Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 1636: Happy in love

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Bai Ruoxi looked at Dongfang Yu, and there was a pale smile on her face. She kept smiling.

Since seeing him, she knew that she had not been taken away by the evil angel. She knew even more, whether it was to go to heaven or go to hell, if there was no Eastern Royal, she didn't want to go anywhere, and she didn't want to die.

Because, she wants to live with Dongfang Yu happily in this world that belongs to them, learning happily in this country with him, living happily, and loving more happily, everything is so The joy of his and her world is always full of sunshine and dew.

Although there are some cruel difficulties and some dark things, surrounding them from time to time, but she believes that as long as the heart is filled with love, as long as the heart is filled with such a firm belief, then the heart will have power.

There will also be infinite power in the body, and it will certainly be able to overcome many difficulties and overcome that dark thing, whether it is darkness or difficulty, it is not difficult in front of them.

Because love can overcome everything!

Countless proofs have proved that everything she thinks is correct, even this time is the same, no matter how difficult it is, she finally believes that as long as there is love in her heart... as long as there is him in her heart, she will never be Any death will deprive her of her right to life.

"Good..." Bai Ruoxi whispered a word, and gradually, the smile on her face also passed away, and her eyes closed gradually.

But that face is still very calm. Although it is still so pale, at this moment, it looks a little bit more color than just now.

Dongfang Yu looked at Bai Ruoxi and gradually closed his eyes again like that, as if he slept so peacefully, his whole heart was tight for a time, and there was a very heavy feeling in those eyes. .

He held her hand tightly and felt the gentle temperature in her palm. At that moment, his heart was beating slowly with the touch of temperature.

"If you must, come on! You can overcome this difficulty!!" Dongfang Yu murmured, looking at the calm face of the other party, for a time, his heart was very uncomfortable.

Then he slowly placed her hand under the soft quilt, only then stood up and looked at Li Sanghua aside. He nodded his head, and Li Sanghua came over quickly at this moment, and carefully checked Bai Ruoxi's indicators, especially some of her leg problems. He checked it very carefully.

For a while, Li Sanghua and Dongfang Yu came to the corridor outside the ward.

"Tell me the exact situation of her. I want to know all the details." Dongfang Yu said very heavily. At that moment, every sight was under a certain pressure.

He has made the worst plan, regardless of Bai Ruoxi's future health? He will never leave her for a lifetime.

It will not give her the opportunity to leave herself again.

Love is forgiving, love is caring, love is giving, love is bearing...

"Yes, Captain." Li Sanghua looked to Dongfang Yu, and then explained to him all the circumstances of Bai Ruoxi, but when it came to later, Li Sanghua said more and more confident, and finally the entire face was above A confident smile appeared.

Hearing Dongyu Yuya's mentality relaxed a little bit, he looked at Li Sanghua, "If this is the case, if it is possible, she may stand up again, or may she return to the same as before?"

"Yes." Li Sanghua replied very firmly, and then thought of the smile that Bai Ruoxi showed when she woke up, and he became more confident.

Yes, at this moment, health is actually more about a person's mentality?

Now that he saw Bai Ruoxi's first expression, he knew that Bai Ruoxi's mentality was very healthy, she was still so optimistic and sunny, then she would recover very quickly.

"Chief, today's treatment equipment and treatments are so developed, I believe Bai Ruoxi will recover quickly, but it is estimated that she will have to take a wheelchair for a period of time in the first 3 months to recover her legs. Musculoskeletal. When there are no major problems, you can walk on crutches and then use medical equipment to restore function. I believe it should not be half a year. Bai Ruoxi should be able to be like our ordinary people." Li Sanghua is very Quickly said, at that moment his eyes also showed a kind of light.

There are a lot of patients he treated. For how to help patients recover his health faster, the important thing is their mentality, and treatment is instead an auxiliary means, so if you believe that the mentality is healthier, this recovery Will be faster.

Dongfang Yu heard this, and thought about it in her heart. "In this case, it will take half a year to restore normal health."

Li Sanghua looked at the sad cloud on Dongfang Yujun's face, and for a time, he slowly comforted, "Adult commander need not be too worried. The treatment time I said is only a conservative stage, maybe in the beginning, in a wheelchair The time will be shortened to two months, or even shorter time is possible, the key is to see Bai Ruoxi's recovery, and, her mentality, the important thing is how well she cooperates with the treatment. "

"I believe that all our contributions will be paid back quickly, and Bai Ruoxi will also recover quickly, and the smile she just gave us a lot of medical staff. Confident, I believe that maybe she will stand up in less than half a year."

Dongfang Yu heard him say this, raised his head, and smiled slowly. This smile, with endless pressure and comfort.

"You are very relieved! Okay, you must use the best medicinal materials and the best equipment. If you have any difficulties, just tell me. I must regain Bai Ruoxi!" The doctors around me said.

"Yes. Chief, we will do our best to rescue Bai Ruoxi." Li Sanghua also nodded heavily.

Bai Ruoxi means very much to Dongfang Yuhe, he is very clear, so he will definitely cure Bai Ruoxi at all costs.

Dongfang Yu didn't say anything. After that, he nodded his head at that moment, then turned his head, walked to Bai Ruoxi's ward again, pushed open the door of the room, walked to the bed, and looked While she was sleeping peacefully, for a time, a heavy thought was slowly laid in her heart.

He stayed in her ward for a while before leaving. As he walked, he found that he was a bit heavy and hobbled when he stood up.


When Dongfang Yu returned to the Suzaku Military Area, Lin Luosen happened to meet at that moment.

"Commander..." Lin Rosen's expression was very serious.

"Go to the office." Dongfang Yu looked at him with a dullness in his eyes.


Soon Lin Rosen went to his commander's office with Dongfang Yu.

Dongfang Yu came to the office and looked at the huge map of the military area. He asked slowly, "Did the driver who caused the accident find it?"

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