Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 851: Brother, come back to Longdu with me

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Chapter 851 Brother, Follow Me Back to the Dragon Capital

When he woke up, Huan Yinfeng couldn't accept everything in front of him. He was extremely angry with Lei Qiuyue's behavior. Since then, the two have become strangers, no matter how Lei Qiuyue admits his mistakes...

As a result, in the two months after that, the magical wind strengthened You Sujin, which is Xuewei's mother.

However, Lei Qiuyue, who did not know where to receive the news, was so violent that after hearing all of this, he threatened the magical wind with death several times, demanding that he must marry himself.

You know, they have no feelings themselves; in addition, Lei Qiuyue got the magical wind by this means. How could the magical wind wind marry her?

After tossing for more than half a month, Lei Qiuyue unexpectedly found out that she was pregnant. She thought that after telling the news to Huan Yinfeng, Huan Yinfeng would turn around.

Where to know...

The phantasmatic wind that has been enduring for months has completely exploded!

‘This is one million, kill the child! And, I hope you will disappear in front of me forever! ! ’

She thought that she could get the love of a man by pushing her to death;

She thought that she could get the man's back by blocking the belly.

Lei Qiuyue didn't know that the more she posted, the more the man would not cherish her. What's more, she still used that mean means to combine with the magical wind? !

When Xue Wei finished all of this, Thunder's reaction was shocked and contradictory: "No, it's impossible...I...I don't believe it! The magical wind must be lying!"

"Brother, actually Aunt Lei is like this now, I shouldn't have said that. But... you think about it, is it not easy for him to abandon a woman in his father's position? Why, follow me What about such dramatic lies?"

After hearing the Yin Yinfeng on the plane saying all this, Xue Wei had no doubt.

First, because the magical wind is her dad; second, the magical wind is really not necessary to lie.

"He might not want to tell you that he is the kind of irresponsible person?!"

"No, you're wrong. I first asked my dad to mention Aunt Lei. If Dad lied a little, he should know that I would pierce him sooner or later. At that time, I would only look down on him more." Xue Wei paused. Angri, continued: "And, after my father said all this, I didn't feel any repulsion to Aunt Lei. Instead, I felt...she seemed braver than the average woman!"

It is said that the men chased the women across the mountains;

Female chasing male interlayer yarn;

This Lei Qiuyue's chasing fantasy wind is clearly separated by countless layers of mountains.

Xue Wei believes that Lei Qiuyue must have loved this man for madness before giving up his face and taking medicine for this man.


She should never be forced to die, and she should be forced to fight with the flesh and blood in her belly, so that only a man will be moved away from her. In addition to the appearance of mother...

Otherwise, maybe, Dad might... turn his head, "Look" Lei Qiuyue may also!

"Xue Wei! I said everything that the magical wind said is true, but he... still knows my existence, right?!!!" In fact, it wasn't really the magical hate that had always been called Thunder. The wind abandoned Lei Qiuyue, but this man was so cruel to his biological son! !

"Yes! At that time, my dad did know that Aunt Lei was pregnant. But... when Dad gave Aunt Lei the money, Aunt Lei... left the Yinyin house and disappeared. Dad still thought she had hit. After she lost that child, she thought she was dead now."

"No!!! It's impossible!!" Phantom Yinfeng's tone was extremely firm: "Then who said, who would be so bored and aimed at me in secret? Who would it be, can't I get better?"


The fact that the Thunder was repeatedly killed in Dragon Capital is indeed very strange. After all, not many people know his identity, and no one needs to target a kid who has just started.


On the plane, Xue Wei concealed Thing in particular. She also tried the tone of Magic Yinfeng several times. The Magic Yinfeng really didn't know that she still had a son!

"Brother, I told you last time. The reason why my mother would leave with my dad is because my grandmother made a terrier, which led to the separation of my parents and led me to always hate my dad. At that time, my grandmother even wanted to kill me .. I think... will it be grandma... don't want to be good to you?"

This is just Xuewei's guess.

However, it was quickly refuted by the Thunder: "Do you think it is possible? They have a great career in the Mirage Yin family, and there is only one son of Qu Ling in the Mirage Yin Wind. Have a grandson!"

"I don't deny that your statement makes sense. And, when I knew that grandma was this person, she had already passed away. But, as far as I know grandma, she is a woman who longs for her father to take the position of commander of the White Tiger Military Region. In her eyes, Dad must marry one or more right-handed women. Although, you are the eldest son and grandson of the Magic Yin Family, Aunt Lei, after all..."

After all, Lei Qiuyue is just a maid of the house of Yinyin, whose status is not even as good as that of Sun Yunyun. It is impossible for Mrs. Yinyin to accept the son of a maid!

Follow-up, Xue Wei did not say clearly.

Thunder also fell into silence.

You can feel that he didn't seem to get angry when he mentioned the magical wind as before; he didn't have the same resistance to the magical wind as before. At least, he could calm down a little.

Seizing the opportunity, Xue Wei said while hot ironing: "Brother, I think, this time your mind must be very messy, after all, you hated Dad for so many years. As for Aunt Lei's side... Since the time is running out. It is better... …You go back to Longdu with me. On the one hand, I asked my father to come and meet Aunt Lei for the last time. On the other hand...Daddy is worth worthy of our trust. Is it better to confirm it yourself, okay?”

"Hui... Longdu?" This matter was something Thunder hadn't thought about in his life. Of course, he didn't think about going back to Longdu, but he didn't think about going back in this way. He thought he would lead the soldiers into Longdu in a few years!

"Yes. Come back with me, brother, there will be no loss to you. If you meet Dad and find that Dad is not a good person, I will unite with you and kidnap Dad here. I have met Aunt Lei in the end On one side, I will take him away. As for can still fulfill your dreams without any loss. Isn't it?"

After carefully analyzing Xue Wei's words, Thunder's face gradually showed a helpless smile: "Your mouth! I really can't say you. Maybe you said, I should at least meet him~ Fiction's first book

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