Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 857: Never meet each other

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Chapter 857: Never Seeing Each Other Forever

"Dad..." Waiting for Xuewei to explain.

Thunder tightened his eyebrows and choked back: "I'm here to chat with Weiwei, is that okay?" He got up.

The two glared at each other unwillingly.

Huan Yinfeng clenched his fists tightly: "No! You can talk during the day if you have anything. I tell you! I will only ask you to live in our house when I read it on my daughter's face. After a while, when the day comes, I I will arrange a new place for you, and our illusionist will not welcome you!!!


In these words, the uninformed magical wind naturally does not know how much lethality is; but Thunder is a person who is fully informed. How will he feel when he hears such words? !

"Oh, rest assured, Commander Huan Yin, your family...I don't want to stay longer! There is a problem, I want to ask you!" Lei Tingyufeng turned, one hand inserted into the pocket, the gloss between the eyes All sharp.

"what is the problem?"

"I have always heard that Commander Huan Yin leads you like a god, and you have a clear distinction between public and private. If one day, one of your men buried a person who wholeheartedly wanted to pay for the country because of personal problems, what would you do?"

"Huh?" The magical monk suddenly felt puzzled by the monk's suspicion: "Are you okay to ask me why this question?"

"Oh, it's nothing, but I just encountered this kind of trouble. Maybe Weiwei didn't introduce me to you completely. In fact, before I went to the Baihu Military Region, I always...was in the Qinglong Military Region. of!!"

"Oh?" Xian Yinfeng subconsciously looked at Xue Wei, who was nervously standing beside him, and then he rolled his eyes: "Which army do you serve?"

"Since I received the best student medal from the military academy, I went to serve in the First Corps!!"

"Best student?!" Huan Yinfeng clearly knows how heavy the gold content of this title is, and also knows that there is absolutely no future for a graduated graduate to be assigned to the First Corps. But... "What position do you hold in the First Corps?!"

"It's just an ordinary communications soldier. It didn't take long for me to be dropped as a communications soldier in the Second Corps. After that...I left your Qinglong Military Region!!"

In the four major military regions, the transfer from the Third Corps to the Second Corps was promoted; from the Second Corps to the Third Corps, it was demoted.

On the contrary, for a student who graduated with the best student, it is absolutely impossible to be assigned to a service such as a signal soldier assigned to the First Corps. visible……

"Okay, I finally understand why you have so much resentment against me as soon as you see me, are you called Thunder, right? I will send someone to bring up your file tomorrow, and I will never call this thing a dead end! "

Seeing Huan Yinfeng's eloquent look, Thunder frowned coldly: "You really don't know me?!"

"Huh?" Vaguely aware of what was wrong, the phantom-like double-eagle eyes looked at his face unstoppably. "What do you want to say?!"

"Don't you always send people to suppress me? Isn't it that you haven't seen me well?!!!"

"Nonsense!!" Facing the thunderous aggressiveness, the magical wind is inexplicable: "Since you have joined the Qinglong Military Region, I am a child soldier of the Qinglong Military Region. Why do I want to suppress you for no reason? The more powerful you are, It’s only good for me, I’m fine to suppress you?!"

", I said, Dad really doesn't know about your existence?" Xue Wei, who was standing silent all the way, opened his mouth uncontrollably.

Upon hearing this, the pupil dilated numerous times: "Small... Xiaowei, called" His face gradually turned blue.

Seeing that things couldn't be concealed anymore, Thunder clenched his fists tightly, saying one by one: "I am!!! Thunder! Autumn! Moon! Son of!!!"

"Are you...?! This is... what's going on?!"

For the woman Lei Qiuyue, Huan Yinfeng is not completely without attention. I still remember when he sent someone to investigate Lei Qiuyue, but according to the spies, she reported that she died of illness.

But don't want to...? ! !

"It's an accident? Oh, actually my mom didn't kill me, but raised me hard. Maybe it was due to the origin of the blood. Since my memory, I have been eager to join the Qinglong military area. In my 10 When I was a few years old, my mother suddenly told me that my biological father was you! At that time... I was happy because I finally knew who my father was; but I also felt sad and didn’t understand why you didn’t recognize us Mother and son. But..."

"I know that you have a life of your own, so I never thought about interrupting or knowing you. On the contrary, I am very proud that my father can manage the military area so well. I also Longing, one day, can make the Qinglong Military Region more powerful. Ran..."

When it comes to this, the indignant luster in the eyes of Thunder gradually fades: "My blood is reduced because of that invisible power. From my original admiration to you, to slowly, It turned into hate. I always's you! It's because you don't want me to have an early date, and I'm afraid I will recognize you before you will suppress me and force me to leave the Qinglong Military Region!!!"

"No!" Huan Yinfeng said excitedly: "I've never done this before, I don't even know your existence!!!"

"Yes. I also felt at this moment that you really don't seem to know my existence. It's a pity... my pride in you has already disappeared because of time..."

This is the first time Xue Wei has heard Thunder confess.


At first, Thunder didn't hate his father, but because of misunderstanding, his respect for his father gradually turned into hatred?

No wonder!

Imagine if a child's expectation of his parents is so high, but all the rewards received are swearing, it must be very, very lost.

Just like, between her and Xue Weiguo.

When the magical wind appeared, she would vent all her anger towards Xueweiguo to the body of the magical wind.

Just because, when I was expecting you, where did you go? !

I believe that even if the Thunder at this moment has lifted the hatred of the phantom Yin in the heart, it will be unacceptable for him in a while.

"Sorry, kid. I... I don't know what Wei Wei told you, I was the wrong start between you and your mother, so... I didn't pay much attention to her and thought she had passed away, I don’t even know your existence. I didn’t expect... so many years, you... you will be hurt so much..."

"Master Yin Yin, don't say anything if I'm sorry. Because it's already expired. In fact, I came here today... I just wanted to invite you to visit my mother..." Yu Feng suddenly turned, and Thunder suddenly lowered his posture .

This book is derived from reading

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