softly, "Captain, there is a signal!"

The silent captain turned around immediately, and after seeing the dots of light on the screen, he immediately smiled excitedly: "Get the target data ready!" After putting on the panoramic helmet, he immediately appeared in the deep sea surrounded by sea water.

The panoramic helmet is not an entertainment helmet. On a space warship, it can only display the scene outside the warship, and on a submarine, it can only display the image outside the submarine.

The captain immediately contacted Ye Han and reported the news to Beiyuezhou. Soon after, images of Ye Han and Wu Han appeared here.

Anyone with a little knowledge of communications knows that it is very troublesome to connect a submarine in a submarine state with the ground. This is because the communication band commonly used by the military cannot penetrate the sea water, and the communication between the two can only rely on long-wave radio.

The long wave carries very little information, and it takes a lot of time to receive a command.

But that's all in the past, and now the military's most powerful communication device is the quantum communication satellite!

The signals of the quantum satellites can cover the earth all the time and all the time. No matter which sea area the submarine is located in, or how deep it dives, it can keep in touch with the North at all times.

At present, the submarine's diving depth is more than 300 meters. Without quantum satellites, it is impossible for the submarine to communicate directly with Beiyuezhou. For some quantum satellites, direct video conferences are trivial.

It is precisely because of quantum communication that the captured personnel can send out the positioning signal.

Facing the lifelike Wu Han, the captain quickly saluted: "Chief, we have received the signal!"

"Great!" Wu Han said happily, "Where?"

The captain said, "Forty-two nautical miles to the southeast and a depth of four hundred and twenty."

Wu Han asked cautiously, "Have you verified it?"

"Verified!" said the captain. "Other boats also received the signal, and the error is no more than ten meters!"

"That's good!" Wu Han finally felt a little more at ease.

Instead, Ye Han felt a little uneasy: "So deep? Can it be done?"

Wu Han smiled and said: "No problem, it's not the first day we know that aliens are in the sea, we have already prepared for this aspect, let's say the Americans, **** paratroopers wear matching deep diving equipment, the deepest can dive to the deepest. More than 600 meters underwater, 420 meters is definitely no problem!"

"Oh!" Ye Han nodded clearly.

He knew that his armor could dive underwater, but he didn't know how deep it could dive. He wanted to ask, but then he thought that the armor of the special team used alien alloys, which is simply the power armor world. The limited edition, how is it better than the mass production version of the **** paratroopers?

Wu Han asked, "Have you got the status of the target?"

The captain said: "The Americans are closer, I have contacted them, the American submarine has launched a super-aircraft reconnaissance torpedo, and it reached the target position in about seven minutes and twenty seconds. Now there are three minutes and forty seconds left, and then wait. Data will be available shortly.”

"Very good, continue to keep in touch with Mi Jun." Wu Han said and looked at Ye Han, "When there is news, it will be your turn to play..."

The two chatted casually for a few words, and suddenly heard the captain's "Huh" sound, the two turned their heads and looked over, only to see the captain say in surprise: "There is news!"

"How's the situation?" Wu Han asked.

The captain immediately opened a virtual screen, and with a flick of his finger, the screen was replaced with the underwater picture taken by the reconnaissance torpedo.

Because the speed of the torpedo is relatively fast, the speed of the picture is also very fast, and the depth is relatively large, the light on the picture is very weak, and the picture without post-processing is very dark. Fortunately, the picture is not blurred.

At the beginning of the video, the picture is sinking rapidly, and only the sea water swept back rapidly can be seen on the screen. After a few seconds, the seabed full of rocks can be seen.

After the torpedo found the seabed, it quickly leveled off and continued to sail forward. Soon after, a large whisker-like aquatic plant appeared in front of it... er, it looked like a plant, but I don't know what it actually ~These whiskers sway gently with the current, and during the shaking, an irregular giant egg tightly attached to the bottom of the sea is reflected in the camera.

The surface of the dome is unusually rough, and at first glance it looks like the bottom of the sea.

The speed of the torpedo plummeted, and more details appeared on the screen.

Ye Han saw that the giant egg was tightly surrounded by whiskers; he saw that there were many crustaceans swimming in the "forest" formed by whisker-like plants; he also saw that the surface of the giant egg was covered with irregularities, which implied some kind of regularity. 's veins.

He immediately pointed to the picture and said, "It is impossible for plants to grow at this depth, these things must have been made by aliens!"

Underwater 200 meters is the dividing line for photosynthesis. Above 200 meters, sunlight can come in directly. It is a paradise for phytoplankton and various microorganisms. However, if the water depth exceeds 200 meters, the light is too dark to carry out photosynthesis. a clear dividing line.

The positioning signal appeared at a depth of more than 400 meters. The light here is even dim. No marine plant can survive at this depth. The origin of those whiskers is very problematic.

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