Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 219 155. Another easter egg (two in one)

"Well, it seems that we are far away from them, and we can almost return from the gap."

Fisher and his party walked forward for dozens of minutes in the cracks of the spiritual world. When they were getting farther and farther away from the warships surrounding Saint-Nali, Raya, who was standing on the bow of the ship, looked at the situation under the ship. Then he suddenly stopped waving the purple sickle in his hand.

The moment the purple scythe stopped waving, the entire ship stopped moving forward one meter as if it was stuck.

At the same time, the blurry stars in the surrounding spiritual world became more and more illusory, as if they were constantly moving away from the horizon. It was clear that the ship's hull did not move forward a step, but the ship's hull shook violently, causing the passengers on the ship to hold on tightly. The hull next to it was afraid of being thrown off by the shaking.

"Oh! Sir Book is flying away! Help!"

Fisher grabbed the Sir Shu who was flying away out of control with one hand, while looking down at the water under the hull.

His own soul has become quite sensitive after being blessed by the Soul Completion Manual. At this time, he clearly felt that the real world was exerting a constant pull to pull them back from the gap, as if resisting their departure, and he couldn't wait. The ground wanted to capture the entire ship together.


The violent shaking didn't last long. After a few seconds, the wooden boat seemed to flip a full circle under the water and returned to the ocean in the real world.

The fresh sea breeze blew in, and the group of people quickly turned back and looked in the direction they came from, only to see that the huge blocking magic shield under the canopy in the distance was too small to be seen in the field of vision.

They had successfully escaped from the encirclement and escaped from Saint Nali, and all the guests could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

"The ferry service ends here. I can't leave the door too far, so I sent it here. Niya should have told you about this. You will be on your own from now on. I wish you good luck."

At this moment, Raya turned the scythe behind her and walked to the stern of the ship. By the way, she stepped on the wooden board under her feet with her bare feet and reminded,

"This ship will help us find nearby islands or ships that can dock. However, there seems to be no island near the coast of Nali that can dock, so you should pray for a ship to pass by."

"Come on, hurry up, I... uh uh!"

Sir Shu was still barking here and there. Fisher, who thought he was too noisy, grabbed him in his hands and closed his mouth forcefully.

I saw Emhart's mouth trembled, and I didn't know if he wanted to bite Fisher, but after struggling for a long time, he finally chose to give up, and just turned back to the appearance of an ordinary book with some discomfort.

Big books don’t care about small people!

Old Jack, who was at the back, glanced around and raised his eyes, but could only see the bottomless ocean around him. He looked back at the blockade erected by the warship near Saint-Nali behind him, and then asked,

"Wait a minute, what if there are no merchant ships passing by? Something is wrong with the Saint Nali Navy. People at sea should know that the Nali Navy is here, so why are they still coming here?"

"Well, that's definitely a problem."

Raya carried the scythe on her back and pretended to tap her chin with her finger to make a thinking gesture, as if she was helping them consider a way out. However, this thinking gesture only lasted for a second, and her expression turned into indifferent. smile.

I saw her spreading her hands, looking at the guests on the boat and saying,

"But what does this have to do with me? I'm only responsible for the ferry service, not the after-sales service. I have to solve everything, so why should I help you with your retirement? If you really can't help it, just pray, the one who begs you What. Mother Goddess, please help you."

After saying this, Raya waved to the people on the boat, then turned the sickle behind her to open the gap between the spiritual world again,

"Then that's it. It was a pleasure doing business with you. Farewell."

After saying that, she fell towards the ocean behind her with a smile on her face, without causing any splash, as if she completely disappeared above the sea, and left here through the gap in the spiritual world.


Old Jack stretched out his hand anxiously, but failed to stop the demon from leaving. The three rat girls in his arms were still waving goodbye to Raya stupidly, as if they didn't understand anything.

Old Jack hurriedly looked at Fisher sitting on the bow of the boat and asked,

"Fisher, what should we do now? There is no food and fresh water on the ship. If we can't find the merchant ship."

Fisher did not reply. He just looked at the sun above his head to determine their current approximate position and course. The port of Saint-Nali was facing the south. If they sailed in the opposite direction to the warship, they would head towards the depths of the Southern Ocean. They would set off from anywhere, but that would be too much luck. They would have to sail to a suitable route in the Southern Ocean to have a higher chance of encountering merchant ships.

