Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 979: Still refuse to admit it?

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Chapter 979

At that end, Bai Ruoxi slowly opened her eyes, watching Dongfang Yu returned to her seat, and she slowly relieved her breath.

But the heartbeat was still pounding violently, and Bai Ruoxi's pink cheeks showed a lot of abnormal red tide.

But he didn't really do this to her. If that was the case, she didn't know how to see him in her heart.

But she really didn't want any change in the Eastern Royal in her heart.

No one spoke for a while, and the air in the car was quiet, so that they all felt a little choking.

After a while, there was a faint voice through the air, and there was some dullness in the low, dull and dull: "Get off the car, you will be here today."

Bai Ruoxi looked at him, at that moment her eyes showed a strange and complex brilliance.

She felt a little embarrassed and really didn't know how to express her thoughts.

"Good night!" Bai Ruoxi said these two words quickly, and then opened the car door, walked out of the environment, and hurried upstairs.

Dongfang Yumu sent her out of sight, and at that moment, there was a dark awn that was imperceptible in his eyes.

Thinking of the action just now, and suddenly thinking of the scene of the kiss he and the man saw at the door of her house that day, there seemed to be a little similarity in some respects.

Isn't she that day's wish? Was she also kissed by that man?

Dongfang Yugang thought this way, but felt a little funny.

Yes, is it really ridiculous? Who would invite that man to his home to do this?

Such a woman is either too bad or too cheap.

To put it bluntly, she just has a boyfriend, but she said she didn't? Still refuse to admit it?

What is the idea of ​​a woman he can't understand? Do you think she is beautiful, she is beautiful, she is innocent and touching, all the men should turn around her?

Dongfang Yu sneered a little, his face darkened, then quickly started the car and left the environment.

Apartment building.

When Bai Ruoxi returned home, the heart was still throbbing.

Recalling the picture, she was just in the car and she was really worried that the other party would kiss her.

Bai Ruoxi looked at the large dressing mirror opposite him, with his hands on his hips and one finger pointing at the people in the mirror.

"Oh, it's really old and useless, isn't it just saying that it's acting? Isn't it saying that, being his fake girlfriend? Just now it's just a practice-style goodbye goodnight kiss, but it makes me nervous ?"

"Cats and cats, cats and cats are so frightened now, what should we do after we get on the camera? Won't everyone make jokes?"

Bai Ruoxi pointed to the mirror and blamed himself, then plucked the corner of his mouth, stepped forward, and put a cold kiss on himself in the mirror.

The mirror was misty by her.

"Hee hee... that's all right, what's the difficulty?" Bai Ruoxi smirked at herself in the mirror.

Then she scratched her hair and quickly took her pajamas to the bathroom, preparing for the shower.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

"'s so late? Who will call? Is it impossible?" Bai Ruoxi curiously took out the phone in his backpack.

Quickly glanced over, a girl's head jumped out.

Xu Ruoyan? It's my good girlfriend!

Bai Ruoxi pressed his hand and connected the phone: "Hey... Ruoyan, it's so late. Are you looking for me?"

"Woo... Ruoxi, you hurry up to save me, save me..." There was a cry from the girl over the phone.

And the noise accompanying the phone is very heavy, and one can imagine what a noisy environment is.

Bai Ruoxi was taken aback, she didn't expect it at all, what was the situation?

"What's going on? Xu Ruoyan, where are you!" Bai Ruoxi asked quickly, and she felt the other party's situation was very dangerous.

And there is also a voice from time to time, and there is also a burst of music mixed with Gao Hi, it is estimated that it is a complicated place like a bar.

But how can a honest girl like Xu Ruoyan go to the complicated place like a bar? This is so strange?

"I'm here... I'm called'gravity' in this place... Um, don't hit me, don't hit me, I beg you..." Xu Ruoyan said while crying.

The voice was very miserable.

"Hey, "Gravity"? Where is "Gravity?" Bai Ruoxi looked very anxious. She could learn from this phone call that the other party's situation is really complicated now.

However, a beeping sound came from the other party's phone, and the phone hung up. Bai Ruoxi was holding the phone, anxious.

An ominous hunch was reflected in the depths of her eyes. At that moment, her amber eyes were very anxious and dull.

What should I do? Now that her good girlfriend is in danger, she can't stand idly by.

Suddenly, the phone rang again.

Bai Ruoxi looked at the number and it was still a call from her friend. She immediately connected the phone, but she hadn't spoken yet, but the other party heard a rude male voice.

"Are you a good friend of hers, hurry up and bring 10 million over to redeem people, otherwise, today I will cut off her little finger." A man from the other side said rudely there, the tone seemed very impatient .

Bai Ruoxi was shocked, but did not expect that the other party would say so?

But where did she find 10 million at once!

Immediately, Bai Ruoxi said, "What kind of person are you? What money does my good friend send you? Why should you ask her for money?"

"Leave me nonsense, she owes money to Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu will ask her for it! I warn you, I will give you another 10 minutes and immediately bring 10 million over, otherwise I will give this woman first!" The gruff voice continued, and there was a bit of gas in the words.

Bai Ruoxi was surprised when she heard this, and she immediately thought of something, saying: "You, don't do this, I'll take the money immediately, don't do this to my friends."

There is no way, and now we can only calm down the momentum of the other party, and then slowly find a way.

"Give you 10 minutes to rush over immediately, and quickly bring the money over, the address is'gravity'. Dare to call us and immediately let him die comfortably!" The other party finished, and then hung up the phone, simply Wait for Bai Ruoxi to say one more word.

Bai Ruoxi was holding this phone, a blank, a dull expression on his face, and a worried look on his eyes.

How to do? There are 10 minutes left, but how can 10 minutes get there? Besides, what exactly is that gravity?

Bai Ruoxi couldn't think much, and soon turned to the familiar number and dialed it.

This novel comes from reading books

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