Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 869: Ready to go on a blind date

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Chapter 869



The illusionist with a rich antique flavor is full of vitality; the sun is shining on the land of Longdu, and it is so spring...

The "chirping" magpie's cries have been started for a long time. Xuewei fell asleep three times in the sun. If this group of magpies had disturbed her, she might have to continue to sleep.

Stretching a lazy waist, she was wearing pajamas and was walking towards the living room on the first floor with her sleepy eyes...

In the living room, everyone got up early.

Qu Ling is sitting in front of the TV, playing a game console, and the Magic Yinfeng follows... Thunder is playing chess!


That's right!

It is Thunder!

Following the last farewell, almost a week later, Thunder took his Raksha army to join the Qinglong Military Region.

At first, many veterans of the Qinglong Military Region expressed opposition. After all, the Thunder’s identity is unknown, and he is leading a bandit army. As a regular force, how can they accept the Raksha Army?

The most important thing is that the other three countries are planning to attack the Raksha Army. When they receive the Thunder at this time, they are equal to the enemy of the other three countries.

However, the magical wind has managed so much?

He insisted on his own opinion and suppressed all opposition with power. The people in the Qinglong Military Region accepted the Thunder temporarily, and agreed to separate a team for the Raksha Army!

As for the Thunder, he also officially recognized the ancestor with Xue Wei, but this matter has not been announced for the time being. But in the Magic Yinjia, the people up and down already regarded Thunder as the young master and Xue Wei as the young lady!

Looking at the harmonious scene in the house, Xue Wei could have given up her wish, and she finally had a perfect and warm home.

"Dad early, brother early, brother early." Yawning, sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Qu Ling, who was playing the game console, glanced at her: "Huh, you slept so late again. If you changed me, Dad would punish me for running."

"Less nonsense, your sister just returned to our house, it is inevitable that she will not get used to it. It is also appropriate to tell her to sleep more!!!"

Qu Ling grinded his teeth badly and grumbled quietly: "Huh, partial eyes!"

"Baby, what kind of breakfast do you want? Dad told you to make it for you."

"I don't eat anymore, I'm not hungry..."

"How about that? If you don't eat sooner or later, what if you go out and faint?"

"Ah? Go out?" Xue Wei froze for a moment, turned back blankly, and looked at the magical wind that was playing chess with Thunder in the side hall: "I didn't plan to go out today."

"You didn't plan to go out, but..." Raising his eyelids, he smiled amiably: "Dad arranged a blind date for you, you must... get out!"

"Blind date?????"

Suddenly, the style of the entire Yinyin family changed, and the three daughters of the Yinyinfeng all showed incredible expressions.

"Dad, why did you arrange a blind date for Wei Wei?!!!" The Thunder Ice Eyes playing chess are full of complaints.

Qu Ling, who is playing a game console, is no longer playing. "Yes, dad, why are you arranging a blind date for your sister?"

"What are you two guys shouting? Do you not know that I am your old man? No big or small! Have you forgotten, Xiaowei is single now?! Is it wrong for me to arrange a blind date?" Yin Feng posed as he should,

Faced with the power of this strict father, Qu Lingzong was unwilling but dared not to be rebellious. But Thunder is different. He used to be not afraid of phantom chanting winds. It is even more impossible to be frightened by his majesty now: "It's wrong! My sister is not no one to ask for, but also need a blind date?!!!" Stood up, his blushing neck thickened and he argued with Huan Yinfeng.

"Does blind date mean that no one wants it? Ting'er, after two days, you will go to blind date with me too. It's almost thirty, and there's no girlfriend. If this spreads out, people think I'm illusory. The son is gay!!"

"I'm not going!!"

With a ‘slap’, Phantom Yinfeng dropped his pawns in rage and shouted, “If you don’t go, you have to go!!”

It has been more than half a month since the Thunder returned to the Hallucinator. The Hallucinator seemed to be at peace on the surface, but in fact there will always be a "quarrel". This mainly comes from between the magical wind and the thunder...

If Qu Ling's character is to follow his mother, to be at ease with his encounter; then Thunder's character is 100% inherited from his father, stubborn! Very good face!

"Hey, fortunately I haven't been short of girlfriends." Qu Ling, who was sitting on the hill watching the tiger, snickered.

But Huan Yinfeng's eyes were sharp, and he pointed at him directly: "You are nonsense, your brother has never had a girlfriend, you are a girlfriend for two days, you can't feel at ease to find a fixed girlfriend? If not, please go on a blind date!"

"Ah????? I... I don't want it!" When thinking of blind dates, Qu Ling had a headache, and he didn't want to marry a woman he didn't like.

"If you don't want to blind date, you quickly find a suitable marriage, so that you don't dangle in front of my eyes every day, I am annoying to see you now!!!"

"Dad... how are you doing this?" Qu Ling pulled down a face unhappy.

Xue Wei, who remained silent throughout the whole time, clenched her fists and shouted with a headache: "Okay, you don’t have to quarrel..." They all said, three women and one play, but God knows, three men get together Isn't it a drama together? "Dad, why are you asking me to go on a blind date? I just got divorced for a month, so you call me on a blind date. Are you afraid of gossiping?"

"If my baby daughter is afraid that others will gossip, I'm afraid I won't be able to live long ago. Xiaowei..." Slowly, she walked in front of Xuewei: "Daddy asked you soon after you divorced Huangfu Ming. Do you want to remarry him, you said, impossible, plus the news that he also announced your divorce, you can see that he has divorced you with a heavy heart. If so, why don’t you hurry Ling Mi? You need to know that the girl’s youth is so short-lived, you can see it is 27, waiting for you to be 30, adding and divorcing, and bringing children, there is really no one to ask Now!"

Listening to the sound of whispering winds, Xue Wei's head was big.

She's almost thirty, divorced, and has children. Isn't anyone asking for it? No one wants to chant if no one wants, what she is afraid of Xue Wei! "Dad, you just want to drive me away, hoping that I will get married soon?"

"Baby, how could Dad want to chase you away? Dad wants you to stay with me for a lifetime. But I’m more than sixty, and I can live for a few years? When I die, you’re forty, and no one wants you. So, dad can only bear the pain and cut the love, and entrust you to someone who can rely on it." Then, Xianyinfengyu patted Xuewei's hand with a long heart.

This book was first published in the book

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