Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 913: Ye Fei Ling and Xue Wei are getting married

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Chapter 913: Ye Xie Ling and Xue Wei are getting married

Imperial city.

A car rushed out of the airport at high speed quickly entered the center of Yucheng. Xuewei and Ye Xieling sat side by side in the back of the car.

"Zero, do you really want to make it clear?" Feng Pu scorned him.

"Huh?" Ye Fei tilted her head in a puzzling manner.

"You know, I am a second marriage, so you hurriedly registered with me, so you are not afraid of Uncle Yefei getting angry?"

"If he disagrees... we are divorced."


Perhaps, for Ye Fei Ling, a marriage is equivalent to a child's play, but for her, a marriage is a lifelong agreement. but……

She and Ye Feiling could not talk about staying together for life, at most even if they were just living together. As he said, it's really impossible, just divorce!

The car gradually entered the downtown area of ​​the city center, and soon arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau of Yucheng.

After getting off the car and looking at the sign that was registered, Xue Wei couldn't tell her mood.

Think about it. At that time, the first registration with Huangfu Ming was actually to invite people from the Civil Affairs Bureau in the villa to get married at will. This time, she really came to the Civil Affairs Bureau, but her heart seems to be more than a child's play when she first got married. She always feels that there is no difference between this marriage and the game.

"Go in." Take Xue Wei into the Civil Affairs Bureau.

They submitted the completed marriage registration form to the registration office.

The staff looked at the name on the registration book: "Are you?????" looked at Ye Xieling in front of her eyes in surprise.

"Huh?" His lips twitched slightly.

The staff member quickly shook his head: "No... It's okay... You, you two, wait a minute." Then, he carefully checked the contents of the form.

Not to mention that the staff knew that the man in front of him was the commander of their Xuanwu Military Region. Just by looking at the surname Ye Fei, he knew that the man in front of him was a member of the royal family of the Imperial City.

"I want to ask the next two, are you willing to get married?" The staff member asked the two questions according to the process.

Ye Xie Ling was obviously impatient: "What do you think? If we are involuntary, why are you here?"


In a word, the staff choked on nothing. He looked at Xue Wei awkwardly: "Miss, according to your personal file, are you a remarriage?"


"And, are you from the Imperial City?"


"Sir, are you all clear about this lady?"

There are more and more problems with the staff of the Marriage Registry, and Ye Xie Ling is more impatient: "If I don't know her affairs, why should I marry her? I'm really curious. Do the government departments work efficiently? Is it as low as you guys?!"

"Hug... sorry sir, we, we are only doing routine inspections to ensure your interests, I will take the form to print." The staff apologized nervously to Ye Xie Ling, and then ran to the form with the form office.

Faced with this, Xue Wei was helpless.

In fact, the staff of others asked so many questions for Ye Xianling's benefit. Just look at him, just like the people all over the world owe him. Asking questions will provoke him to a curse. Ugh!

"Wei Wei!!!" While waiting, a familiar voice came from behind them.

Xue Wei turned back subconsciously with Ye Xie. I saw that Thunder ran with Qu Ling gasping in their direction.

"Brother? Why are you... how are you here?" Xue Wei stood up in doubt.

When the two came to her, Qu Ling greeted her awkwardly: "Sister..."

In fact, this time Qu Ling didn't want to come. Although he very much hoped that his sister would be together with Huangfu, now that they are divorced, the sister chooses who is the sister's freedom, as long as the sister is happy. But...

As soon as Thunder returned to Longdu from the mysterious territory, he couldn't sit still, and forced Qu Ling to accompany him to obstruct this marriage.

"Wei Wei, although it is your freedom to choose to marry, I shouldn't have interfered. But... I thought for a long time and decided that I must interfere with your marriage. I don't allow you to marry Ye Xie Ling!" Thunder's The tone is beyond doubt.

Seeing this, Ye Xie walked to him in a hurry: "Sister-in-law, maybe you were prejudiced against me before, but this is Xue Wei's choice, you should respect her, don't you?"

"Wei Wei's choice?!!! Ye Xie Ling, you are so kind to say this? If your marriage was really chosen by Wei Wei, I wouldn't even let go of the fart; but...why she Will marry you, are you still not sure about Ye Xie Ling?!!!"

It is precisely because of this that Thunder will come to Yucheng with Qu Ling.

In his life, he thought he was standing on top of the earth and had never done anything blind. In his eyes, Huangfu Ming, even if he abandoned his sister now, is indeed a good man.

Ye Xie Ling is different...

Whether it is from Huo Yanxi's description or under his own knowledge, Ye Xie Ling is too cunning and does not distinguish between principle and right or wrong.

His attitude towards things is still the same, not to mention women? What benefits can Xuewei marry him in future? ! Maybe today she is the pearl of his palm, and tomorrow she will become an abandoned woman!

"Sister-in-law, you can't look at things on the surface. My marriage with Xuewei, but Uncle Huanyin all agree!"


Thunder does not deny that Huan Yinfeng's evaluation of Ye Xie Ling is extremely high, and that Ye Fei Ling in the mouth of Huan Yin Feng is not a traitor. however……

It is not difficult to feel from the descriptions of Phantom Yinfeng that Ye Xie Ling is good in the heart, but only in the heart. At the very least, he is not kind on the surface!

When Xue Wei and Ye Fei are married, who can ensure that the good side of his heart will explode? In case his dark side trumps his kind side, his sister may suffer.

"Wei Wei, come with me!" Ignoring Ye Xie Ling's explanation, Thunder grabbed Xue Wei's hand and left.

"You can't go!"

At night, with zero orders, the atmosphere of the people's civil affairs bureau suddenly became very embarrassing, and several guards of the Xuanwu Military Region who were waiting at the door also broke in.

"Qu Ling, take Wei Wei away, I'll come to the rear of the palace!" Xue Wei handed Xue Wei into the hands of Qu Ling. He put on a life-and-death struggle.

Qu Ling was stunned: "Ah??" Dumbfounded glance at the few Xuanwu Military Region, completely unknown what to do.

This article comes from reading novels

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