"Don't worry, Old Jack. The routes sailed by merchant ships on the ocean are fixed, and the risk of merchant ships taking unfamiliar routes is too great. And now that the warships in Saint-Naly are implementing military martial law, sailings near Saint-Naly will generally be cancelled. Even if If someone doesn’t cancel, they will definitely go back to Saint-Naari, and we can’t take a free ride.”

Fisher's excellent memory copied a roughly accurate navigation chart in his mind. He touched his chin and confirmed the direction while constantly adjusting the direction of the ship's bow.

"Nowadays, the maritime territorial rights of various countries are very vague, so some routes are not very far from the mainland of Saint-Nali. We have to turn in a direction and sail southeast to reach a channel out of Shivali. Only on this waterway can you be lucky enough to bump into a Swali merchant ship returning from the southern continent. Of course, you may also bump into pirates. But it doesn’t matter even if you don’t bump into any of them. From this direction, there are still several islands where you can dock. , with Shivali’s supply depot on it.”

Old Jack glanced at the empty sea around him, and then at Fisher, who kept coming up with conclusions and changing directions. It was really unclear how he came to the conclusion.

". Just be aware of it. It won't be fun if you die at sea."

Fisher smiled, pointed to his head and said,

"I have studied nautical charts in "Military Geography" at the Royal Academy Military Academy, so I will not go astray."

But as he spoke, the confident expression on his face slowly faded away, because at this moment he suddenly remembered that the reason he had read this book was because Elizabeth needed to test this subject in her military final exam.

At that time, he had already read the content of his exam and had nothing else to do. However, in order to accompany Elizabeth to the library, Fisher also borrowed a book to read with her and wrote down the content of her exam so that she would not If you know how, you can still ask yourself.

It's just that Fisher didn't expect that the knowledge he learned just to accompany Elizabeth would now be used to escape from Elizabeth. This can't be said to be a trick of fate.

Putting aside the thoughts in his mind for the time being, Fisher was actually not worried about whether his group could get ashore, because the ship's sailing speed was not slow at all despite the fact that it did not have a steam engine or other propulsion power.

This wooden boat should be one of the treasures treasured by these two familiar ladies, just like the sickle in Raya's hand.

Food can be caught in the sea, and fresh water can also be filtered by magic. It only takes about a day and a night to sail to Shivali. Fisher is not sure about the specific time, because he cannot estimate how fast the current speed is. .

The thing that really made Fisher think about now was not how to get ashore safely, but what to do after getting ashore.

He took Raya's place in the bow of the boat, and at the same time looked at the two ladies sitting in the stern.

Isabel seemed to have been hit hard, her face was pale and she didn't say a word. She just hugged her knees, like a little hedgehog with spikes. She didn't even have her former friend Jasmine by her side. Say as much as you want.

Jasmine next to her glanced at Isabel, then turned her head to look at the endless ocean next to her. She didn't know what she was thinking about.

But when she found Fisher looking at her, she turned her head and smiled reluctantly at Fisher. The smile was very shallow and could not cover the deep black in her eyes.

Fisher silently withdrew his gaze, and also sat down and leaned in front of the bow. He took out the Asian Girl Completion Manual from his trouser pocket, but this time he did not open the manual in a hurry, but carefully read it. He looked at the titles on the book for a long time and was speechless.

From among the many things happening in Saint Nali, Fisher got a glimpse of the organization behind Philon and Erwind for the first time, the Society of Creation.

First, let’s sort out the basic clues of this organization. The specific members of this organization are currently unknown, but the number should not be very large, because according to Erwinde, fights will inevitably occur once the owner of the completed manual approaches, so Members should demarcate clear areas of activity to the greatest extent possible to avoid losses.

It is more likely to divide the scope into a country as a member, or more broadly, to have a continent as the scope of activities of a member.

Secondly, the structure of this organization is very loose, and there is basically no binding force between each other. For example, even if Philon is killed by them, they can invite themselves to join again regardless of the past.

In Fisher's view, they actually don't care who owns the manual, but whether that person can get the knowledge inside.

Fisher frowned and took out another soul-replenishing manual. He glanced at Emhardt, who was still lying next to him like a salted fish.

It's interesting to say that Sir Shu wanted to read the contents of his two supplementary manuals, but Fisher found that even he could only vaguely feel the existence of this thing in his body. Now Fisher is generous He took them all out, but Emhard still didn't find or couldn't see their true form.

