Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 492 109 Seventh Night

Chapter 492 109. The Seventh Night

"Why did you end up like this after being out for a few days? What happened to him? Why does he look so haggard?"

When Fisher carried Gelsemium back, he happened to bump into Mikhail in the room. He looked at the unconscious Gelsemium with a surprised expression and asked.

At this time, his table was covered with several huge leaves. He also held a natural pen made of some kind of black carbon in his hand, and the giant leaves were filled with densely written words that Fisher could completely see. Unintelligible words and images.

However, although Fisher did not recognize the specific meaning of those images, he felt that those things were very similar to things he had seen in his memory.

He still remembered that when the former Cardinal David No. 1 gave him the chip, he read the contents inside. The drawings that recorded how the Cardinal constructed it were similar to what Mikhail was drawing at this moment.

Fisher looked at the drawings in Mikhail's hand, paused for a moment, then shook his head and replied,

"I lost something about Gelsemium. I've been looking for it outside for the past few days, but I still haven't found it. I've made myself like this."

"It's really rare for Gelsemium to be like this. This guy usually doesn't get so excited except when he mentions his wife, and when he goes to catch you having an inappropriate relationship between a man and a woman."


Mikhail touched his chin, and then set his eyes on Fisher again. After looking at him for a long time, he spoke again,

"How do I feel? You give me a different feeling."

Lower-ranking humans are actually very slow to jump to life levels, because after the gap in life levels is too large, the senses of this order of magnitude will become less and less obvious. Previously, Mikhail was completely familiar with Fisher, who was at the fourteenth level of life, but now even if he entered the mythical level, Mikhail would still feel it.

Heller, who was next to him, patted Fisher on the shoulder with a smile and said to Mikhail,

"Hey, you're quite perceptive. You even know that his waist has become stronger?"


Mikhail opened his mouth in confusion, while Fisher opened her hand expressionlessly, without explaining much, and just carried Gelsemium back to his room and said to him,

"I'll leave Gelsemium to you first. I need to take a rest."

"no problem."

Mikhail lowered his head again and looked at the drawing in his hand, while Asuka Karasawa, who was holding a basket of red bird eggs behind Fisher, still wanted to express something, but she just wanted to say something else, but Fisher Scheer had already come out and quickly returned to his room.

Looking at Fisher's closed door, Asuka Karasawa pursed her lips, looked at Heller beside her with some worry, and asked,

"Um, is Mr. Fisher okay? He looks a little uncomfortable?"

"It should be fine. I have checked his hair and body before. Don't worry, little Tangze. Rather than this, why don't you take a look at the camel I brought back? It can sing~"


"Fisher gave it to me."

".I, I have something else to do. Well, Easter happens to be tomorrow, so I have to prepare these eggs quickly."

"It's such a pity. But it can really sing. Are you sure you don't want to listen to it?"


The conversation outside the room was fading away, but Fisher in the room could hear it clearly.

This may indeed be a benefit of entering the mythical level. His body is stronger than ever at this moment. It's a pity that he hasn't fully figured out what his power does. He can't really just strengthen his own power as Heller said. Kidneys and reproductive capacity, right?

Standing in the room, Fisher paused for a moment, and then he suddenly remembered the information given by the Asian girl before when she completed the manual.

After hesitating for a moment, he slowly took out the Soul Completion Manual that he had not finished reading in his arms.


He didn't read it, but just when he saw the words on the cover of the manual, there was a harsh tinnitus in his ears that seemed to come from his own soul. He immediately closed his eyes and stuffed the soul-completed manual back into his arms. middle.

Then reading these supplementary manuals must have serious consequences.

Fisher let out a sigh of relief and lay down on the bed. When he closed his eyes and prepared to rest, the thought in his heart became more and more certain.

He put these things aside for the time being, preparing to completely empty his mind.

But for some reason, the black sea that he seemed to have seen many times but didn't know its specific meaning crashed into his brain again.

In a state of exhaustion, the sound of waves lapping against the rocks in the dark ocean was like a lullaby, slowly wrapping his consciousness until he fell into sleep completely.


"Teacher Fisher"


"Teacher Fisher, please wake up. It's true."


In his sleep, the sound of the sea water lapping against the shore was so graceful, but Fisher felt that the ocean was getting closer and closer to him, but after all, it was dark in front of him, and he could not see the specific appearance of the ocean at all.

Standing in the dark silence, Fisher did not feel fear, but felt friendly.

So, he looked hard into the darkness in front of him, wanting to see through it and get a glimpse of the true appearance of the ocean hidden within.

But the next second, what appeared in front of him was not the sea, but the red-faced Asuka Karasawa, who was shaking her body with both hands.



