Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1618: Love is really stormy!

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His body was covered with a little bit of bruises, all of which were traces left by Dongfang Yu. And also painfully vaguely. Last night, love was really stormy!

But when Bai Ruoxi just got up, ready to put on that pajamas.

A big palm behind her took her directly into her arms, and the warm words passed through her shoulders, "Baby, why did you get up so early today? Are you tired? You sleep more, I Take a leave to the college today, so you don’t have to go to class."

Bai Ruoxi was held in his arms by him. At that moment, the whole body felt light like cotton.

"How do you do? I am a class cadre of the Student Union, a student representative. If I am absent, how can I set an example for my classmates!" Bai Ruoxi said with a smile on the corner of her lips. Slightly pushed the man around him.

But at that moment, Dongfang Yu directly raised her hand tightly, and Bai Ruoxi directly saw the other party's kiss on the back of his hand, bringing a very gentle and moist.

"Okay, stop it, I really want to go to school." Bai Ruoxi said shyly, some wanted to draw his hand, but then Dongfang Yu was stubborn not to let her pull away easily. Her hand.

"You kiss me for a while, and I will let you go to school." Dongfang Yu smiled, staring at her eyes, staring at her beautiful face. There was just a vacuum in his mind at the moment, and he really couldn't think too much, but now he really longed for her to take the initiative to kiss herself. In order to drive yourself so many volatile factors.

Bai Ruoxi looked at Dongfang Yu, believed it was true, and a smile was drawn on the corner of her lips. Then, she approached Dongfang Yu, and her cheeks also gradually approached his face. Just like that, she kissed gently. His cheeks.

But soon, the sly face of Dongfang Yu directly touched the corner of her lips. A kiss came directly to her.

Bai Ruoxi's whole heart jumped pounding. But how can this be repeated at this moment?

She still has classes!

But at this moment, Dongfang Yu's heart was full of love, and she pulled her hand away and pressed her directly to the bed again...

A long time later, when this love fire calmed down, Dongfang Yu's cheeks were covered with that flowery smile.

Bai Ruoxi looked at him more resentfully. "It's so annoying. I don't believe your gibberish anymore. You clearly don't want me to go to school."

"Okay, okay, will you go to school later? I'll make breakfast for you first." Dongfang Yu smiled and stroked Bai Bairuo's beautiful face with pampering.

At that moment his eyes also had a dazzling and charming smile, and even Bai Ruoxi couldn't flash his eyes.

Dongfang Yuyi saw this look in her eyes, and at that moment did not know why there was some ebb in the abdomen.

But he still resisted his desires and desires, stroking the girl's head with one hand and looking directly into her eyes with a pair of eyes.

"Classmate Bai Ruoxi, can you pay attention in the future."


The magical charm of Dongfang Yu's extraordinarily smile, the beautiful face on that face is even brilliant and very contoured three-dimensional beauty in an instant.

"When you are always staring at me, you will reveal the feeling of nympho. Such a feeling is very capable of driving the strong desire, desire, and words in my heart. I can’t bear to want to take possession of you. You know? It’s like this moment.” Dongfang Yu said, once again holding a palm directly towards the open space beside her pillow, her eyes straight down, Gaze at her carefully.

Suddenly, Bai Ruoxi's eyes were frozen, and this powerful aura almost made Bai Ruoxi's eyes inseparable, and it seemed that he could not bring this piece of air to flow!

But when he heard what he was saying at this moment, Bai Ruoxi's heart beat violently. While looking at the other party, she even refuted the sentence, "I don't have a nympho."

"Little guy, it's quite defensible. Okay, I know. You're not an idiot. I'm just kidding. Okay, you get up quickly. I'll make breakfast for you." Dongfang Yu smiled gracefully and quickly. Got up and then dressed quickly and didn’t stay here for a moment.

He found that if he continued to stay, he really could not guarantee that she could still go to school this morning?

At the moment when the door was taken, Bai Ruoxi also exhaled for a long time. Although her body is a bit painful, now she must clean herself up quickly and do what she should do.

When Bai Ruoxi thought of this moment, he quickly walked to the bathroom to clean himself, and then found a white bud, wearing a silk dress, and at that moment, when looking in the mirror, there was a direct A very beautiful feeling.

Bai Ruoxi touched her shoulder-length curls with one hand. At that moment, she really felt that she was Snow White from the fairy tale.

A natural sense of superiority is deep in my heart, but compared to Dongfang Yu's spoiling for himself, this is nothing.

If Snow White did not meet her beloved Prince Charming, then even Snow White would not feel how happy she is, or how important this honor is at all?

Yes, everything is not important. When Cinderella also met her Prince Charming, everything at that time was really neglected.

Prince Charming won't mind Cinderella's poorness, he will also squat down and put on the crystal shoes he chose for her. Take her to the dance floor and give her all the safety and happiness.

What is important is the love between them. This beautiful love will always take root and germinate between them, and then grow into a towering tree.

All beauty will also bear fruit, and there will never be a moment of withering.

After Bai Ruoxi went downstairs, she saw the rich breakfast that Dongfang Yu had prepared for her. At that moment, her eyes were filled with a smile.

Then Bai Ruoxi also quickly walked to Dongfang Yu's side, holding his elbow slightly with one hand. He smiled naughtily at him and said, "Looking at you for being so attentive, whether it is good or not, I will give you a like."

Dongfang Yu also turned around and squeezed her face indulgently, "You can rest assured that the breakfast I made is definitely worth your 100 praises."

Then Dongfang Yu picked up a barbecued pork bun in one hand and delivered it to her mouth, "Look at this taste, is it more authentic than the one in the restaurant outside?"

Bai Ruoxi took a sip, and at that moment, a pair of eyes squinted into a slit, "Wow, really good!"

"Oh, there is this. Is it better to **** fried rice cake?" Dongfang Yu said, and then quickly picked up another small bowl and added two pieces of fried rice cake to Bai Ruoxi. Then she poured a cup of fresh milk for her enthusiastically.

Bai Ruoxi ate with relish the food from Dongfang Yudi. At that moment, his eyes were smiling like two crescent moons.

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