Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1686: out of water

Ye Han almost died of anger when he received the news. Not only was there a problem with the clones, but the few bugs that came out were not straightforward. If it wasn't for the lack of space in the diving bell, it would be hard to say whether they would come out.

The non-cooperation of the clones made the officers and soldiers on the Qianlong become angry. If there was not an alien prisoner inside, maybe they would just unlock the diving bell and let all the **** feed the fish.

But with that alien in it, it's not going to be easy.

Really can't think of a way, the captain found Ye Han through a communication, and told about what happened in the diving bell.

Ye Han was also unambiguous, and asked bluntly, "How many are you going out?"


"That means there are four more...then what Professor Harry came out?"


"That's good, you just close the diving bells and put them down again, I don't believe it can't be cured!"

The captain's eyes lit up when he heard the words, he shouted a few times, and immediately assigned the task.

The clones were still deadlocked with the Qianlong, but the hatch opened by the diving bell was suddenly closed, and then the diving bell broke away from the submarine and plunged into the deep sea again.

Several clones panicked. They realized that something was wrong, but they didn't know what Qianlong wanted to do.

At this time, the support ship carrying the submersible rushed to the predetermined sea area and put the submersible into the water.

When the diving bell separated, the clones didn't realize what was going on, but they quickly realized that it was not a good thing, and the two clones panicked, racking their brains to find a way to solve the current predicament.

But what can they do? Although they are clones, they have common sense in their minds, and they are very aware of the consequences of opening the diving bell at this time.

In desperation, he could only negotiate with the Qianlong through the communication equipment in the diving bell, and even planned to threaten the Qianlong with the lives of aliens.

Qianlong didn't believe that these two dared to do anything to the aliens at all. If they really cared about their own lives, what would happen if they refused to come out just now?

But human nature is too complicated, the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, who can guarantee that these two people will not break the jar?

To this end, Qianlong made two preparations. On the one hand, it specially arranged manpower and took an unusually tough stance to talk to the diving bell. There was only one central idea.

On the other hand, the submarine is going to use the ventilation equipment to instill a small amount of anesthetic gas into the diving bell, but it is just preparation. Whether or not to instill depends on the specific situation.

The reason why it can't be executed immediately is because I don't understand the physiology of the aliens, and I'm worried that the anesthetic gas will have an effect on the aliens.

If it's just anesthesia, then what if the anesthetic gas is extremely toxic to aliens and poisons the alien captives?

However, the anesthetic gas could not be used, but the gas composition could move hands and feet. The submarine slowly lowered the oxygen content in the diving bell. After a while, the judgment of the two clones decreased. At this time, the two did not realize what happened. After a while, the two of them even began to blur their consciousness. If the oxygen concentration continued to drop, they would die in a short time. However, Qianlong did not do this, but maintained a low oxygen content.

As for whether this will affect the other two people in the diving bell... Hehe, the professor is in a hibernation state, not to mention that the oxygen content is just a little lower, even lower, it will have no effect.

Not to mention aliens, but all creatures with the prefix alien are much more resistant to the environment than humans.

Even if there is an effect, it will not be too serious, and it will return to normal when the oxygen content increases.

In this way, the diving bell sank all the way to the deep sea of ​​1,400 meters. Ye Han had been waiting impatiently for a long time. After seeing the diving bell, he immediately rushed up and opened the hatch...

He thought that the scene in the diving clock was supposed to be clones holding aliens, but he didn't expect that one day after the hatch, a limp clone slid out of it and fell directly into the water.

Ye Han was a little stunned, and looked inside with the probe. Another clone was also lying there weakly, half of his body hanging in the air, and almost fell out.

The alien and the professor have been lying on the side since the beginning, and they are very stable now.

Ye Han originally wanted to rush into the diving bell, but if he didn't say a word, he had two shots to kill these two troublesome clones, but he didn't expect to see such a result.

Fortunately, the diving bell space is too small, in case the ricochet hits the aliens, it will be bad.

Ye Han had already sentenced the clone to death in his heart. Without saying a word, he stretched out his hand and pulled the clone out, and threw it at will, letting the dark and cold sea water drown the clone.

He doesn't discriminate against clones, so he didn't leave the clones behind during the rescue, but he never thought that the two clones would make such a mess.

Originally, the two of them could be left alive, but these two people touched not only Ye Han's bottom line, let alone two clones, even if Franklin came, Ye Han would not hesitate at all.

After solving the clones, Ye Han called a few soldiers and asked them to follow the diving bell to float.

But the diving bell space is too small, and the soldiers are wearing armor that gets in the way. Only three people enter the diving bell, and there is no room for the fourth dead piston.

Anyway, the submersible is coming soon. There is no need to rush for a while, Ye Han simply let the three soldiers go with the diving bell.

After the diving bell floated for ten minutes, the submersible reached 1,400 meters underwater.

However, the submersible is much smaller than expected, and it can hold up to eight people at a time... This is still the result of dismantling the deep diving If you are wearing deep diving equipment, it would be good to be able to hold six.

Ye Han was very speechless. After contacting the surface, he found out that there are special pressure chambers on the support ship, and there are more than one. Together with the Qianlong, it is enough to accommodate the entire special team.

Now Ye Han is relieved, let a group of people go up first, and the others will just wait a while.

In this way, it took four full hours for the submersible to get everyone on board. Before entering the cabin, everyone must take off all their equipment and send them to the outside of the cabin through a special decompression chamber... Each pressure chamber It can only hold six people, and the space in the cabin is very compact, and you can't even enter the door without taking off the armor.

This is only the first step. After that, the whole body must be disinfected to avoid contaminating the environment in the cabin before entering the pressure chamber.

The pressure cabin is only six meters long and four meters wide. There are six beds in it, and there is no extra space at all. The first impression Ye Han felt after entering the cabin was that this place was very similar to a submarine, or an old-fashioned submarine with very scarce space. Even spaceships are bigger than this place.

Although the space is not very good, but fortunately in the misfortune, the layout and items are still neat and tidy, which makes Ye Han feel a little more comfortable.

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