Feeling the shaking of her hands on his body, he trembled his body slightly to get her to let go, but he didn't expect that this gentle force made Asuka Karasawa fly backwards uncontrollably. She looked panicked. Covering his white robe, he sat on the ground and slid far away until he hit the wall at the end of the room with a "thud".

"it hurts."

Fisher was also awakened by this shock. He quickly sat up and looked at Tang Ze who was covering his head and whining continuously.

"Tangze, are you okay?"

"No hiss. It's okay."

"Hahaha, I feel like she's going to have a big bump on her head."

At this moment, Fisher had opened the wall next to him, revealing Heller sitting next door. Faced with her ruthless teasing, Asuka Karasawa became even more embarrassed.

Fisher glanced at Heller who was sitting next door, then looked at the dim sunlight outside, and couldn't help but ask,

"It's afternoon again, did I sleep for so long?"

"It's not afternoon again! It's almost night! You can't bear to call me Teacher Fisher. If it weren't for He, I would have thought you were going to miss tonight's festival anyway. I made some delicious food , if you don’t get up, Teacher Fisher won’t even be able to taste it.”


"Yes, Margaret taught me how to cook French food myself. Mr. Mikhail and others have already gone to prepare for dinner, but Mr. Fisher is still lying in bed here. Let's go quickly. .”

Karasawa Asuka patted the ashes on herself and said with a smile. It was at this moment that Fisher's peripheral vision passed through the door frame behind her and spotted the black-haired Chun looking at him outside, seemingly sizing him up.

Fisher nodded towards him, then stood up and walked outside. Heller in the next room also yawned and floated to follow, but probably in Chun's eyes, she was just like a human being. Move around normally like that.

I have to say that this ability is really useful. If she could pretend to be someone else, wouldn't she be able to do a lot of things without being discovered?

Watching Fisher and Heller walk out of the room, Chun, who had been sizing up Fisher before, finally withdrew his gaze.

"Your life level has jumped, and you have joined our ranks?"

Unexpectedly, Chun's first words to Fisher who just came out were this.

Fisher paused for a moment. Although he was a little more wary in his heart, he still nodded as usual.

"indeed so."

Although Karasawa Asuka was a complete newbie to another world at the beginning, after these few months of adventures with Fisher, coupled with the popular science provided by Margaret, a senior in the past few days, she has generally been able to listen. I understand what their conversation is about.

But Chun was particularly keen. He seemed to be aware of Fisher's thoughts.

"Don't be nervous. I am different from my compatriots. I will not do anything to you. Let's go, let's go to Margaret's place. She has prepared dinner."

"What will happen to me in the Tree Continent?"

Fisher asked this question, and Chun nodded honestly, with a fairly calm expression on his face.

As he led Fisher and the others towards the stone tower, he said,

"Well, the level of life is the standard that my compatriots are born with and distinguish from all other things. Moreover, the 'ritual' that respects the level will not tolerate transgression. But although the ranks set by the Lord God Fixed, but not insurmountable.

"For Him, life is an occasional miracle. Even if the miracle may be small, it can still happen. Over the past ten thousand years, there have been a few individuals in the Tree Continent who have crossed the Dragon Gate to achieve the so-called 'myth'. It's just that with You are different, they are already at a very high level. This is the first time I have seen human beings achieve mythology.

"Perhaps, this is what's special about transferred people?"

Fisher suddenly smiled when he heard this, because anyone who is not a fool can know the fate of those "transgressors".

"All those individuals who entered the mythical realm were killed by the elves, right?"

".Not killing, but genocide."

Chun's eyes dimmed slightly, as if he was recalling something sad.

"If an individual enters the mythology, even if it happens only once in ten thousand years, it still means that this race has the possibility of 'transgressing'. You should know that the overall number of mythical species is fixed, but the existence that enters the mythical level the day after tomorrow is not here. within limits.

"Because of this, our compatriots have an excuse to purge them in name, and that is to 'limit the damage that powerful individuals can do to the rules.' In this name, whenever there are individuals of mythical rank in the Tree Continent, their ethnic groups It will die immediately.

"Since then, many kind and wonderful races in my hometown have disappeared from the world along with their partners and supporters. Even the traces they left have been erased, as if they had never been in this world. "

Fisher's expression moved slightly, and he looked at Chun beside him. At this moment, the other person was not looking at him, but was just looking forward calmly.

Fisher sighed,

"what a pity."

".Here we are."

Walking under the stone tower, Chun did not continue the conversation, but instead walked into the towering stone tower in front of her.