Except for the completion manual of the Asian girl, each completion manual contains a very profound knowledge. This knowledge has a theme. Philon is the "soul minister", so he has the soul completion manual. Manual, then Erwind should have a [Life Replenishment Manual].

The members of the Society of Creation should be chasing the knowledge inside. They firmly believe that the knowledge inside can lead them to the other side of the truth, so all members are frantically absorbing the content with this goal.

But Fisher, who has read the Soul Completion Manual, has discovered that the knowledge inside has a very terrifying bewitching power, just like a taboo that cannot be accommodated by humans. It is very easy to go to crazy extremes in the pursuit of this knowledge. It is impossible for the Society of Creation not to know this. They know that learning this knowledge has side effects, otherwise they would have shared the knowledge together long ago.

Fisher guessed that the Society of Creation must have prohibited members from sharing the knowledge in their respective manuals with each other, because people who only owned one copy were so bewildered by the knowledge in it that they became inhumane. If there was another copy, they would be transformed. What will become.

But the problem is, if Fisher wants to confront Erwind and eventually kill him, Eliog's "Death Rune" alone is completely insufficient. His ability is very weird, and it is difficult to rely on conventional means alone. To deal with it, if you act recklessly like this, it is very likely that you will fall into the same passivity as you did in Saint-Nali, even if it is impossible to have an Elizabeth who understands you like this to formulate a plan.

Do you also have to rely on studying the knowledge in the Soul Completion Manual to increase your strength and defeat madness through madness?

Fisher thought, but slowly moved his eyes to the demi-human girl next to him who was completing the manual.

Since it is also a completion manual, it must have its own special features. In the past, it has brought sufficient bonuses to Fisher, but it is obviously not enough.

In other words, it's not that it doesn't work, but that Fisher didn't use it correctly and didn't master its secrets?

Thinking of this, Fisher looked a little weird, because this supplementary manual seemed to be trying to trick him into having sex with more Asian girls of different races. It was easy to compare it with other supplementary manuals. It was as awkward and inconsistent as a donkey mixed in with a row of horses.

But with a research mentality, Fisher was determined to once again take a closer look at this magical object that has always been with him.

He gently opened the Asian Girl Completion Manual in his hand, and the familiar illusory words once again appeared in Fisher's sight.

[Progress of research on whale species: 41%]

[Progress of research on whale race society: 29%]

[Next phase of research unlocking reward progress: 50%]

The research progress, which can basically be said to be without progress, was not at all unexpected by Fisher. This was the case when he studied Rafael and Eliog before. It was like not having in-depth communication with them. It's the same as not letting you increase the progress bar. If it doesn't increase to 50%, it won't give you the second stage reward, and the second stage reward is much richer than the first stage.

And this is now the only way Fisher can make progress after getting the demi-human girl to complete the manual. After each contract with a new demi-human girl, he can only get 20% of the reward sweetness, and if he relies on that method to expand, If the number of demi-girls reaches 50%, I don’t know why, but just when Fisher thought about it, a shiver ran down his spine.

Intuition told Fisher that if this continued, he would definitely end up with a tragic death, and this was simply unrealistic.

So, are there other ways to get rewards?

Fisher kept turning the pages of the book, reading the contents of the subhuman species that had been recorded on it.

What is recorded above is not the knowledge of the completion manual itself, but the conclusions reached after careful research in Fisher's mind. In other words, the contents of these records are all made up by Fisher himself, and then completed after meeting the standards. The manual will give feedback

So if I meet other standards, will it also reward me?

With this new idea, Fisher began to read the pages continuously and review the knowledge he had recorded. However, as he finished the entire book, he got nothing.

Fisher, who was confused, opened the page from the beginning again. The page turning movement suddenly stopped at the title page after opening the cover. His eyes fell on it, and he carefully looked at the four lines of destruction recorded on it that he knew by heart. prophecy.

Apart from the title of the book and these four lines of prophecy, there is nothing recorded in the rest of the handbook completed by the East and West Asian women.

But at this moment, in Fisher's peripheral vision, he suddenly saw the square line of text on the lower right corner of the title page. It seemed to be the autograph left by the author of the manual completed by the Asian girl,

[Contributor: First of all, I am not a nymphomaniac]

This line of text seemed to inspire Fisher, opening up his ideas again.

