Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 2558: He is a little too fierce

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The 2558th chapter he is too a little too fierce

"No, it's okay!" Bai Ruoxi had to say, at this moment I felt a little embarrassed, but then I thought of the scene of the excitement and love. He really shook her bones away.

Well, although it was a pretend, but he is also too fierce.

"It's okay, I'm still afraid that you will blame me? Actually, if I just didn't do that, Yu Hanxi wouldn't be satisfied, do you know?" Ye Fei said, don't have a deep look at Bai Ruoxi, eyes There was a dark brilliance in it, and the silver hair on the corner of the eyes revealed a cunning light. People wonder what he is thinking in his heart?

Bai Ruoxi listened for a moment, and there was a deep doubt in his entire line of sight. He couldn't help but ask, "What are you saying? What is Yu Hanxi not satisfied with?"

Ye Fei despaired at her, and hesitated before saying, "In fact, every action just now, especially the last one, was Yu Hanxi told me to do that in advance, so I did that. Bai Ruoxi, you When faced with Yu Hanxi, he has a deeper eye, he can be cunning! There are too many flowers intestines."

Well, sometimes you have to pretend to be pure. He didn't want her to think how evil she was.

Ye Fei's heart revealed a dark area that was not obvious.

"..." Bai Ruoxi was speechless for a while, but did not expect that all of them were Yu Hanxi's ideas? However, at that time, he really felt a particularly uncomfortable feeling.

Yeah, Ye Fei was at the back, he even wanted... At that time she really felt very embarrassed and scared, but did not expect this idea was actually Yu Hanxi?

"I'm sorry to embarrass you, but then, I've tried my best to cover up all this for you. You can rest assured that it's just the need of the movie, and the rest will not affect you at all, and I will ask When Yu Hanxi did the post-processing, he cut the film as short as possible and handled it conservatively," Ye Fei said quickly.

Looking at Bai Ruoxi's line of sight with a dim light, he also smiled comfortably.

In other words, although the scene was intense, the love scene did not come true, but it was enough to give him a very impulsive idea.

He even hoped that Bai Ruoxi could feel his care for her through the play and fall in love with himself.

"Thank you." Bai Ruoxi responded, and stopped talking. At that moment there was an unspeakable feeling in her heart.

It turns out that Yu Hanxi is such a man who works hard.

It seems to be quite good, but in fact listening to Ye Fei absolutely said that this is not the case.

Ye Fei absolutely sent Bai Ruoxi out of her dormitory. When Bai Ruoxi was about to get off the bus, Ye Feije suddenly grabbed her hand and made Bai Ruoxi stunned for a while. The whole body tensed, didn't move, and then looked at Ye Xiejue.

"I'm here, please let go of me!" Bai Ruoxi said slowly, with a dark dark color on her beautiful face.

Ye Fei smiled at her desperately, "Bai Ruoxi, I know you have a little pressure, but don't think about it anymore, in fact, I won't be so rude to you, you know, Dai Tian is not my prototype at all , And I actually want to be your Shen Xingchen!"

Bai Ruoxi was surprised that he said this, but still nodded reluctantly towards him.

After that, he didn't say anything. Bai Ruoxi pulled his hand away, and Ye Fei didn't use much force at this moment.

Bai Ruoxi also quickly opened the door and got out of the car. Walking towards the building, Ye Ye desperately sent her figure away, at that moment, there was a deep dark layer in the first pair of eyes.

He knew that many things could not be changed since it happened, especially because he deeply loved her, and it was a little deeper than his previous feelings.

But when will his beloved Bai Ruoxi really be able to fall into his arms?

Ye Fei never drove away the car immediately, but took out a cigarette and smoked it at the corners of his lips. Slowly, the smoke had already fascinated his sight, and brought out the dark area in his heart. .

It took a while before he drove away.

After returning to his apartment, Bai Ruoxi went upstairs, then sat in his room and looked at this familiar environment.

At that moment, her heart was still pounding. She thought of the shooting just now. The emotional and emotional picture was really eye-popping.

And Bai Ruoxi's cell phone rang suddenly. She also quickly picked up her mobile phone. It wasn't someone else's call.

Bai Ruoxi then picked up the phone, "Hey, Dongfang Yu is you!"

"It's me, Bai Ruoxi. I didn't pick you up overtime tonight. I'm really sorry! Are you okay now?" Dongfang Yu asked quickly again. At that moment, there was a smile in his eyes.

Bai Ruoxi also smiled, "It's alright, I'm fine, how about you? What are you busy with now?"

"I'm not too busy! I'm going to take a shower, and then I'm going to bed. When I suddenly think of you, I'll call you, yes, I'll pick you up for school tomorrow morning?" Dongfang Yu said , Jun smiled on his face.

He felt very happy and happy with the phone. Every time he was able to congee with Bai Ruoxi on the phone, this feeling was really comfortable!

It seemed as if they couldn't finish the conversation between them, because there were too many topics between them. Only then did he realize that there really was no distance between him and Bai Ruoxi.

Bai Ruoxi smiled, "Okay, if you want to pick me up to school, then bring breakfast even by the way, just so I won't have to let my brother get up early to make breakfast for me tomorrow morning!"

"Okay, little lazy cat!" Dongfang Yu said, his eyes full of smiles at that moment.

In fact, as long as two people love each other, they don't necessarily have to be together every day. As long as they have the feeling that this heart and heart are together, they will feel life is very sweet.

And he and Bai Ruoxi happened to be such a feeling, such a feeling has always been very memorable.

And her feelings with him are getting better and better, and he feels that their feelings are getting stronger and stronger.

Then the two chatted for a long, long time and forgot about the time. Only after their sleepiness gradually became stronger, some of them reluctantly hung up the phone.


The next morning, when Bai Ruoxi just got up, the door of her apartment had already knocked, and Bai Ruoxi's eyes were full of smiles.

"I didn't expect this guy to be so fast? My teeth haven't been brushed yet!" Bai Ruoxi said to herself, at that moment, all her eyes were full of intoxicating glory.

Then I didn't have much time to think about it. So I put on my slippers and quickly went down to the first floor, then opened the door.

Oncoming was a large bouquet of white lilies, but no figure was seen, and one can imagine that the man was hiding next to the door!

Bai Ruoxi smiled intoxicatingly, then took Lily one by one, smelled the tip of his nose and sniffed twice, "Is it so romantic early in the morning? Can you let me eat flowers for breakfast?"

This novel comes from the book reader

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