Asking for Immortality in Another World

Chapter 280 Time Waits for No One

Zhongzhou is much larger than Meteorite Lake.

Moreover, it is completely different from the Lake and Sea Cultivation World like Meteor Lake. The entire Zhongzhou is almost all rolling land, with only a few lakes and streams.

The area of ​​Zhongzhou is very large, both in length and width, it is more than three million miles away! !

In terms of area, it dwarfs the entire Shangqing Domain.

Among the six states in the Immortal Cultivation World of the Shangqing Region, no state is comparable in area to Zhongzhou, and the largest one is only two-thirds of the area of ​​Zhongzhou.

And most of them are rotten and wasteland.

It doesn’t matter if the area is large!

The key is that the resources, spiritual veins, etc. of the Zhongzhou Cultivation World are directly proportional to its area, completely crushing the other five states of the Cultivation World outside of Zhongzhou! !

The five states combined may not be able to match Shangzhongzhou's outstanding people, abundant resources and abundant people. Zhongzhou is truly worthy of being the sect of Huashen Sect Shangqing Sect thousands of years ago.

It is worthy of being the place where a spiritual king can be born! !

The former Huashen Sect, the Shangqing Sect, was split into two thousands of years ago. They are now the two overlords of Zhongzhou, and even the entire Shangqing Domain.

Qingpingmen, and Shangxuanzong.

For thousands of years, it can be said that only Zhongzhou has been the largest and most prosperous stage in the Shangqing Domain.

Seriously, the world has been suffering in Zhongzhou for a long time! !

To be more precise, it is Ku Qing Ping Sect and Shang Xuan Sect. After all, on the surface, everyone is also a Yuanying Sect.

Why are these two sects always on top of everyone? !

They have to have a hand in everything big and small. Even if they pass by a car collecting night fragrance, these two sects have to taste it first! !

If Zhongzhou didn't have the strength to crush the world, it wouldn't be able to accommodate these two overlord sects.

At the same time, Gu Changsheng might not choose to come here.

These are all related things! !

He actually didn't care about the love-hate relationship between the two major sects in Zhongzhou and other states in the Shangqing Region. A fight should have started long ago. It was impossible that the entire Shangqing Region would fall into disgrace just as soon as he arrived. Is it a mess? !

He is not a god of death or disaster.

Wherever you go, you die! !

Thousands of years ago, the Zhongzhou of the Shangqing Domain could still create gods again, and they also had fifth-level spiritual veins. Thousands of years later, the entire four extreme southern regions may not be able to find another fifth-level spiritual vein. , the world has not heard of a spiritual king coming out for countless years.

And isn't this the result of the regression of the overall aura of the Heavenly Spirit Realm?

Maybe one day even the fourth-order spiritual veins will not appear again in the world of immortality! !

And then, it will be the real "Dharma Ending Era".

Time waits for me.

When I think about the era of weak spirits that will appear in the Celestial Spirit World in the future, even an immortal like Gu Changsheng can't help but feel like a normal cultivator when he seeks immortality.

The overall aura of the Heavenly Spirit World has been declining.

This is something that many people know. Generally, people who have reached Jindan will know something about it, but most people don't care too much about it.

Even if someone cares, they are helpless in the face of the future.

And it is unlikely that anyone in the entire world can survive to the age of weak spirits in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

Nascent Soul, Transformation God... can still transform in the face of time!

But Gu Changsheng is different! !

He could really survive, so since he knew that the Heavenly Spirit Realm was slowly entering the age of weak spirits, he silently buried the news deep in his heart.

It's likely that this news has kept him busy over the years.

Even busier than a dog.

After all, dogs all sleep, but he doesn't.

It's not like before Jindan, who was talking about fishing and cultivating immortality! !

Because normal immortal cultivators have limited lifespan, the biggest problem they can face may always be that their own lifespan is running out.

And it can make the immortal species always think about it.

There is only this change of time and years! !

The unknown is the scariest thing in the world.

If he cannot leave the Heavenly Spirit World and cultivate immortality before the age of spiritual weakness in the Heavenly Spirit Realm arrives, then he may be trapped in this age of spiritual weakness for tens of thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years! !

How scary it is to think about it.

He is only one thousand three hundred and thirteen years old now.

In comparison, he is still a child! !

In the world of immortality, someone once said that after cultivating to the realm of spiritual transformation, you can leave the heavenly spirit world and go to those worlds of immortality outside the heavenly spirit world! !

The reason why the Heavenly Spirit Realm no longer hears about the cultivators who transform themselves into gods.

It's because all these deities transformed from the Heavenly Spirit Realm have already left and gone to other prosperous immortal cultivation realms! !

