Assassin’s Adventure

Chapter 117: Duncan

The second pirate who was taken off his hood was a young man with a familiar red hair, which made Gordon directly grab the stone fence, and then looked at Harry beside him with shocked eyes.

"It's Duncan..."

Harry also recognized the man on trial and whispered.

Life or destiny is always unclear. The three of them never thought that this meeting would turn out to be such a situation.

"Absolutely impossible, how could Duncan become a pirate!"

Gordon stared at the man below, they had been together for twelve years, and every habit or action made him instantly lock on the man below, which was Duncan.

At this time, the guard continued to read out the charges.

"Duncan, you are charged with piracy, robbery, murder, smuggling, theft..."

Duncan just stared at the many people in the court in front of him, a little indifferent, no one could understand what he said, no, it should be said that no one wanted to listen to what he said, he could only speak in a voice that he could hear.

"I am innocent, I did not kill, I am not a pirate!"

Then he roared loudly: "I am not a pirate!"

His roar began to attract everyone's attention, and the judge tapped the small hammer to signal the audience to be quiet.

"Does anyone understand what he shouted?"

The chief judge frowned and asked the other two judges beside him.

"Sir, he said he was not a pirate."

A judge reminded in a low voice.

The presiding judge picked up the materials in front of him, and then read aloud: "Duncan, the chef of the pirate ship Fulin, was shot down into the water by the impact of the cannon during the battle with the Navy Merlin. Do you think you are not a pirate?"

"I'm not a pirate. Our ship was destroyed by the Fallinn. I was picked up from the water by them. I have never plundered or shared any spoils."

"What is he saying?"

"Sir, he said he didn't raid, he was a lost sailor."

"Who can prove it?"

The judge translated to Duncan in English: "Who can prove what you said?"

"I can prove it!"

At this time when everyone was silent, Gordon shouted.

Gordon finally understood the trial that transcended language, and shouted.

"We were on a ship, and we were attacked by the Fallinn and fell into the sea."

Duncan also heard this familiar voice, looked up and saw Gordon, whose image had changed drastically, and Harry beside him.

"Hang him!"

"Yes, he is a pirate, hang him!"

The ordinary people onlookers didn't buy it. They still shouted loudly to hang this person.

The judge looked at the excited crowd, and then smashed his hammer again: "Silence."

"Call witnesses come forward!"

The two soldiers walked up to the second floor, and the people around consciously pushed them away, and then Gordon followed them down.

"Witness, you said that you were on the same ship with him and were attacked by the pirates of the Fallinn. Is this true?"

asked the English-speaking judge.

"I swear, this is true!"

Gordon replied loudly, to be honest, of course, he was very confident.

"Pirate Duncan, according to the confession of the pirates who were captured together, you are the cook of the Fallinn. Is this true?"

Duncan nodded: "I just want to survive..."

"You only have to answer whether this is true," the judge emphasized.

"It's true," Duncan replied through gritted teeth.

After obtaining this information, the judge on the side began to report the result to the presiding judge. The jury's opinion is then finally asked.

"What do you think about this?"

"The crime of piracy is true, and according to the laws of the Empire, it should be hanged!"

The people on the jury showed no mercy, and they never showed mercy to pirates.

"Yes, hang him!"

This result is what all the people hoped, and some people even shouted: "Since you are forced, why not directly poison that ship of pirates!"

This kind of mindless question even attracted a burst of cheers and applause.

The three judges discussed for a long time, and finally sentenced: "Gordon, according to the confession, served three months on the pirate ship Forlinn, did not take any measures of resistance, was convicted of piracy, did not participate in looting and distribution of spoils, homicide and The crime of robbery was not convicted, and in the end, according to the laws of the empire, he was sentenced to be deprived of political rights and sentenced to hang!"


The gavel fell, convicting Duncan.

"Damn it, how could it be sentenced like this!"

Gordon roared loudly, but this sound was completely drowned out by the cheers of the crowd, and two soldiers dragged Duncan from the trial seat and prepared to be put back in prison, maybe tomorrow, maybe a little longer, hanging on on the gallows.

Duncan, who was dragged away, looked at Gordon and Harry with a smile, and looked very calm. Before again, he had foreseen his own result, so this smile was sincerely happy, because he could see the two before he died. Brother side.

"Don't watch me hang Evan, and Harry, that must be too ugly, haha."

Gordon's face was sullen. He could finally understand why these people were chasing the trial of pirates, because their noise could eventually change the outcome of the trial. This was originally a crime of assisting pirates at best, and was sentenced to imprisonment. But the living was changed to hanging, because what they wanted to see was someone being hanged, not justice!

Gordon ignored the subsequent trial, and quickly squeezed out of the courthouse with Harry, watching Duncan being taken into a heavy iron carriage and heading for the prison not far away.

"We got him, Gordon, he didn't do anything wrong at all, why was he hanged?"

"I know, of course I know Harry, we have to follow this convoy, find the location of the prison, and rescue him, we can't let him die here."

After witnessing the verdict of this era with his own eyes, he realized that, as Jack said, sometimes justice is just a piece of paper. He didn't know how many of these people were real pirates, and how many were wronged, but He had to get out of Duncan, the brother who had saved his life.

In this evening, about thirty pirates were tried here. A carriage loaded with four pirates on trial and headed for the prison. The two of them also followed the convoy and finally found the location of the prison. .

A huge stone fortress is specially used to detain these prisoners. If the prisoners of this era are sentenced to be deprived of their civil rights, they are no different from slaves. Good guards were killed in prison.

Gordon and Harry were just like wandering businessmen, wandering around the fortress, wanting to see how the soldiers were being deployed and where there was a chance to rescue people.

"Gentlemen, this is a restricted area, and you are not allowed to approach it any more."

Two soldiers stopped the two men and ordered.

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