Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 415: Everything is nothing but a mirror

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Chapter 415 Everything Is Just a Mirror

Thoughts were interrupted, Xue Wei looked at the sad and joyous luster contained in Huangfu's meditative eyes, and really wanted to tell him...

This baby room is not wasted at all, because his own daughter is playing in the room now, and the boy’s share will not be wasted...!

"Come on, Wei, let me take you to visit our room." Then, Huangfu Ming took Xue Wei's hand and went to their room.

open the door……

The wedding photo hanging on the bedside is in sight.

Xue Wei walked in slowly, looking at the spotless bed, the spotless dressing table, bedside table, wardrobe. She knew clearly that Huang Fuming must have someone regularly clean the room.

"Why...?" The puzzled murmur overflowed between the lips.

Huangfu walked beside her in doubt: "What?"

"You shouldn't know that I'm alive, right? Then why do you keep this house?" Xue Wei didn't understand, don't understand, what's the point of leaving this room? If she really died four years ago, it would never be possible to see here, even if she stayed is meaningless.

"I don't know why I should keep this villa." Huangfu sat sadly beside the bed, squinting, looking directly at the wedding photos hanging on the bedside, said lightly: "I don't know you Alive. I also know that even if you stay here, you will never see it. But..."

"I don’t know why, for more than three years, I used to come here once a week. Every time I come here, I always feel that you are waiting for me at home. Over time, here... becomes One of my dependencies."

Is the dependence of the family...

It is a load of love with Xuewei.

This man has long regarded it as a kind of spiritual sustenance. He just feels that as long as he comes here, he is living with Xuewei and is continuing their love with Xuewei.

Therefore, for more than three years, this man could not accommodate any woman, and he could not open his heart to any woman, and indulge in his fantasy forever and ever.

Fantasy, he is a man with a family, a man with a wife and a child.

how many times……

Huangfu Ming had hallucinations here, Xue Wei was sitting in the kitchen and the children were running outside the manor. But when he really embraced his wife and children, all the phantoms were broken.

Nevertheless, this is already a satisfaction for this man who has been lonely for more than three years. At least, he can still meet Xue Wei in his dream...


"Oh, now it's okay. You really are back. The hostess of this family has indeed appeared, and our children are also playing next door. I finally don't have to worry about waking up in my dreams..." Huang Fu Ming smiled sadly , Got up, embraced Xue Wei tightly.

Real touch; warm body temperature. Everything is so real, he really doesn't have to indulge in fantasy.

Of course...

"Huangfu Ming, do you think everything seems to be back to the dot?"

There was a cold voice from Xue Wei's ear. Huang Fu Ming let go of the hands holding her body tightly, looking at her terrifying ice eyes puzzled.

"Maybe, for your Huangfu Ming, now that I am back, everything can be back more than three years ago. But..."

"For me Xuewei, I will never forget what happened more than three years ago!!!"

"Ve...I know..."

When Huangfu Ming was about to speak, Xue Wei interrupted him coldly: "You don't know! Huangfu Ming, you don't know anything!!! If you think about it, if... more than three years ago, if I didn't because Hate, you can't die. Only a fake death scene is set up, and now all the things your Huangfu Ming has prepared are really just **** in the mirror!!!"

With a "snap" kick, Xuewei kicked the bedside table angrily. "What's the use of preparing our home in gorgeousness and warmth? I can't see it, I really can't see it. Why can't you cherish me while I was alive, more than three years ago a bit?!!"

"If it weren't for you that you didn't have enough trust in me, why would I have been away from home for so many years?!!!"

"Huangfu Ming! Today, the reason why I can see this house with my own eyes, you should thank the hatred that I bear on my body. If it is not because of these hatreds, I can't die, I can't die. These fake things, I... forever I won't see it!!!" Xue Wei glared at him resentfully and left without looking back.

The cold mountain village finally found a trace of temperature and immediately fell into the freezing point again.

Huangfu sat in a daze at the head of the bed, beside his ear, constantly echoing every sentence that Xue Wei said...

'You do not know! Huangfu Ming, you know nothing! ! ! Imagine if, if...more than three years ago, I couldn’t die unless it was because of hatred. Only a scene of fake death was set up, and now all the things your Huangfu Ming has prepared are really just **** in the mirror! ! ! ’

If it weren't for Xue Wei, he hadn't found out that if Xue Wei committed suicide in that year, this room would only be his fantasy location, and Xue Wei would never see this in person. He will also sit in dreams again and again forever, waking up, just empty.

Of course...

When Xue Wei appeared, he thought that he had spent more than three years to punish his distrust of her then to atone.

However, all these are meaningless.


The person who made all this is himself!

all of these……

But he just asked for it! ! !

Now that Xue Wei has returned intact, it really does not mean everything can return to the original point. The difference between them for more than three years is a painful memory that they can never erase...


Xuewei residence.

"Sister Weiwei, are you back? Is today's date still romantic? I thought you wouldn't be back today." Xuewei tweeted as soon as she got home, and she didn't listen to anything. Into the ear.

"Sister Weiwei, what's wrong with you? Have you quarreled with your brother-in-law?" When she noticed that Xuewei's expression was not right, Li Xiao asked and worried.

"Little, I want to be quiet alone. Don't talk to me first." Xue Wei said blankly, lying on a beautiful couch thoughtfully.

‘I don’t know why, for more than three years, I used to come here once a week. Every time I come here, I think you are waiting for me at home, and over time, here... has become a dependency of me. ’

‘Oh, now it’s okay. You are really back, the hostess of this family has really appeared, and our children are also playing next door. I don’t have to worry about waking up in my dreams...’

This book comes from reading books

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