The world does not know what is true or false.

But now, it is true that I have not heard of Lingjun for many years.

In this era where gods cannot be transformed, Yuanying has become the true ruler of the world of immortality! !

At least this is the case in the four extreme southern regions! !

As for, in other places in the Tianling Realm, there may be great cultivators who can transform into gods, or perhaps, in other areas of the Tianling Realm, the gods can no longer appear in the world.

Maybe, in the future, even Nascent Soul is unlikely to appear again. Just like the current immortal cultivators, Jin Dan is the ruler of the immortal world? !

Even more so, in the rumored era of spiritual weakness.

Qi training ancestor!

Even if you build a foundation, you can dominate the world.

Golden elixir, those are legendary existences! !

The Age of Weak Spirits is also known as the Age of Absolute Spirits, the Age of the End of the Law...

In the human world below the spiritual world, it is possible that all the spiritual energy between heaven and earth will be extinct. The cultivators and the world of cultivation will completely cease to exist in the Age of the End of the Law!!

But in the spiritual world to which the Heavenly Spirit World belongs, the spiritual energy cannot be completely extinct, unless all the spiritual energy in the entire spiritual world disappears together, so it is called the Age of Weak Spirits, which generally lasts for more than ten thousand years.

After the spiritual weakness, it is the time when the spiritual energy recovers, also called the spiritual energy recovery, the Age of Prosperity!!

If Gu Changsheng cannot transcend the Heavenly Spirit World before this, he may be trapped in the Age of Weak Spirits for ten thousand years, or even tens of thousands of years.

And this is not what he wants.

So, he often has a feeling that time is not waiting for me.

This is the real time is not waiting for me!!

It is unknown when the Age of Weak Spirits in the Heavenly Spirit World will come.

But, it is necessary to cultivate to the state of transformation as soon as possible before this and leave the Heavenly Spirit World!

He is now a Golden Elixir Great Perfection, and his primary goal is to condense the Nascent Soul.

Perhaps, time is a little tight, but he will not rush and joke with his life! !

He must increase the success rate to the highest level!

Even if he cannot leave the Heavenly Spirit Realm, he cannot risk his life! !

And, remember, gamblers will lose! !

As long as he does not gamble on this probability, he will not lose.

Once a cultivator of the Gou Dao, he will be a cultivator of the Gou Dao for all his lives.

A big dream in heaven, several spring and autumns on earth.

In the famous Shangxuan Immortal City in Shangqing Domain, there is a Danqi Pavilion that has been open for countless years. Anyway, in the memory of many people in the Immortal City, this attic selling elixirs and magic tools has always stood in the Immortal City.

In this Danqi shop, not to mention the third-level upper, middle and lower-grade elixirs that can improve the magic power of the Golden Elixir cultivators, this shop has sold more than one or two of the famous Foundation Building Pills! !

Moreover, if a cultivator has precious spiritual objects, he can also take them to this Danqi Pavilion to sell or exchange them, and the price is often very high! !

The owner of a Danqi Pavilion is a Jindan Great Monk.

Moreover, he is proficient in alchemy and refining, two of the four arts of cultivating immortals, and his attainments in both are very high, reaching the realm of a master! !

It is said that even Qingping Sect and Shangxuan Sect have invited Master Jiang to join their sects one after another, but unfortunately, all of them were politely rejected by Master Jiang.

I don’t know how many people secretly said it was a pity after hearing it! !

This is just like someone in Gu Changsheng’s previous life received recruitment from two famous schools at the same time, but rejected them all. Who wouldn’t say it was a pity when seeing it? !

That’s right, the so-called Master Jiang is Gu, and the vest he is wearing now is Jiang Taixu! !

There is a Danqi Pavilion... This name is inseparable from him.

Who would give such a name to a normal person? !

Can he be a normal person with such a name! ?

The two words "home" have almost become a chain for him. He has opened it from the mortal world all the way to the world of immortal cultivation. After 1,300 to 400 years, he still exists in this world, but in a different place.

At the door of the Danqi Loft.

Gu Changsheng was sitting on the second floor of the loft.

He watched a customer in the shop below walk out of his shop with a smile on his face. In his eyes, there was no ripple. He saw such scenes almost every day. He didn't know how many years he had seen it! !

He took a sip of the precious spiritual tea in front of him.

The tea was golden. Drinking it in one gulp was like swallowing the light of the sun in the sky.

After swallowing the tea in the cup, he closed his eyes slightly.

The name of this tea is Sunlight Spirit Tea! !

It is a very rare spiritual object that can enhance the spiritual consciousness of immortal cultivators.


Not long after swallowing it, Gu Changsheng opened his eyes again.