Fisher, who was lagging behind, glanced at Heller behind him, saw her spreading her hands, and whispered,

"That's true. It's not just the elves who have done this. We have also done this. You know that a lot of our materials were collected in the Dragon Continent. I remember it was two or three thousand years ago. It was born here. I have forgotten what kind of creature he is. He was dissatisfied with us coming here to plunder slaves and materials, so he took over the mountain and became the king to fight against us. Then he was turned into scum by the angels of the third day."

Karasawa Asuka touched her chin and asked,

"Are there many beings like Mr. Fisher who can improve their life levels and become elves like them?"

Heller smiled and stretched out the palm of his right hand and said to her,

"In the past ten thousand years, the number of beings who entered the mythical realm the day after tomorrow was no more than five."

"Ah, there are so few. As the leader of Teacher Fisher, oh no, the second disciple, I will do it later."

"No, you are still just a human being."


In fact, the number Heller mentioned was almost Fisher's estimate. He came from the future, and from then on to the era of his life, what he really knew was that the only existences that entered the mythical realm through acquired acquisition were those three phoenixes. and Scrophulariaceae.

There may be other mythical levels that exist, but they were all destroyed due to the subsequent living war.

They quickly followed Chun's steps and walked towards the top of the stone tower.

At this time, at the top of the tower, in the previously hollowed-out area, Mikhail, Gelsemium, Nekolia and others had almost eaten, and the exquisite food previously placed on the table was simply swept away. It was empty, while Mikhail and Gelsemium both slumped down on their chairs slightly after eating, which made Fisher raise his eyebrows.

You know, Gelsemium is a marine sub-race. He is not used to eating the food Fisher and the others have eaten during this period. Of course, it may also be because Fisher's cooking skills are too poor.

But at Margaret's place, he actually feasted on the food for the first time, and he didn't forget to reflect on the wonderful things after eating it.

"I really should let my wife come over and learn from you how to cook and eat. She only knows how to eat every day. Cooking is like poisoning. I have long wanted to scold her!"

Well, it seems that Gelsemium's encephalopathy has not recovered yet, and he is still in this "brave state".

Mikhail coughed speechlessly, and while saying hello to Fischer and the others, he complained to Gelsemium,

"Do you know what it means to have trouble come out of your mouth? Didn't you have a strong desire to survive before? Why are you so brave all of a sudden?"

"Hehe, she's just a stinky woman, but she still gets into trouble with her mouth. Do you believe that she wouldn't dare to say a word even if I scolded her in front of her?"


Mikhail didn't intend to pay any more attention to Gelsemium, who had felt as if his brain had been caught in the door since he came back. Nekolia next to him had also finished eating and was wiping his lips slowly with a napkin expressionlessly.

"You are here. There was no need to rush me in such a hurry, but Asuka personally cooked some food. It would be a pity if you don't eat it."

At this time, on the other side of the dining table, Margaret, wearing a smart linen apron, came out with a smile and said to Fisher. When they heard that there was more food, Gelsemium and Mikhail both sat up straight with their eyes brightened, as if they were ready to fight for a few more rounds, but when Margaret walked back to the side kitchen, carrying When a plate of steaming dark brown mushy food came out, they both stood up at the same time and prepared to walk towards the bottom of the stone tower.

"When you're full, eat slowly, Fisher."

"Me too, take my leave."

Seeing the reactions of the two of them, Asuka Karasawa's face turned red and her cheeks almost exploded. But when she saw Teacher Fisher's eyebrows trembling, she couldn't help but waved her hands in panic,

"This is mashed potato. It looks a little different on the outside, but it's really edible. I've tried it."

"Hahaha, it is indeed the case, I testify. There are some other foods I prepared here, please enjoy it slowly, and we will go ahead to prepare holiday gifts for the people. Mr. Gelsemium, Mr. Mikhail, please stay, Chun prepared some fine wine earlier, do you want to drink it?"

Fisher glanced at the steaming food in front of him, and then at the expectant Asuka Karasawa beside him. After a moment of hesitation, he put a spoonful of food into his mouth.

Surprisingly, it’s edible.

"very nice."

"Very good!"

Fisher said this, but after hearing his "praise", Asuka Karasawa's eyes finally brightened up. She almost jumped up with excitement, and wanted to open her arms to hug Fisher. Fisher was shocked.

But in her peripheral vision, Asuka Karasawa suddenly saw the smiling Hellel next to her. Once again, her movements were slightly stagnant and she stayed in place.

"Well, as long as Mr. Fisher likes it. You guys eat first, and I'll go and give out Easter eggs to the children below. Remember to come down and collect the Easter eggs after you're done. You'll become lucky."

