Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1523: You really came back

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Chapter 1523 You Really Come Back

Bai Ruoxi looked at this thing, his eyes were startled.

"This is? Contraceptive pill?" Bai Ruoxi looked to Dongfang Yu, but he didn't expect him to give her this thing, but then, in an instant, there was a touch of unspeakable touch in his heart, maybe not even himself. Dongfang Yu thought of things for her.

They are together, but if you do not pay attention to protection, you may be pregnant.

"Thank you Yu, you are really intimate." Bai Ruoxi said with a smile, looking at Dongfang Yu, his heart was really throbbing.

He is really a very warm man.

Dongfang Yu smiled, and then helped her with her crystal clear and beautiful face, "I am not good to you, who is good to you? You have forgotten your own things, but do you know? Really, if you are really If I were pregnant with my child, I would really be happier, but for your studies, I don’t think it’s the best chance to have a child right now, and I don’t want you to be injured. So, do you still eat on time and in quantity? ?"

"I understand. Yu, I'm gone." Bai Ruoxi also smiled softly. At that moment her eyes were full of care. Looking at Dongfang Yu, she knew that she would only look for it in her life. No one treats her as well as Dongfang Yu to herself.

"Go!" Dongfang Yumu sent Bai Ruoxi to open the door, and then watched her enter the gate of the academy. At this time, he slowly recovered.

At that moment, a sweet surged in my heart, and a smile waved around the corner of my mouth.

With the nourishment of love, everything will be beautiful, and even this life will become more colorful.

"Bai Ruoxi, at this time, you really came back... It was really returned to this sunny place, and returned to this one that will always be open to you, and will always be warm for you! Dongfang Yu said with a smile, then held the steering wheel with both hands, stepped on the accelerator, and quickly left the environment.


When Bai Ruoxi walked into the gate of Fenglin College, and at that time, she was walking towards a teaching building, but had not yet reached that teaching building.

Suddenly, a silver-haired person in a leather jacket shook him in front of him at the same speed as the wind, blocking her directly.

Bai Ruoxi fixed his eyes on the man who was blocking his way. "Ye Xie Ju, are you?"

Ye Fei despaired to Bai Ruoxi. From her face, he could immediately see the unusual smile, and there was a very unsteady feeling. It seemed that none of it belonged to him.

This made him a little anxious, a little irritable, and even more impatient.

"Where have you been in these two days? And, why didn't you go to school yesterday morning?" Ye Xie asked with a split head. At that moment, looking at the woman next to him, she suddenly felt something unbearable.

Bai Ruoxi looked at Ye Feijue and thought for a while, said, "Yesterday, it was originally a sketching lesson, so I didn't come to school. As for where I went, Ye Feijue, I don't think it's necessary to tell you. "

At that moment, she still thought about the moment when that night, Xie absolutely held a gun at herself and Dongfang Yu. At that time, he was really bad!

Although, people around him said it was a toy gun, but who knows if it is a toy gun?

"What do you say? There is no need to tell me?" Ye Feijei's blue eyes narrowed slightly into a dangerous slit, and stretched out his hand to grasp Bai Ruoxi's left wrist.

Bai Ruoxi was squeezed on the inside of his wrist, his brows were tightened slightly, and a moment of pain was tangled deep in his heart, "Ye Xie Jue, you let go of my hand!"

Unexpectedly, Ye Fei Jue didn't let go of her hand at all, and sighed coldly, "Now I know it hurts? Then you tell, who have you been with these two days?"

Bai Ruoxi turned his face and stopped looking at him, and at that moment her heart was suffocating.

At this time, she had a new understanding of Ye Fei, in addition to the occasional warmth, the other party seemed to be more violent.

"You let me go, you really hurt my hand!" Bai Ruoxi said angrily, her eyes open with a pain.

Her hands were almost torn apart by him, God knew how uncomfortable she was at this moment, but the man in front of him seemed to feel even less.

"If I ask you, don't you know if you answered? Are you deaf?" Ye Fei roared again, with cold light in his blue eyes.

Then both hands grabbed her hand and squeezed hard, and the painful Bai Ruoxi's tears were almost coming out.

And Bai Ruoxi struggled again, and at that time Ye Fei was also very firm, and she didn’t let her go easily, so after this struggle, a small box in Bai Ruoxi’s pocket fell. It came out and fell to the ground.

Suddenly, the two of them looked at the ground in unison, Ye Fei bowed his head and looked directly at the row of English letters written on it. For a time, the entire line of sight went dark.

"Contraceptive pills? Damn, what do you buy these? Bai Ruoxi?" Ye Fei said angrily. Looking at the women around me, the moment of my eyes was full of fire.

But for a moment, when Bai Ruoxi looked at the box that fell on the ground, there was an embarrassing dark light in her eyes. She quickly broke free from Ye Xiejue's hand, and then lowered her body to prepare for picking up When the box of contraceptive pills suddenly struck at night, stepped on the pill...

"What are you doing? What are you doing stepping on my medicine..." Bai Ruoxi shouted in horror, looked at him, and pushed his feet with one hand, just wanting to push him away. At that moment, Ye Xie was extremely hot. She pulled her up from the ground with one hand.

"You let me go! Let me go!" Bai Ruoxi's eyes widened. At that moment, his heart was even more terrified, and his arm was extremely painful.

Ye Fei did not care, but her face was even more ruthless, like she was covered with a layer of ice, and then she was pulled to her car inconceivably, and then she opened her rear car directly. Xi hard stuffed into it.

At that moment, Bai Ruoxi said in horror, "What do you want to do? Ye Xie is absolutely crazy!"

Ye Feije's sight was full of fire at that moment. Looking at Bai Ruoxi in the car, he quickly got into the car. Then the backhand took the door.

When he saw that Bai Ruoxi wanted to escape from the side of the door, he pressed the lock and locked the whole car directly.

Bai Ruoxi was terrified. She pulled the door hard for a while, but she couldn't push it. At that moment, her heart jumped straight.

At this moment, Ye Fei absolutely flew towards her, and put Bai Ruoxi all under him, and kissed her crazily on her face, her hands supporting her more unscrupulously. , Just want to lift her skirt...

This book originates from the reading network

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