Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 602: The war is at stake

Pen Fun Club, update Queen Mummy to the latest chapter as soon as possible!

Think about his days before the age of 18, which day is not happy?

Since entering the army at the age of 19, the nightlife has obviously decreased a lot, not to mention, and now there is such a little fart boy, it seems that he can only say goodbye to nightlife in a short time.

"Oh." Standing in the corner of the restaurant, Dongfang Yu laughed at himself, but looked helplessly at the cat and cat sitting on the table not far away, when he was about to step forward...

"Bell Bell..." A ring of phone bells caught his footsteps.

"Brother, what's the matter?" The phone answered.

"Yu, Huangfu Ming's vanguard has officially launched a challenge signal to us. It seems that the Baihu Military Region is about to come over. You must return to the army."


It has been a week since the vanguard led by Huangfu Ming entered Fengdu. During this week, Dongfang Yan sent troops to fail to seize Huangfuming, which shows how strong Huangfuming's leadership is.

Now, he took the initiative to show up and attack, Dongfang Yu really wanted to confront the legendary military wizard!

"Ok, I'll be there in an hour..." Hanging up the phone, Dongfang Yu's lips could not help raising a smile of anticipation...


the other side……

In the dark jungle, a soldier in a field uniform rushed into a tent stationed in the bushes: "General Huangfu, the war signal has been sent for 3 hours, and the General Military Region has not yet given us a reply. ,what should we do?"

The main areas that the Vanguard is responsible for are searching for the enemy’s section maps, and setting different minefields on the enemy’s main roads, thus opening up a ‘sunny avenue’ for the main army

Just 3 hours ago, Huang Fuchen issued an emergency order, asking Huangfu to immediately issue a provocative war against the enemy, and then send troops to support him.

Who knows, the war of provocation has been sent out, but the news of support has not been given. This is obviously the rhythm of trying to force the vanguard! !

"The Fifth Army ambushing on the broken bridge was the first to detonate the explosion point."

"Yes!" Upon receiving the order of Huangfu Ming, a signal soldier quickly walked out of the camp.

"Ming brother, if Huangfuchen is not sending troops, with our current strength, it is estimated that within 10 hours, the enemy will find the base camp!"

The Huangfu Ming base camp was set up in an extremely secret place in Fengdu, and the surrounding minefield was set up with a lot of minefields. It is really difficult for people in the Suzaku Military Region to find the base of Huangfu Ming.


Nevertheless, they can only delay for 10 hours.

"If I don't die, Huangfu Chen will not send troops, you don't have to count on him." Huangfu Ming has already seen Huangfuchen's "heart", this time his main task is actually to "send death".

"Brother Ming, what are we going to fight? Let's retreat."

"Retreat?" Leng Jun's face lifted a meaningless smile: "Retreat is a deserter, don't... do you want everyone to die?"

"Asshole, Huang Fuchen is so unreasonable. At this time, can he ignore his own selfishness?"

From Huangfu Ming's point of view, this is very consistent with Huang Fuchen's character.

His elder brother has always been accustomed to his own selfish interests. If he does not die one day, Huang Fuchen will get puffy in the Baihu Military Region one day.

There are only two ways to restore the peace to the Baihu Military Region, one is to call Huang Fuchen to die, and the other... he is to die! ! !

The big hand clenched his fist, and Huang Fuming's expression suddenly became very cold: "Xiao Zhang."

"What's the matter, Brother Ming."

"You are the one I brought out from the military compound and the only person I trust at the moment. I now... there is a difficult task for you to do!" Anyway, his eyes flashed sharply. The sharp edge...


Imperial city.


At 4 o'clock in the morning, the harsh ringtone of the phone awakened Xue Wei from the nightmare. She grabbed the phone confusedly: "Hello?"

"Xue Wei, this is Mu Chenxuan!"

"Chen Xuan? What happened?" Listening to the phone, Mu Chenxuan's breathless voice, Xue Wei was awake a lot at once.

"Just after I received the news, Huang Fuchen temporarily changed his mind and ordered the vanguard of the Ming to start the war 5 hours ago!"

"What?!!!" Sit up suddenly, and in the dark night, Xue Wei's face burst into white: "How could Huang Fuchen temporarily change his mind? Didn't he say that he would start the war three days later?" Brow frowned: "Damn, it must be that Huang Fuchen found that I went to a secret organization. I was afraid that I would get any news, so I temporarily changed the war time. But..."

Mou Feng turned: "Since Huang Fuchen has ordered the two sides to fight, why haven't I received the message? It stands to reason, shouldn't the generals of the three corps be ordered to prepare for the first time?!!!"

"That's why I'm in a hurry to call you! I heard my people say that Huang Fuchen sent someone to seal the message strictly after issuing the war order, as if he didn't want us to know at all."

Mu Chenxuan?

You know, the person in charge of contacting the frontline vanguard has always been a member of the secret organization. She has not tried to hear any news. Why did the people of Muchenxuan so easily heard this important news?

Is it...? !

Phoenix eyes flashed.

It is Xue Zhan! ! !

It must have been that Xue Zhan received Huang Fuchen's order, but he was slow to see that Huang Fuchen sent troops to reinforce Huang Fuming. Therefore, he didn't rub the sand in his eyes and deliberately released this news to remind her!

"Damn Huang Fuchen, he must want to die, and then send troops to officially attack the Suzaku Military Region. No! Chen Xuan, please inform Yue immediately and ask him to lead 5000 infantry to the military base."

"okay, I get it."

Without any delay, Xue Wei hung up the phone and notified her adjutant, and mobilized 5000 infantry to the military base...

General base of Baihu Military Region.

In front of the barracks, a total of 10,000 infantrymen were neatly arranged in a square array, and the sun rising from the east had just emerged, but the earth was still shrouded in darkness.

Xue Wei, together with Huang Fuyue and a group of generals, rushed to the office building at the base of the General Military Region.

"Two generals, please stop." In front of the office building, a hundred guards armed with machine guns stood neatly in ten rows, pointing their muzzles firmly at Xuewei and others.

Obviously, Huang Fuchen had already expected them to come, and he made preparations for'not seeing guests' in advance.

"I want to see Captain Huangfu!"

"Sorry, General Xue, Captain Huangfu is dealing with important matters, and tell me to tell the two generals to wait for several hours."

"Waiting for a few hours? Do you know that the five thousand infantry on the front line that might be harmed by these hours have all been killed!!!"


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