Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1513: You will love

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Chapter 1513: You Will Love It

And this time, the bar is also busy time.

When the door was opened, the loud and violent sound from outside was passed towards this side, but if the door was closed, the sound insulation effect was surprisingly good.

Except for the voices of the three of them, no noise was heard at all.

"Okay, this is the end of the business, do you guys feel bored? Let's all go to the hall to dance!" Ye Feijei said, looking at Bai Ruoxi and Yu Hanxi involuntarily.

Yu Hanxi looked at Ye Feijue, and there was a smile on his lips, "Is it appropriate to go out and jump?" If it is taken by others again, and it will be headline tomorrow, it will not be very good."

"Isn't it better to make a headline? This way you can promote your movie for free." Ye Fei said with a smile, then looked at Bai Ruoxi around him, approached her, and pulled She lifted her arm, and Bai Ruoxi's face was a little embarrassed at that time, just about to draw her arm back.

"Go out and play, young people play, you will love it." Ye Fei said, and then did not wait for Bai Ruoxi's resistance, and soon pulled her out of the private room.

The scene of a group of demons dancing wildly, Bai Ruoxi played for a while, and soon adapted to this environment.

Bai Ruoxi and Ye Fei quickly integrated into the team of many young people, jumping and jumping happily, not to mention how much fun it is!

At this time, a figure slowly coming out of the box looked at this scene, and Yu Hanxi's sight was slightly deep.

"I really don't know, what kind of result will Dongfang Yu see such a picture? Bai Ruoxi now is really no better than before, it seems that she really lost her memory..." Yu Hanxi murmured. With that said, he quickly picked up his cell phone and directly turned to Dongfang Yu's phone. After thinking about it, he still called Dongfang Yu.

At that time, the phone was quickly connected. Dongfang Yuyi called directly and asked, "Yu Hanxi, what are you doing with me?"

As soon as Yu Hanxi heard this impatience from Dongfang Yu, he smiled at that moment, "I thought you wouldn't answer my phone, I didn't expect you to answer it anymore? By the way, I have no other options for you The thing, just want to greet you?"

"Greeting me? Ok, I'm fine, and I hang up the phone if there is nothing else." Dongfang Yu then did not plan to communicate with him any more, just when he was going to hang up the phone.

"If you hang up my phone, then you won't hear what I want to say next, maybe you won't hear what I said, you will always feel regret." Yu Hanxi said leisurely, with words in it With a playful smile.

At this moment, he can even imagine what kind of expression the other person is!

Dongfang Yu took the phone, stopped for a while, and then directly asked, "Are you bored, big star? If you are bored, you'd better go to other people's pastime, I'm very busy."

Sometimes I really don’t understand what these celebrities think? They may be too busy, or it may be too easy to make money. Only when the phone call is out of date.

"Haha, are you impatient again? It seems that I always call you within a few minutes, you have to hang up. With this attitude, I really don't understand how Bai Ruoxi can fall in love with you? I It’s good to see her choose Yefei. At least Yefei has the patience to listen to my nonsense. And he has more patience to get Bai Ruoxi happy!” Yu Hanxi said directly, with a brown eye With a smile.

It is said that the relationship of the love triangle of the three of them has always made him very interested. Now their relationship is more and more confusing.

From the previous relationship between Bai Ruoxi and Dongfang Yu, they seem to have stabilized. Suddenly, a big inversion turned into Bai Ruoxi and Ye Xiejue's romance, which is really wonderful!

Moreover, it seems that the Suzaku Commander Dongfang Yu, who is almost out, is afraid that he can only sit on the cold bench!

Bai Ruoxi's legs are cruel enough!

However, it is indeed a pity that with Dongfang Yu's talents and this position of Dongfang Yu, he feels sorry and surprised when he is out of the game.

As expected, Dongfang Yu squeezed his mobile phone after hearing this, he didn't say anything, and his phone didn't hang up. He continued to listen to Yu Hanxi's words here, which sounded uncomfortable. if.

"What the **** do you want to say?" Dongfang Yu asked again. At that moment, there was a somber expression in his eyes. In other words, if anyone jokes about his relationship with Bai Ruoxi, he will be really angry. Since then, this person will not be seen as a friend.

"Jueji Bar! If you come, you can definitely see this wonderful one."

After finishing speaking, Yu Hanxi quickly hung up the phone, looked up, and continued to look at Bai Ruoxi and Ye Fei where they were jumping, for a time, there was a smile on the corner of his lips.

Well, he usually likes to watch this kind of entangled, lingering love story, because this realistic version of the love story will only be more moving than the movie!

At that end, Dongfang Yu squeezed the phone and thought of the purpose of the call Yu Hanxi gave him. He sneered leisurely for a while. After a while, he said nothing, and then put the phone back to its original position. Office work.

After another period of time, even sitting in the office of the luxurious president of the skyscraper, he was a little restless.

Dongfang Yu couldn't help but stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and looked at the colorful neon night scene. At that moment, there was a surge and undulation in the bottom of my heart.

Dongfang Yu's mind can imagine it. The picture of Ye Feiju and Bai Ruoxi in Di Bar is really a bit irritating to the eyes, and there are also some anger that makes the blood boil.

But should I be angry at this moment?

Dongfang Yu slowly took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lit the cigarette and slowly sucked it in his mouth, and had been exhausting this pack of cigarettes, the thought that was entangled in his brain was still firmly Is hidden in the mind and will never dissipate.

In the end, Dongfang Yu picked up the car key and quickly left the office of the president of the skyscraper.

Arriving at the parking lot, he got into his Rolls-Royce Silver Charm, and hurried towards the bar of Jueji.

Dongfang Yu arrived at Jueji Bar. It was still a very cheerful scene, but he didn't see Bai Ruoxi in the hall.

Dongfang Yu couldn't help but look for Bai Ruoxi's figure, but even if he walked the whole hall, he still didn't see Bai Ruoxi's shadow.

I was also a bit skeptical at the moment, did this Yu Hanxi who called himself deliberately play this way again.

But just as he was preparing to think so, he looked up and saw a man behind the pillar, beautiful and evil, no one else, just Yu Hanxi.

Yu Hanxi at the other end also saw Dongfang Yu in the crowd, and for a time, smiled at him perfectly. At that moment, Dongfang Yu didn't say anything, and walked quickly towards Yu Hanxi's place.

The first book of the novel

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