Asked The Red Dust

Chapter 841: I am emperor (make up the day before yesterday)

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Li Wuxian felt a sense of anger in the depths of his soul ... Well, it was not right to say that it was anger, and there was no feeling of disgust. It was more of a disappointment. Take a breath.

Forget who said it, these two are unparalleled geniuses, if only a man and a woman make up a pair, their children might be the characters beyond the ceiling of this world, above the Tao.

Above the Tao ...

what is that……

Everyone is called the most recent Taoist, and that is also "near".

After Taiqing, it was to be flush with Dao.

Qitian? It is the highest pursuit of the world.

That is above the sky, what is that?

Those who control the world, those who order the three realms, what is that?

Li Wuxian feels that she has ignited her ambition again from her disobedience. This burning blood, the ambition to see and conquer, really feels too synchronized with herself, and almost does not need any guidance. She knows that this is herself.

Regardless of past and present life, this is the consciousness that one should have.

If this is the guidance of the previous life, then she won. It should be said that finding this common will is the first step leading to the integration of the two worlds.

"Order of the Three Realms?" When the picture changed, the childishness in front of me had grown up and became the most beautiful face I dreamed of last time, with long hair and ankles, a crown of brilliance, and tassel cover. It's just a little naive, a 16-year-old girl.

It's almost the same as your own age at this time.

She rarely looked up and squinted, her eyes were dignified: "It's your heart, but it's unrealistic."

Li Wuxian heard himself say, "Why is it unrealistic? Do you think I can't do it? Because you will stop me?"

"I can't stop you, it's another matter, but you are too idealistic, I think there will be many problems."

"That means you didn't object to it?"

"Um ... but if I think it's really unrealistic, it will affect what I am guarding, then I will object."

"You guard ... human race?"

"Good. I am the emperor, and it is my bounden duty for the benefit of the human race."

Li Wuxian sarcastically said: "Your pattern is like this?"

She was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "To do what is right now, plan what you can do, that is the pattern. For unrealistic ideals, known as the pattern, it is far from reality, but empty talk."

Li Wuxian said: "What I have to do, whether it is empty talk or not, at least will not infringe the interests of the human race, fortunately, I am also a human race."

"Is ..." She thought for a while and sighed: "If you are in the order of strength and weakness, and monopolize the knowledge of Tao, you must have the distinction of immortality, will it be considered the same race at that time? Will it become one? ... the heavenly clan? "

Li Wuxian was puzzled for a moment: "So what?"

She slowly replied: "I want everyone to be like a dragon, over the group of monsters, not wanting mortals to be like ants, but running away from the demon clan and being bullied by the clan, what's the use? If you want to divide the xianfan, then I Would rather have no immortals in the world. "

Li Wuxian burst into his head, screaming with a headache.

I am an emperor ... I wish there were no immortals in the world.

Yes, I am the emperor, I am Li Wuxian ... Why should someone remind me of this problem ...

Why do celestial people think mortals are like ants, and why do they pretend not to be in the dust, all mortals change, why are they like high-level races?

Either there is no fairy in this world.

Or everyone is like a dragon, then they are all fairies.

The wishes of the two generations of emperors, across time and space, have reached unity according to different circumstances.

Li Wuxian found that he actually agreed with the nostril who made himself very angry, but rejected himself ...

Who am I, or am I in my dream? The idea is different!

Li Wuxian had a headache.

Deep in consciousness, it seems like "Huh?"

Quiet again.

The brain is in confusion, the soul is in pain, but the scene in the dream continues ... The two girls disagree with each other and fight again.

Li Wuxian lost again, and she didn't even know how to lose because of her headache.

Then he was settled there, his head clinging to the grass, buttocks puckered up, and he was beaten again. The other party clapped their hands and leaped away: "Wake up here. Rest assured, no one here is invading you."

Li Wuxian is so angry that he can't believe that he has never beaten this kid who has escaped like a child.

They said that what she repaired was true.

What's so real, is it true to hammer people everywhere?

Woo ... This is so shameful that I was immobilized and immobilized. Looking at the empty and left and right, I still felt chilly.

In case someone falls from the sky, do you want to be blamed ...

Thinking about it this way, Qin Yi jumped out of the void.

Li Wuxian: "..."

Seeing Li Wuxian pouting on the grass, Qin Yi was also very surprised: "Why is this shape, really dreaming and dreaming?"

Li Wuxian seemed to think it was also ha, changing several scenes in a row, all ending in this posture. The little clam said that this posture is easy to fall asleep as if it was not deceiving.

No matter what, Master came and was saved anyway.

"Master, save me." Li Wuxian shouted weakly: "I was fixed and can't move."

"Fixed? Shen Te was dreamed to be fixed." Qin Yi waved easily with a smile: "Solve it, get up."

"..." Li Wuxian didn't feel interpreted at all: "Master, are you teasing me?"

"Huh?" Qin Yi got serious.

Originally thought it was a illusion in Li Wuxian's dream, as long as she felt that she could not solve it, so he waved it so easily, just to suggest to Li Wuxian that the solution was in her heart.

Does this really require you to cast a spell to solve it?

Qin Yi seriously made a solution to the spell.

Li Wuxian: "..."

Qin Yi was dripping with sweat.


Can't solve it!

"Who's appointing technique? Why is it so strong!" Qin Yi is simply incredible: "Teaching Qianyuan three layers, I would dare to pull his sleeves to do with him after the completion of the general Qianyuan period. Before the surgery, I felt like a child who had not practiced at all. "

Li Wuxian held back for a long time: "It's a nostril and can't remember the name."

Qin Yi died in an instant: "It's, um, that's okay. It can't be beaten."

In the demon clan's veins, for decades in the veil of time fantasy, two **** fought each other and was hammered every day and never won. Don't say that others see tassels have psychological shadows, in fact Qin Yi also has ...

Li Wuxian was surprised: "Does Master know who she is?"

Qin Yi secretly said that it seemed to fit the ancient history of Wuxian, who had been pointed out by Bangbang ... Then he sat next to Li Wuxian and said, "Anyway, I can't solve it. Master sits here to protect you and tell you a story by the way? "

Li Wuxian sniffed his nose: "This posture is very shameful."

"Ah, it's not that I haven't seen it."

"But Master, can you sit in front of me, not squat there ..."

Qin Yi rabbit jumped in front of her.

As a result, Li Wuxian raised his head and faced the more difficult place: "Forget it, Master, you should squat down and go."

Qin Yi moved away crying and laughing: "I feel you are more ashamed of dreaming this time."

"Hey, how does Master know what dream I had last time ..."

"Are you stupid, I said everything you dreamed of, and need logic?"

"... It seems like this ~ ~ Li Wuxian sighed:" That is to say, the story Master told me is actually a story I dreamed of myself? "

You think that's right. It's a story you dreamed of. It may be the truth of the previous life.

Qin Yi coughed twice and began to tell the story: "In the ancient times, there was a Taiqing monk who wanted to be an emperor."

Li Wuxian's eyes sharpened immediately.

Sure enough, this Master was fantasizing himself, and what he said was still related to his past life memories.

Qin Yi Tucao is more ruthless than the tassels, after all, the more ruthless it will stimulate Yaoguang, right: "The one who wants to be a God Emperor, looks old and ugly, never takes a bath, has body odor and bad breath, and has a crooked face. tooth……"

At the moment, the tassel is secretly perceiving with the mind, and he rolls on the bed with a smile, and feels so happy.

Li Wuxian's expression became very dangerous ... It was clearly his own thinking and cognition, but somehow, there was a anger in his heart, and he almost wanted to bite Master to death.

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