Mikhail and Gelsemium were the first to leave, then Tsubaki and Margaret went down to prepare for tonight's "Easter" event, and now Asuka Karasawa also left.

In other words, he and Heller were the only two people left here.

"Do you feel that Tangze has been a little too excited during this period? He was clearly pitiful some time ago."

"A little bit. You know, children always like to avoid things because they are afraid of facing things they don't want to face, and little Tang Ze is the best among them. Just like a small animal, when she feels safe , she will become a little braver and try to face it."

"Face, face you?"

"I'm very generous, so maybe it's not me. Maybe?"

Heller smiled and made a gesture of spreading his teeth and claws, as cute as a kitten.

Fisher was stunned for a moment, then turned his attention to Heller, who was smiling in front of him. He suddenly realized that it was not already the seventh day, so why did she still not have any obvious changes? She was no different from before. Change, could it be said that she lied to herself again?

As always, Heller was always generous in the face of Fisher's scrutiny.

While she opened her hands and let Fisher's eyes scan her, she smiled and asked again,

"Can't wait any longer?"

".kind of."

Fisher did not shy away. He was about to sit down at his seat with Asuka Karasawa's food. In the blink of an eye, he saw Fisher and Heller sitting in front of him with an expressionless face but a slightly open mouth. of Nekolia.



After the two of them looked at each other, Nekolia, who had no sense of existence, stood up slowly as if she was blind. She turned her head and didn't even bother to walk up the stairs. She spread her wings and flew down from the stone tower and disappeared. In the night.

Damn, I forgot that there is an innocent Miss Phoenix.

"Hahaha, are all men dominated by desire stupid?"

To make matters worse, there is also a naughty angel who likes to play tricks on people.

She had known for a long time that there was still a Necoria left, but when she saw that Fisher didn't notice the phoenix at all, she pretended not to see it.

"You're really annoying."

"Don't you like how annoying I am?"

She sat down in front of Fisher with a smile, looked at him very sincerely, and asked.

In the center of the top of the stone tower at night, the calm water rippled, creating a sparkling wave above.

Fisher took a spoonful of edible mashed potatoes and chewed a mouthful before responding to her,

"A little."

"Ah, one point for a straight shot."

"What about you, you have paid too much attention to me from the beginning. As a human being, do I have anything worthy of your attention? Or is this also part of your fun?"

"Of course it's because you are so cute, the kind of cuteness that makes me want to take you into my arms~"

"One point will be deducted for lying."

Heller supported his chin with his hand, the smile on his face getting stronger and stronger,

"Then I owe you two points now."

"You can also only owe one point."

"Well, you are super cute now, I want to give you one extra point."

Fisher, who was eating mashed potatoes, paused for a moment, looked at Heller in front of him, and spoke more straightforwardly.

"So, why are you paying attention to me?"

"I already told you the answer, honey."

Did you tell me?

Is it the cuteness of the previous sentence?

Fisher's memory was astonishingly good, but at this moment it seemed as if it had failed.

He recalled the conversation with Heller, but he couldn't find the corresponding answer, so the conclusion was probably obvious. She was joking with him again.

Helaire deducted one point and now she owes four.

She stretched out a finger and dipped a little of the mashed potatoes in front of Fisher, then put it into her mouth and sucked it. After she tasted the taste, she simply blinked at Fisher. His left eye asked him,

"Has anyone called you that before?"

"you mean"

"Dear~ dear~"

Unilaterally announced that Heller owed himself three points.


Just when Fisher was about to speak, he suddenly found that under the dim moonlight, the aura of the beautiful angel in front of him suddenly became much softer.

Fisher's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously compared the differences in his mind.

As if with just one glance, her golden eyelashes suddenly grew a lot, and her porcelain-like skin became softer. The illusory blue-gold wings behind her spread out little by little, revealing a little bit of flower-like beauty. delicate fragrance.

At this moment, even a loose white robe could not cover the ups and downs of her chest, and her delicious collarbone was also exposed along with the trembling of the white robe.

Her short and long golden hair was still the same, and the glowing halo on her head was crooked, and she seemed to be a thousand times more beautiful.

Heller kept sucking his fingers, and a hint of surprise flashed across his face, but as if deceiving, that hint of surprise was quickly covered by a smile full of provocation.


When she released her fingers, she made a crisp sound like a water balloon bursting, waking up Fisher who was admiring her beauty.

"Then, I'll call you this from now on."

Hellel has completely transformed into a female angel.

At this moment, Fisher was so sure.

Immediately, she leaned back on the chair behind her and whispered softly to Fisher,

"Now, it's the night of the seventh day, my dear."

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