Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 943: Put down is also reborn

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Chapter 943

"If you are also want to be blind!!!" The words with deep meaning fall down, Ye Fei's smile is so meaningful.

Xue Wei felt a pain in her heart ‘clucking’, she **** read the meaning of Ye Fei Ling’s words?


Sometimes, knowing is better than knowing nothing!

She bit her lip hard, the expression on Xue Wei's face looked so painful, but her tone was full of irony: "No, zero, you are wrong, if I were you, I instead I will open my eyes wide. I want to see what kind of virtue the person I love is! I want to see clearly that everything I sacrificed for her is worth it or not!"

"Zero..." Slowly stepped forward, Xue Wei choked up with his thin face: "Please open your eyes, look at me well, see how happy I am; also see Look at yourself and see who hurts you today!!!"

"Oh...hahahaha..." Suddenly, Ye Xie smiled with a ghost, he grabbed Xuewei's wrist holding his cheek with his backhand and said one by one: "Can't you accept my love so much?" Just hope I hate you?!"

"Yes...because...I can't afford your love..." His eyes slowly dropped.

After the outbreak of the military exercise, Xue Wei knew that she was powerless to return to the sky, and now that everything is resolved, all she can do is pull all the extremes of Ye Xie Ling to herself!

Things start with her, and eventually with her...

"Oh, what a terrible and overbearing woman I am in love with?" She didn't even give the power to love her. Ye Fei had a lonely smile, and slowly let go of the hand holding her wrist: "Xue Wei, don't forget, you are the one I brought out, do you think...I will be controlled by you?" "" The thin face suddenly became extremely cold.

Xue Wei smiled and said, "Yes, I am the one you brought out. I stayed with you four years ago and learned cruelty, coldness, cunning, insidiousness, and prosperity. But you have heard of A word?"

"What's the matter?"

"Blue is better than blue...!" said Xue Wei, blinking his eyes, and suddenly picked up the needle placed on the coffee table.

Ye Feiling seemed to react to something. She was about to move, and she grabbed his neck quickly with her eyes, and the other hand, had pierced the needle into his arm!

Obviously, due to the long-term lack of nutrition, Ye Fei Ling has completely transformed from a demon into a lamb that is arbitrarily slaughtered. He is not even an opponent of Xue Wei, and she can only let her do whatever she wants. .

The blue liquid was injected into his body a little bit, and Ye Xie's expression looked so unwilling! "Xue Wei, do you think it's useful for you to do this? After you leave, I can still stop the medicine and even blind myself now!!!"

"Ha... whatever you want, you threaten me is useless, zero, I remember you said that my life is yours, without your order, I will not die, if I die, you will also put My body is kept by your side! Now I tell you!!!" Face Pang Yi cold, she attached to his ear and said sullenly: "Your eyes are mine! If you are really blind, I will pick you up secretly When you and I live in Ming, even if you can't see it, I will tell you day and night how happy I am with Ming!!"


"Are you angry?" She let go of Ye Fei's neck, and she stepped back slowly: "It's right to be angry! In the future, you will only hate me more and more, whenever you think of yourself because of me And when everything is lost, you will wish to kill me, and my purpose will be achieved..." Then, Xue Wei left with a grin.

But when she was about to step out of this cold villa, all the expressions on her face were banned by sadness and guilt...

Sorry, zero...

I can't give you anything like love in my life;

All I can give you is my heartlessness.

Because only in this way can you change from love to hate for me; because only in this way can you slowly walk out of my shadow and find a new partner...

"What happened to Zero, are you willing to take the medicine for treating the eyes?" After walking out of the villa, Shi Tian couldn't wait to ask.

Xuewei stood still and looked at him coldly: "Don't you always take others away from the generals? In this case, why do you obey zero?"

"What do you mean?"

"If he refuses to take drugs in the future, you can order others to force him to inject drugs? Just know that zero is not the same as before, and his stabbing body is already gone." Drop this sentence, Xuewei is leaving.

"Wait." Li Shitian quickly grabbed her arm: "What if zero suicide?"


Xue Wei smiled lightly and slowly met Li Shitian's eyes: "If Zero really wants to die, we can't stop anyone; if he doesn't want to die, maybe, our cruelty to him at this moment is The greatest love!"

She was really scared, when one day Xia Ling wanted to open, but her eyes were permanently blind. If he can't think about it, no one can stop suicide.

Instead of thinking about the things before you, think about the future...

She dare to be sure that Ye Xie Ling will slowly walk out of the shadows! !

"Well, I know. In addition..." Li Shitian's eyes rolled and his hands were inserted into his pockets, vomiting: "I heard that your father lives with you in Huangfu's house now?"

"Oh, yes."

"What about my sister? Also live with you?"

"Huh?" Xue Wei read something faintly from Li Shitian's expression, but she still nodded silly and pretended: "Yeah."

"Oh... Then my sister was not bullied in your house?"

"Don't worry if you leave General, now who dares to bully your sister?" Xue Weiyu tapped Li Shitian's shoulder with a long heart.

He nodded if he thought, "Oh... that's good, then that's fine. What's in it... I heard that your Huangfu's house is quite big?"

"Have you been away from General? Why should you ask me?"

"Yeah...haha..." Li Shitian smiled dryly.

Seeing this, Feng Wei turned around, raised his wrist, and looked at his watch: "Okay, leave the general, it's not too early. I have to fly back to the Imperial City quickly, let's talk next time."

"Uh...then...okay..." Watching Xuewei's back into the car, the face of Shitian suddenly rose red and red.

Seeing that the car was about to start, he made an arrow and quickly rushed to the window: "Xue Wei!!! You should not mind me going to live with Fiction's first book

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