I'm a crab.

Sorry Mina, I have temporarily lost contact in the past two days. It was not intentional, and I am not familiar with the eunuch. I just went to the hospital because of my illness, so I was delayed.

I felt unwell when I had a fever last week and even took two days off. But at that time I felt fine and within the tolerance range, so I thought it would be okay to take some medicine at home.

It happened that everyone started to resume work on the 16th, and the tickets were bought. At that time, I stupidly set off directly, leaving my hometown and preparing to rush back to work.

In the end, I still overestimated my health, and I didn’t have the intention to go to the hospital. I just took a chance and thought that I would be fine in a few days, so I sent it completely, and it was a big one as soon as it came.


The day after I came back, I started to have a fever again, which was even worse than before. My eyes were all black and I had a headache that I couldn't even get up from. I had no choice but to go to the hospital to see a doctor and get infusions. The updates in the past few days have also fallen behind.

When I went to the hospital, I really felt like I was going to be cold. The doctor was calm, but he was just in poor health. He prescribed medicine and infusions, but it was nothing serious.

It's almost ready now, and updates will resume tomorrow. As for the compensated chapters that have been delayed for the past few days, we can only wait until after March when we regain our strength.

Again, sorry for keeping you waiting, sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry. (End of chapter)

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