He felt the changes in his spiritual consciousness and shook his head slightly.

His spiritual consciousness had advanced to the range of sixteen miles many years ago, and now, it is still sixteen miles, but it has only increased by more than a hundred meters! !

His current time river is the 3.8 version.

Instead of, 3.9! !

He has been stuck in the 3.9 version of the time river for many years.

I still remember that in the past few years, when his spiritual consciousness broke through fifteen miles and entered the range of sixteen miles, he was ecstatic, but after so many years, it has only improved by more than a hundred meters. It’s difficult, it’s too difficult! !

Corresponding to his spiritual consciousness, his sword intent has not reached perfection in these years.

Gu Changsheng feels that his sword intent is gradually becoming complete, but it is still a long way from completeness! !

Even if his sword talent may not be good, mediocre, ordinary, just an ordinary person’s talent, but is it so difficult to reach the complete state of half-step sword intent? !

Is this something that people can improve! ?

Is this reasonable? ! !

This is definitely very unreasonable! !

If it is so difficult to go from half-step sword intent to full sword intent, how could anyone in this world be able to directly comprehend full sword intent? !

Gu knows that there are many geniuses in the world, but the gap between people can't be so big, right? !

He doesn't believe it.

From comprehending half-step sword intent to now.

After so many years, Gu Changsheng can be sure that his half-step sword intent is related to time! !

This may be because of his immortality.

So, when he suddenly realized it, he realized something like this.

Even if a normal person can realize the half-step sword intent similar to his, it is impossible for this sword intent to become truly perfect and transform into a complete sword intent.

Because this can kill people alive! !

If you don’t continue to break through the realm, even if you can realize it, you will always be stuck at the half-step and will never see the time when it is truly complete.

This may have advantages and disadvantages.

But what Gu Changsheng lacks the least is time.

He wants to see who can outlast the other!

In this world, no one, no one can live longer than him! !

No one can understand longevity better than him, because, my name is Changsheng.

. .

Drink up a whole pot of spiritual tea.

He didn’t even waste the tea leaves in the pot.

He chewed and swallowed them all into his stomach.

Don’t underestimate these few pieces of sunlight spiritual tea, this thing is not cheap for him! !

Six thousand years of sunlight spiritual tea tree.

It is a tea tree planted in the Shangqing Sect era of Huashen Sect.

It is said that it was planted by Lingjun himself.

But Gu Changsheng felt that this thing was a means for Qingping Sect to raise the price. After all, Huashen planted it six thousand years ago, which sounds very cool. It is normal to sell it at a high price? !

And he is the one who was cut!

After the spiritual consciousness exceeds fifteen miles, many spiritual objects can no longer improve the spiritual consciousness. It is really extraordinary that the sunlight spiritual tea can continue to improve his spiritual consciousness! !

Unfortunately, this thing does not belong to him.

If it belongs to him, he will not be troubled by the growth of spiritual consciousness.

What a pity, what a pity.

Unless he can beat Qingping Sect, one of the two overlords of Shangqing Domain, but if he can beat Qingping Sect, this thing will be useless to him!

A pot of spiritual tea is finished.

He swallowed all the Sunlight Spirit Tea leaves, which had been used to make countless pots of tea, like a cow chewing a peony. Gu Changsheng's eyes were calm and peaceful, like a deep spring. At this moment, he made a certain decision in his heart! !

He had been in Zhongzhou for almost eighty years.

If he missed the opportunity again this time, he would have to wait for an unknown amount of time.

If he wanted to go to the avenue without taking risks, he would have to do it.

The entrance to the "Xuanqing Secret Realm" which only appears once in a thousand years will be opened again in about ten years.

At that time, with the Xuanqing Order, he could enter this secret realm.

Xuanqing Secret Realm has nothing to do with Shangxuan Sect and Qingping Sect, although they do look very similar in name alone! !

Even Shangqing Sect thousands of years ago had nothing to do with this Xuanqing Secret Realm!

The history of Xuanqing Secret Realm can even be traced back to the last era of the Xiuxian World! !

The current name of the secret realm was changed only after the Shangqing Sect of the Huashen Sect unified the Shangqing Domain. In the past, it was not actually called this name in the world of immortal cultivation.

The Xuanqing Secret Realm is opened once every thousand years.

With the secret realm token, you can enter the secret realm when it is opened.

But it only lasts for about a month.

There are a lot of resources in the Xuanqing Secret Realm!

There are even spiritual objects that can help cultivators condense their Nascent Souls! !

And this is Gu Changsheng's purpose.

At the age of 1,393, he went to the secret realm for the first time and was afraid of the robbery...

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