Fisher suddenly remembered that this thing did not exist before, but he had to unlock the content by accidentally groping for it.

So by analogy, is it possible that there are other hidden parts in the manual that the Asian girl has completed, but she has not discovered it until now, and there are other ways to obtain rewards in those hidden parts?

Thinking of this, Fisher quickly stretched out his hand and carefully explored every part of the page of the completion manual, fearing that there was some invisible button hidden somewhere.

But after groping for several pages of records, there was no response, which made Fisher a little disappointed.

Could it be possible?

Fisher's thoughts suddenly fell into trouble. As the ship continued to rock, he turned over the pages of the book for the third time without believing in evil.

After confirming that there was no hidden content on the title page, he turned to the next page. The content recorded on the next page was the first demi-human he recorded, [Witch].

He looked at the golden text in the top left column of the [Witch] page. The golden text was quite large and served as the beginning of the leader. But at this moment, Fisher suddenly discovered that there were some abrupt things in it. .

The golden text occupies the space on the left side of the line, but there is nothing to the right of the "Witch" text, leaving a long distance.

Could this mean that the blank space left after the demihuman type is used to record other things?

Fisher suddenly thought this. Just for a moment when this idea came up, the demi-human girl seemed to sense it at the same time after finishing the manual. The entire page of the manual began to glow with a steady stream of golden light.

In Fisher's surprised gaze, the golden light once again formed a line of sentences that he was quite familiar with in his field of vision.

[Congratulations, you found the Easter egg! 】

In Fisher's "unsurprisingly" complaining gaze, streaks of golden light continued to flow, and several completely different golden words extended behind [Witch], in order,

[Western Continent Species], [One in Ten Thousands], [Beautiful Treasure], [Derived Species].

This sudden additional label shone with golden light. Not only the witch species, but also the demihuman species recorded by Fisher later began to emit golden light at the same time.

Fisher ignored the meaning of these labels and quickly turned to the [Dragon Race] column at the back. As expected, several labels appeared next to them.

[Southern Continent Species], [Beast Species], [Royal Family’s Choice], [Derived Species].

Turning the page again, the note next to the whale species at the back reads,

[Ocean species], [Beast species], [Royal selection], [Eternal species].

Among these labels, the text behind the devil species is the brightest. Not only does it have an extra line of explanatory text, but the labels are also different from those of other races.

[Only true demon species are counted, familiars and little demons are not included in this list]

[Mythical Seed], [Destruction of Heaven and Earth], [Royal Family’s Choice], [Immortal Seed].

Fisher looked at the many labels that had been recorded in the completion manual. After he reached out and touched the label, the label suddenly turned into golden illusory text and floated up. It not only introduced the meaning of the label, but also It also records all subhuman species that also have this tag,

[Choice of the Royal Family: They once came out on top in disputes in their own region, and were given noble names as a result]

[Species included: Dragon race, whale race, demon race, phoenix race, chaos race]

[Research all demi-human races in this column to unlock advanced rewards]

High level reward?

Sure enough, there are other ways to obtain rewards hidden in the demi-human girl completion manual. Fisher can collect a complete label by studying more different types of demi-humans, and then obtain rewards.

However, the Ajin Musume Completion Manual does not provide classifications for all columns. In other words, it will only display the corresponding labels when you research a new type of Ajin.

The number of demi-humans in some tags is very small. For example, there are only five demi-human races in [Royal Choice], while there are hundreds of demi-human races in [Southern Continent]. In comparison, there are certainly fewer demi-humans. The columns are better put together.

However, Fisher also found that the fewer sub-races contained in the column, the weirder the sub-races inside were.

Fisher had only heard about subhuman species like the [Chaos Species] once from Eliog, and had no idea where to look for them, let alone the [Phoenix Species]. past existence

However, although there were still many obstacles, Fisher's heart suddenly became brighter when he looked at the ever-expanding columns in front of him.

If you can get the bonus of completing the manual through these extra ways, plus the 20% stage reward when studying these races, then it will be a lot more than the previous single reward.

At the same time, this incident once again reminded Fisher that the author of the Asian Girl Completion Manual must be a person with a very weird personality, so he came up with this operation to tease the owner.

With his new discovery, Fisher made some plans in his mind. He decided to try to collect a labeled demi-race first to see what the "advanced rewards" mentioned in the demi-human girl's completion manual were.

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