Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 889: Important things for dinner

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Chapter 889 Dinner Important Matters


‘Tonight, my dad specially set up a dinner party to bid farewell to the Four Kingdoms at the Rendezvous Hotel, are you here? ’

‘Not necessarily, I’m talking. ’

In the afternoon, Huangfu Ming already gave this ambiguous answer.

Look at the time...

It's 7 o'clock in a few minutes. I guess he won't come? !

"Dad, I think he should have something important, so I can't come..."

"Is there something important?" Eyes turned to Xue Wei, and the Yinyinfeng frowned. "Xiaowei, you can help him make excuses? He has important things. How do you know?"

"Yes... he told me..." Xue Weiqiang squeezed out a reason, but could he not understand why Huangfu Ming didn't attend this dinner?

His character really doesn't like such a lively occasion, but in the face of international society, he will still give face.

Now, he should also be thinking about coming? Still not coming?

After all... The owner of this dinner was held by his ‘ex-wife’ family. He naturally avoided it.

Thinking of this, Xue Wei couldn't help but smile bitterly. Compared with the embarrassment of Huangfu Ming, she really seemed to be a bit muddy.

"Fantasy... Captain Yinyin, Captain Huangfu is here!" Suddenly, a guard hurried to the face of Magic Yinfeng.

He heard this... "Isn't it important that he can't come with something important?!" There was a question in his tone.

Xue Wei's face was cracked but crackled.

It seems...

Huangfu Ming should have thought about it now?

"Hey..." A silly smile.

Huan Yinfeng didn't compare with Xue Wei much, and took her towards the entrance of the banquet...

"Master Yinyin, I'm sorry, there was a delay on the way." Once he arrived, Huangfu Ming lost his companionship with Yinyinfeng.

He shook his head indifferently: "It doesn't matter, you are not late." He turned around, exchanged a few words with the staff officer on the side, and left...

"Are you here?" Xue Wei, who was left alone, greeted Huangfu in a generous manner.

He nodded with a smile: "Look out, I'll get some drinks." Borrowing, just leaving...

"Huh?? It turns out that you came to this dinner too?" A girl in an evening dress pointed at Huang Fuming with surprise.

He was stunned for a moment, then smiled gracefully at the girl...

At this dinner, Huangfu Ming really considered whether to come or not, but in the end he decided to come. As for the late arrival, it was really because of the delay on the road.

He drove all the way to the banquet place, but, halfway, a car suddenly punctured and hit his car. The owner of the flat car was the girl in front of her.

Even if he had time to dare, he could not leave the girl alone as a man, so he no longer helped, so he called out the trailer and asked the girl to bring a car to the dinner party.

No, it turns out that the girl was following him.

"Oh, if I knew that you were here for the banquet, I came with you." The girl's personality is very cheerful, as if she is a natural acquaintance.

Huangfu Ming didn't speak, just kept a smile with politeness.

"Oh, what's your name? Why didn't I see you in the Qinglong Military Region?" the girl asked curiously.

He pursed his lips gently: "I, call Huang Fuming..."

"Yeah?? It turns out that you are the commander of the White Tiger Military Region?????" A pair of water spirit eyes looked at him incessantly, the girl exclaimed in surprise: "My luck was really good, I didn't expect to be the famous Huangfu halfway The captain helped!"


The chat position of this man and a woman is less than a meter away from Xue Wei, and she can even hear what they are talking about clearly.

Perhaps it felt a little embarrassing for a lonely person to stand there. She retreated to the side without saying a word, but the line of sight was all looking at the direction of Huangfu Ming...

"Huh? Your ex-husband is fast enough, so a new one will be installed in a moment?" Ye Fei held the wine glass and put a look at the good show close to Xue Wei.

She quickly put away the expression that should not be on her face, and glanced at him with his eyes: "That is! After all, it is the man I used to be, can't it be great!"

"!!!" Blue eyes flashed, Ye Xie Ling turned to face Xue Wei, for a while, helplessly and ironically said: "Oh, you really hit the swollen face to become fat!"

How can that be? !

Should she still cry and whisper to Huangfu Ming as soon as she sees herself that she will borrow steps to leave? Can you chat with other women patiently? !

right now!

Xue Wei finally understood why Huang Fu Ming gave that ambiguous answer. ‘Not necessarily going...’

They really shouldn't meet!

In this way, there won't be so many missed thoughts!


Fortunately, this may be the last time they met; fortunately, they are in two countries and there are not many opportunities to meet...


At that time when the needle was pointing at 7 o'clock, the banquet's rostrum suddenly heard the sound of the magical wind.

Everyone kept quiet and turned to face the stage...

"Today, it was a banquet hosted by the Qinglong Military Region for the Captains of the Three Kingdoms. Although... General Suzaku, the representative of the Eastern General, did not come, but... I am still very happy that Captain Ye Fei and Captain Huangfu could give me this face!" Feng smiled and pointed at Ye Fang Ling and Huang Fu Ming in the banquet hall.

The two nodded gracefully and smiled politely at the crowd.

"Actually, on such an important diplomatic occasion, I shouldn't have..."

The door of the ‘slap’ banquet hall was suddenly pushed away from the outside, interrupting the words of the chanting wind.

Everyone's eyes subconsciously cast at the entrance...

I saw that Dongfang Yu led his'Red Army' to appear in the evening banquet hall with great shock...

"That boy?"

"He should be the representative of the Suzaku Military District, General Oriental?"

"Oh? Even so young, he became a general?"

"General? Oh, you should call him Captain in a month!" whispers whispered from all sides of the venue.

Everything, as expected by Xue Wei, Dongfang Yu did come, and still came in such an eye-catching way...

"Master Yinyin, I'm so sorry. I came out a little late. Won't you blame me?" He posed a guilty look and walked in the direction of the wind of Yinyin. The loneliness in the corners of his mouth made people see him in no way, and he apologized sincerely.

"Of course, General Dongfang, after all, you are only 19 years old, even if you are not sensible, I am an old man... I will understand it!" Feng Yinfeng is also polite, directly ironic of the impoliteness of Dongfang Yu.

This article comes from reading novels

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